If your work is what you love, then you love your life… And you never stop working.

As a film/tv and theater actress in New York City you can find me in everything from character-driven independent features to comedic ‘funny or die’ shorts. When I’m not acting, I’m writing and producing my own webseries. And when I’m not doing that, I’m practicing yoga, dancing and of course, sampling vegan cupcakes.

That’s right, cupcakes. As creator of GoSweetandSkinny.com, I’m dedicated to demystifying low fat and vegan living. I’m here to prove that taking care of your body and making healthy choices can be easy and you don’t have to give up the foods you love!

My all-time crush is Audrey Hepburn, the embodiment of classic femininity. Her example inspired women to their highest aspirations. I’ve committed my career to honoring her example, and to empowering the women of my generation to a life of class and integrity.

Life is a lot like baking cupcakes, sometimes it’s a big, sticky mess and it sure gets hot with the oven always on but when you combine the right ingredients and mix it all up with love, it always ends up sweet and skinny.


Let’s also get this straight, when I use SKINNY on this site, I do not mean anorexic, unhealthy, dangerous skinny. I playfully refer to SKINNY as in the way you will feel when you are eating right, exercising right and at a comfortable weight for your body. I personally do not have a HUGE amount of weight to lose. That is not to say that you can’t use the tips, tricks, and advice from the site if you do have a good amount of weight to lose. This is meant to be useful for everyone and if I think something would work more or less depending on your current size I will state that specifically on a case by case basis. I am open and welcome to any questions or comments you may have, so don’t be shy!

Of course, before you start any diet or fitness routine you should ask your doctor to make sure it’s right for you.