
That’s right, it’s Monday! Monday has quickly become one of my favorite days of the week because I love writing these Monday motivation posts. I hope they get your week off to an inspiring and productive start the way they do to mine. This kick ass quote comes to you from Babe Ruth and I love it because (like many of the quotes I pick) you can apply it to your diet or healthy living choices but you can also apply it to ANY area of your life that you are frustrated with right now!

It IS hard hard to beat someone that won’t give up! In fact, it’s near impossible. SO what’s that area of your life your struggling to win in? Is it diet and fitness? Do you feel that every diet you try and fail is just another reason you’ll never be the size you want? Well trust me I know how discouraging life can be. I’m a professional actress, I got on audition after audition week after week without sometimes booking anything! It stings but you have got to focus on your end goal, whether that be a size 4, a successful marriage or a dream job because at the end of the day that’s what keeps you in the game! And the longer you stay in the game the easier it will be to win! It’s a great idea today while your killing sometime at work to take a post it note and write yourself a little reminder, maybe it’s this quote or maybe it’s just a sentence or two about why achieving your goal is so important to you. I find when trying to eat healthier and make better choices it’s easiest when you constantly remind yourself why it is so important to you. A reason that really resonates with you like “to be a good example for my kids” or “to love what I look like naked”. Whatever gets your blood flowing and engages you on the path toward success. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so cut yourself some slack and know that everyday you keep on striving and pushing for your goals is a victory. “It is very hard to beat someone that never gives up”.

Happy Monday!!








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