In the book I just finished reading “#Girlboss”, Sophia Amuroso says,”Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up.”

First of all, I highly recommend “#Girlboss”, if you can’t tell, I absolutely loved it. Second of all, Sophia is a thousand percent right and I could not agree with her more. FORTUNE FAVORS ACTION. The only way to get out of your own way is by taking action. You may be saying but I don’t even know what kind of action take, I can’t even bring myself to begin. Well there is an action for that as well. The best thing you can do for yourself is start moving yourself forward and here are three of the biggest ways to get into action by taking very small steps..

1. Make ONE small tweak. Getting into action doesn’t have to be a massive ordeal. It can be as simple as waking up an extra 15 minutes earlier to meditate in the morning or making a conscious effort to eat green veggies twice a day. Just find one small thing and promise yourself to get into action with it and watch how that naturally will help you build momentum to go even farther.

2. Get CLEAR on what you want. Write down on a piece of paper or journal it out and get really clear about what you desire, whether it’s personal, business or health oriented. You will be instantly better at taking actions in line with your goals when you are crystal clear about what your goals are. I find it helpful to keep that piece of paper or note in my wallet or next to my bed so that I’m constantly reminded of it.

3. Ask for HELP. Whether it’s a professional like me who can help you through health coaching or business advice or it’s just a trusty friend or family member, sometimes when we’re blocked we just need an outside perspective to help us along in the right direction. A lot of my clients hire me solely to help keep them accountable, in action and on the path to their goals. I also am a big advocate for “accountability partners”, if you can find a friend or family member who you can check in with regularly and make sure each other is on track they can be worth their weight in gold. It’s important to understand that asking for help, whether it’s just a silent prayer to the universe, in the form of typing in Google’s search box or sending an email to set up an appointment, is a crucial but small step to getting out of your own way.

I hope that helps you start taking action this week! If you need help busting through those blocks or finding what actions you need to take feel free to email me at to set up a breakthrough session and get yourself in to action. If you have success with these tools and are able to get out of your own way with it, I ‘d love to hear! Feel free to write about  your experience in the comments below or post it on the facebook page and I’ll be sure to respond!