I saw this quote by Danielle Laporte a few days ago and it simply stopped me in my tracks. The past few days have been all about getting CLEAR about what I want, saying good bye to apartments and habits that are no longer serving me and welcoming in new beginnings (and better apartments) that are inline with how I want to feel.

It all started on Saturday, the night of the new moon. I have never really followed moon cycles but it’s something that has been coming up a lot for me this year through my kundalini yoga practice and I’ve found it very interesting and compelling. So over the weekend I took at two-hour new moon healing circle kundalini yoga workshop. I had no idea what exactly that would entail but it sounded exciting enough to get me to the studio. Among other things, I learned at the workshop how important it is to set intentions for the year ahead in the new moon period, it’s still going on till the full moon on August 9th – so you can still get in on this! My teacher also said we could set specific intentions to manifest by the full moon  – woo hoo – you bet I set some killer things into manifestation.  This moon cycle is all about planting seeds to blossom over the next year. It’s a great time to start a job,  embark on a new relationship and move into a new apartment!!

In case you haven’t heard via instagram, I JUST moved into a new apartment on Monday and spent all of yesterday unpacking my life from boxes. I couldn’t have been happier to move during the new moon, although to say I planned it that way would be a total lie. I recently had one of my clients make a big move as well and we did some basic “new beginning” rituals, intention setting for the fresh start and a leaving behind of things that no longer serve her in the old home.  So I decided to do the same for myself and it’s been a really rewarding experience. This past Saturday night after yoga I had a girlfriend over and we stayed up late, meditated on the roof and journaled about what we we’re manifesting in the new moon. I also took sometime to write down something I was leaving behind for my fresh start and ready to give up for this next chapter.

A lot of people have manifesting or intention setting a little confused. It’s easy to get caught up in “manifesting a new car” or  “manifesting a large sum of money” but the key to manifesting is the FEELING. Yes, it’s totally fine to get specific about what exactly you want, get as clear as you want but then let it go, and focus on the feeling. What is the feeling you’ll get from the car or that money? Now, think about things you can do right NOW to start generating that feeling. That’s YOUR power. You want to attract something right now? Start FEELING like you already have it.

My core desired feeling right now is FREEDOM. Glorious, expansive, abundant FREEDOM in every single area of my life. I’m demanding freedom in my business, in my home, in my relationships and in my mind and body. I’m open to that showing up in whatever way the universe sees fit but just from getting clear about how I want to feel, I’ve had a couple ideas already come to me about how to infuse more freedom in to my life. See, this manifesting thing, it’s not always about someone you don’t know sending you a check for a thousand dollars, sometimes it’s about welcoming the divine inspiration to get into action about ideas that will help you bring them into your life.

Take some time today to write  a little about what you want to bring into your life. Think about how you want to feel, get really clear on what that life looks and feels like and then think about some things you can start doing right now that will make you feel that way right now. Make whatever those things are part of your daily ritual. It can be something as small as wearing a certain piece of jewelry that makes you feel abundant, disconnecting from the internet while you write because it makes you feel free, drinking a green juice every morning because it makes you feel energized, etc. Most importantly, KNOW that whatever you got clear on, that feeling you desire and the seeds you’ve planted, are on their way into your life.