We can literally BLOCK the flow of the things we desire to manifest in our life with our BUSYNESS. After Shanghai, I was literally drowning in busyness, I’m not proud of it but total transparency, my schedule was full with meetings I had put off till I returned, my inbox was packed from losing power of my laptop for over a week and my home was full of packages that came while I was away and my half unpacked suitcases. I felt drained – can you guess why?! I gave myself LOTS of self care, bubble baths, over eight hours of sleep and pumped myself with good for you food, but I still had some space to clear for things to get flowing again. Slowly, I got a lot of that cleared away, finished with old emails, put all my clothes away and took four days away at #wanderlustfestival to really just relax. I made S P A C E. I went to yoga class after yoga class, meditated, laid in the grass and spent some time just connecting with people around me. I came home and instead of jumping straight back to business, I cleaned my entire apt and threw out anything that didn’t feel good. I went to bed early, I took a bath and bought a bunch of delicious, organic, good for me groceries to stock my kitchen. Between this weekend and today, I’ve had over five amazing things manifest that I can’t wait to be able to tell you about and I know that it was because I finally made the space! Long story short, if you want that opportunity, if you’re ready for more on your plate whether it’s your wellbeing, work, relationships or finances, you have to clear that space. You don’t have to go to yoga festival to get it, you can do it by cleaning your house, by saying no to events that clog up your schedule and by creating time when you can just have fun and relax. When we make space in our lives we allow the things we desire to flow towards us. But don’t take it from me, try it yourself. Where can you give yourself more space? Xo, C ✨#LightMaker