
Feeling stressed, drained and just, well, not taken care of!? Well honey, I have some good and bad news, the BAD is that it’s your own fault, and the GOOD is that since it’s your own fault, YOU CAN TOTALLY CHANGE IT! Whether it’s our friendships, our work relationships or our significant other, all too often we let ourselves take the backseat to outside priorities. Of course, we think we’re doing the right thing when we’re putting others before us but we don’t realize that not only are we cheating ourselves out of some quality, much needed “me” time, but we are cheating them out of getting to hang with our best, most AMAZING self!

Too often I have heard the story, “I don’t have time to go to the gym because after I come home from work I just want to hang out with my boyfriend” and on and on insert your own excuse having to do with too much work, too many social obligations or your romantic partner. I have definitely been guilty of the same! Especially when you’re in a relationship, you get in to a routine, your schedules are crazy enough, you feel guilty stealing time away to go to the gym or to cook yourself a healthy meal, or even to meditate. When work gets crazy, yoga class seems to fall by the waste side and we give in to carb loaded, sugary treats to deal with the stress. Even friends can stand in between our own self-care if they’re insisting on you going out every night and skimping on sleep to indulge in alcohol and late night snacks.

Well first off, FORGIVE YOURSELF! That’s right, take a deep breath and let it go. It’s over, it’s the past, you are not doing that anymore! From this day forward YOU are putting YOU first and let me tell you why that will be the best decision you ever made in your life..

When we put our foot down and say “HEY! I have to take care of ME right now!” not only will people around you listen but gosh darn it, they might even respect you more. Crazy, huh? A funny thing happens when you start making yourself a priority, people are attracted you, they actually want to be around you MORE. Why? Isn’t it selfish not to put the needs of your company, significant other or friends first? NOPE. Obviously, I am not telling you to be an insensitive jerk right now, so don’t go cold hearted on me but within reason you need to make taking care of yourself a priority.

By putting your self-care first, you are going to be an even better employee, partner or friend! When you are HAPPY, stress free and healthy, you are in ideal form to be your most wonderful you for all the people you care about in your life. Honestly, even if your boyfriend or boss give you a little trouble at first when you carve out that gym time, spend a little extra time preparing a healthy meal, or sneak off to meditate for a couple minutes, let them. It’s only a matter of time till they realize how much that time really helps create a more optimized YOU! The best thing you can do for everyone in your life is to be happy and healthy. SERIOUSLY. When you are happy and healthy you do everything in your life with more ease, you’re more enjoyable to be around, you’re more stimulating to work with and boy, oh boy, will you be more attractive to your man. Oh wait, did I mention that YOU’LL BE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER?! You get a pretty big bonus out of this added “me” time as well and there is nothing to feel guilty about there!

So take a moment, reflect on your schedule right now and ask yourself if you’re dedicating enough time to YOU. Where are you compromising to appease someone else in your life? I challenge you to take back some of that time RIGHT NOW. Literally, schedule in some “ME” time. You can start small if you’re a little nervous about it and increase steadily each week. Trust me, you will want to because you’re going to love what an amazing effect this has on your life! Pick something you would like to do for you, maybe a yoga class or some group work out, maybe gym time, maybe just taking the extra time to make yourself a healthy dinner every night. Whatever it is, commit to it and tell the people you care about in your life that it’s important to you and you will be unavailable during that time each week or day. Rest assured, they will understand, even if it takes a little time for some of them. You are important! Your body, your health and your happiness is absolutely paramount to leading an extraordinary life and you deserve the “ME” time it takes to maintain it!

Feel free to comment below and let me know what you are committing to do for your ME time this week! 🙂