Ah, last night’s Dead Sea salt and lavender bath was divine after an intense yoga workshop in the afternoon. It was interesting to reflect on how different my weekends have been since my early twenties. Just a few years ago my weekends were full of dinner, drinks and then a hungover brunch & repeat, a good weekend meant little to no alone time for me. I’d lay in bed Sunday night feeling totally drained yet my FOMO would prevent me from ever saying no to plans the next weekend. I was so caught up in my ego and what I thought I should be doing instead of what I actually wanted. It wasn’t until I started on my spiritual journey that I was able to release the “fear of missing out” – now I know that I’ll be guided to the events I need to be at and people I need to see. Doesn’t mean I don’t go to dinners or brunch on the weekend ever but it does mean I choose what feels expansive. I know how alone time is divine and truly deeply rejuvenating. I cherish my alone time these days and everything in my life (career, relationships, etc) has blossomed because I finally started scheduling ME into the calendar. Happy Sunday lightmakers, I hope you schedule some YOU time for today! Xo, C ✨#LightMaker