Hi there LightMaker,
We are living in WILD times, never before have even our grandparents experienced what we are moving through these days (the last pandemic of this degree was in 1918!). There’s a lot to grieve right now and it’s easy to get caught up with fear, anxiety and overwhelm but I know you’ve stumbled upon this page for a reason. You’ve been hearing the call of these times.You were hearing the call even before things got so crazy.
Except now, you are unwilling to ignore it. We have all been cracked open, your divine guidance has gone from whispers to screams. It’s time to rise up. The world needs your medicine. You have been called here for a reason, both to this web page and to this planet. Your soul came here to be here during this auspicious time in history. You have great work to do in this work. You are part of the shift of the planet. Your light is ready to shine. You are ready to go bigger and shine brighter than ever before.

That’s why I’ve decided to reopen up my Spread Your Light Online Business Course while we are all in quarantine, working from home and ready to buckle down to get off the ground running. The Spread Your Light course is the ultimate start your business with an rocket boost formula. I take you through my “practical magic” approach to both earthly strategy and action plus energetic alignment and magical magnetism.
In the Spread Your Light Course, I walk you through:
- guided meditations to clarify who you are here to serve and what you are here to offer
- my biz roadmap (and how to create your own!) the same one the took me from month to month just getting by as a coach to making over 6 figures
- how to grow an audience (on all platforms but I especially deep dive into instagram) in an authentic, organic way where you have tons of followers who are your ideal client
- what to price your offerings so that you attract customers and ALSO feel really good about the energetic exchange you are receiving
- how to work with brands – I’ll tell you how I’ve negotiated with brands, pitched brands I love for paid collabs, and had brands sponsor events/meditations
- send pitch emails – whether it’s asking someone to be on your podcast (or you on theirs), promoting your book or pitching a TV network a segment – I’ll tell you what to say and what to stay away from
- and of course, how to go about your first launch! Regardless, of what you are launching, it can be nerve racking but I got you covered with all my tips and tricks for a successful and SANE launch!
- You name it, I probably cover it in the 13 jam packed with wisdom modules. I’ve had past students tell me that they learned more in Spread Your Light than they did in their business major in college!

AS SPECIAL BONUS — Because I believe business and money go hand in hand — I’m throwing in my “Earn with Intention: Financial Abundance Course” ($297 value) This course takes you through the exact process that I used to take me from surviving month to month financially to making over 6 figures. I walk you through both the practical, strategic actions as well as different ways I’ve released my energetic block and limiting beliefs around money and elevate my mindset and magnetism to attract more abundance.
I’m offering ALL OF THIS with a $1,000 discount right now (use code CORONA at check out) because I know deep down how these tools can transform your life. I know that you are ready to build your soul-centered business and you just need the guide to show you the way. I’ve laid out every single step I took to get me where I am for you so that you can do it FAST. You can utilize this time to truly honker down, build out your business and change the course of your life and your finances.
And honestly, I can’t freaking wait to watch you grow your businesses, your impact and your esteem exponentially during this time. I can’t wait to watch you SHINE. IT’S YOUR TIME!
( This comes out to $11/day — literally cheaper than a take away lunch to start your business!)

**The R.O.I. (return on investment) for this course is a no brainer. If you follow my lead, take action on all the steps and put yourself out there like I teach you in the course, you can EASILY make this money back PLUS MORE in your first year of business.**