Month: January 2012

It’s that time of year again, the holidays have passed and there’s no snow on the ground but you still can’t bear to peel yourself out of the covers when your alarm goes off because it just seems cruel to have to leave that warm cocoon and face the bitterly cold world. I know, it’s rough but somehow we still manage to get up and face the day, and what’s more important than a nice warm, hearty breakfast in the morning? Maybe showering, but barely.

Luckily some skinny goddess invented glorious oatmeal for us! Low fat, full of fiber – this stuff not only fills you up but lowers your cholesterol, could it get any better? Well maybe it could taste a little better. Here are some fun ideas to spruce up your oatmeal so that you can make it through the cold front a little easier this winter.

Strawberries and Cream – add 1/4 cup of non fat greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of agave and 1/4 cup (or as many as your heart desires) of fresh cut strawberries (you can also try this with blueberries)

Chai – mix a pinch of ground cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and ginger into your oatmeal, add 1/4 cup of fat free soy or rice milk and garnish with some slivered almonds on top

Raspberries and Chocolate -(c’mon we all have THOSE days) add 2 tablespoons of vegan chocolate chips and a handful of fresh raspberries

Pumpkin Spice – add tablespoons of pumpkin butter and drizzle a bit of maple syrup over your oatmeal

Banana Cream Pie – chop up half of a banana, add 1/4 cup of non fat vanilla greek yogurt and drizzle a tablespoon of agave

As you can probably see, I’m much more inclined to sweet in my oatmeal but if your a savory kinda gal, feel free to get even more outrageous with your oats by adding turkey/veggie bacon and maple syrup for some hard core oatmeal or by sauteing some spinach and melting cheese and an egg on top for an oatmeal florentine. The possibilities are endless and I usually make my best creations when I’m just trying to use whatever I have left in the fridge!

My first post in 2012 and it’s already January 19th! Someone’s been a bad, bad girl, but that’s about to change.

I love resolutions, I make them all year round ( and post little reminder notes all over my room) but I especially love them on new years because it always feels like a clean slate. Whatever happened in 2011 is over and now I can decide who I want to be in 2012 and what I want my life to be like. This year, I’ve made some big personal ones, to finally get my own apartment with out roommates and to take a leap of faith when it comes to my career, to name just two. Only 19 days in and I can tell you it’s already been pretty exciting. Don’t you love that feeling when your completely overwhelmed and stressed but somehow you know it’s all going to be worth it? I’m pretty sure it’s one of my favorites.

Maybe I’ll touch back on my personal resolutions at a later date but for now I want to focus on my GoSweetandSkinny resolutions! First, I promise to post more frequently, this starts today! I’m aiming to be posting at least once a day, five days a week minimum. I want to keep updating the site so that you guys have a reason to come back and see what’s going on.

Secondly, I’ve decided to expand a bit. After some careful thought and reflection over the holidays, I’ve decided that I want GoSweetandSkinny to be about so much more than just baking. Yes, I love baking and yes, I love vegan baking even more but that’s not all my life’s about. In fact, that’s a very small part of my actual life. Don’t worry, there will still be more recipes to come and I’m not about to stop baking but now I’d like sweet and skinny to relate to every aspect of your life. I want this to be about having a sweet life and being skinny (staying fit) while doing it. Having your cake and eating it too, in all aspects of your life.

So look out for upcoming posts that will be more, well in Oprah’s words, about “having your best life”. I’m not putting any limits on what it could be but I want this to become a place where you can be inspired and find things you can take away for yourself. Which is why my next big undertaking is going to be a webseries for the site called “Sweet Talk” where I will interview successful, entrepreneurial woman while making their favorite baked goods. With so many wonderful women doing incredible things, I think it would be incredibly valuable to share there story, ask them what hurdles they faced and what advice they have to give us twenty-somethings still trying to find our way. I know, I’d sure like to know!

Lots of exciting things going on for GoSweetandSkinny in 2012, I’m thrilled to get started.



Have some ideas for future articles or ways to contribute? Want to share your new years resolutions with me? I’d love to hear! email me at