Month: September 2012

There is nothing I love more than a good homemade veggie burger, if you read my article on The Diner you know that I have a penchant for seeking out killer veggie burgers. So when I saw this recipe while flipping through the pages of fitness magazine, I knew I had to try it! Can you believe I had never even attempted to make my own homemade veggie burger before? Blasphemy! I know! Well this burger combines my beloved veggie burger with a splash of Mexican flair for a tastebud knock out. Eat up kiddies!

Black Bean Fiesta Burger
Makes four burgers

1 15 ounce can of black beans drained and rinsed
1/2 cup of finely crushed blue corn tortilla chips
1/3 cup salsa
1/2 cup of reduced fat grated cheddar
1 large egg lightly beaten
1 scallion finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
4 large hamburger buns (optional)
2 teaspoon vegetable oil
4 butter lettuce leaves (optional)

First, blend or mash your black beans till they’re a chunky puree. Now stir in your crushed chips, salsa, black pepper, cheddar, egg and scallions. Set the mixture aside for 10 minutes then shape into four patties. Next, place the patties on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour or overnight. When your ready to eat up your delicious creation simply put a teaspoon of oil in a large non stick skillet on your stove top. Cook each side till golden brown just like a regular burger and then remove from the heat. You can serve them however you like, on a toasted bun or whole wheat pita, I would probably just keep it on the butter lettuce and top with salsa and maybe a little more cheese if I was feeling naughty!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

I heard a very interesting story the other day about a woman who wanted to start exercising in the morning before work but was having a real hard time putting it into action. That was until someone told her to start taking small steps. “Wake up and put on your gym clothes and have coffee.” they suggested. Sounds a bit silly, eh? Well after a week of waking up, putting on her gym clothes and having coffee she started doing 10 mins of light stretching, the next week 15 mins of yoga and so on till she had a full on morning work out routine! Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are great rituals!

I hope this inspires you to wake up just a little bit earlier and rally yourself to take those baby steps to a rewarding commitment.  I know for me getting my body going in the morning starts my whole day off on the right foot! I tend to switch it up, depending on the day I’ll either do 30 mins on the elliptical and some free weights or a yoga dvd. Even on those days you hit snooze a little bit longer than you planned, there are some great 15 minute stretches and morning yoga sessions on youtube right at your fingertip! Here’s one below from yoga today that I did the other morning to get the juices flowing when I didn’t have the time for a full on workout.  I’ll keep posting different ones as I stumble upon them because it’s a great way to spice up your morning and turn a potential breakdown into a breakthrough. You have no idea how amazing you’ll feel even doing ten minutes of yoga on a morning you normally would have just hoped in the shower and made an excuse. When you move in the morning it sets a great tone for the rest of the day to be happier, healthier and a more take charge you! Try it for a week and I promise you’ll start looking forward to it. 🙂












Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)


Not that you have to wait till fall to enjoy this scrumptous soup but nothing makes me happier than a warm bowl of homemade soup on a brisk October day. However, when it comes to soups you can never be too careful, the canned stuff can come with an extra helping of sodium and preservatives, yuck! So here’s an awesome and quick recipe for a soul warming carrot ginger squash soup I found in Health magazine! It’s veggie and vegan friendly but mainly just a great healthy choice. You can also make a large batch and keep it in the fridge for a quick healthy afternoon snack .

Carrot Ginger Squash Soup

Saute 1/2 cup chopped onions, 1 tbsp fresh ginger and 1 clove minced garlic in 1 tsp olive oil for 3 minutes in medium pot. Add 1 1/2 cup low sodium vegetable broth, 1 cup frozen butternut squash cubes and 1 cup of carrot slices. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 minutes. With a hand blender, puree until smooth; if desired add broth for thinner texture. Season with salt and pepper to taste.










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Sorry all my vegan loves, this recipe is pretty fantastic but has way too many animal products to substitute them all. However, it is a great way to get all the health benefits of quinoa in a surprisingly decadent treat! These pancakes are definitely sweet and surely made for the skinny. Please enjoy and let me know if you can find a comparable vegan breakfast!


1/2 cup cooked quinoa
2 egg whites
1/4 cup of 1 percent milk ( or vanilla soy/coconut /almond milk)
1 tsp of brown sugar
1/4 tsp of vanilla
1/4 of a sliced banana

Whisk all of the above ingredients together in to one delicious batter. Place a sprayed skillet on your stove top and pour out the batter to make three pancakes. Flip em like you normally would till golden brown. Top it off with some more sliced bananas, a sprinkle of chopped walnuts and a drizzle of maple syrup! Mmmmm 🙂











Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)


Just the other day I had a lunch break while I was filming a movie down in TriBeCa and I stumbled upon this adorable little Cosmopolitan Cafe. It was the perfect quiet spot to enjoy a low key relaxing lunch. I was feeling a bit naughty and decided to indulge in some banana pancakes and scrambled eggs but their menu had some wonderful healthy options. Everything you could ask for with a bit of a home cooked spin. I’d highly recommend checking it out if your in the area for brunch with a friend or just a nice rejuvenating lunch alone! With my warm cup of green tea and my Diane Keaton autobiography that I’m reading – I couldn’t have asked for a more heavenly lunch hour!











Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

You know those mornings when you wake up just ravenous for some sweet carby treat?! It usually happens to me on the weekends or during that lovely time of the month. Well this is perhaps an unusual but totally satisfying breakfast idea for you to give a spin!

Sweet Potato with Almond Butter and Maple Syrup

Poke a medium sweet potato with a fork 3 times; microwave on high until cooked, 3 to 5 minutes. Cut the potato in half lengthwise and mash up the insides a bit. In a seperate bowl, mix 2 tbsp of almond butter and tsp maple syrup and drizzle it over the potato! There you have it, quick and easy and loaded with good for you foods!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)


I was on location this weekend for a film shoot and it just reminded me of the importance of B.Y.O.S. or bring your own snacks! Now I’m lucky enough to be able to make specific requests most of the time like vegetarian, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, etc., however, I still always try to remember to bring a “just incase” snack. You never know when they’ll have donuts and bagels for breakfast and your ravenous after a long night of sleep and will be tempted eat anything. Bringing snacks helps you stay on track without starving!

For this particular shoot the other actress and I brought fiber one bars, special K meal bars and mixed nuts. Not exactly a buffet but enough to tie us over if need be. Now normally I would recommend staying away from over processed bars but in this instance it’s much easier to have a few bars and a bag of nuts in your purse instead of dealing with perishables. So maybe you don’t have a film shoot coming up but it also comes in handy for road trips, camping trips or your office retreat, pretty much anywhere your at someone else’s mercy for food!

Nuts are a great go-to, just watch out for the salted or cinnamon sugared ones. Get plain nuts and don’t eat much more than a handful at a time. Nuts have lots of great fat in them and we really don’t need as many of them as we think to feel full. Just give your body a little time to digest and then go back for seconds if you still want. This particular nut mix is pistachios, almonds and cashews. Pistachios are a really top choice nut health wise and cashews have ‘happy’ nutrients in them that can be a sort of natural Prozac. They’re two of my favorites!

Fiber/protein bars can be a little trickier. Some are loaded with sugars and carbs so you’ll have to do a bit of label reading for these. I love the Special K meal bars because they have a lot of fiber and protein, plus they taste pretty good. They can fill you up and leave you satisfied for around 170 cals. Some of my other favorites include LARABARs which are vegan and made from fruits and nuts. My two go to flavors are lemon pie and cherry pie- they’re soo yummy! KIND bars are also great but I think of them as more of a snack or maybe a quick breakfast/lunch when there’s not too much time till the next meal. They have a great blueberry cashew and a naughty dark chocolate sea salt that can hit the spot. Don’t be afraid to spend a little time in the store aisle reading all the nutrition labels, it’ll help you find a great bar that’s good for you and can become your diet’s safety net!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)