Month: November 2012










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Motivational quotes are probably one of my favorite things in the world. I’m a total quote-a-holic, I have pages of them in my documents, they’re tacked all over my cork board and scribbled on my dry erase board. So I thought I’d share my little personal “fire starter” with you. Every monday morning I’m going to share another motivational quote to start your week off on the right foot! I hope it get’s you thinking and sets your mind in the right direction for having the best week yet.

This first one is particularly close to my heart, it’s been with me since high school and it’s probably the closet thing to my life motto. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” You are a blank slate and the beauty of that is that you can create whatever you’d like. We live in a world where people are inventing jobs that would have never been thought possible just a decade ago. We’re breaking barriers and reinventing ourselves and you can do this right now in your life. It can be as big as deciding you want to start your own business or as small as deciding you want to be a person who regularly goes to the gym. You decide what defines you, what kind of person you want to be. So what do YOU want to create this week?










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)