Month: August 2013

I kid you not when I say this yoga video will literally make you feel like you just had a massage and sleep like a baby! I know you all know how much I love trying out various youtube yoga videos from time to time and that’s exactly how I stumbled upon this gem. Now, I will be honest, it’s not much of a work out, it’s definitely more stretching. So, I wasn’t necessarily looking for it but I wanted a yoga routine that wouldn’t keep me from falling asleep afterwards because it was pretty late at night but I had to get SOMETHING in!  Light a candle, burn so incense and let this video just loosen up every muscle in your body. I’ve had a really crazy week of recipe testing and prepping for my upcoming trip to the west coast and I truly believe stumbling upon this gem on youtube was the universes’s way of giving me a little “self-care” present! So bookmark this page and keep it for that week when you’re dying for a spa treatment or massage and just don’t have the time or money. You will thank me! 😉


This post was inspired by one of my favorite people, Miss Gabby Bernstein. I was watching her lecture from Well +Good’s Summer of Miracles and someone stood up at the end and asked what to do about people in your life who don’t support your spiritual growth. Instantly I thought of Go Sweet and Skinny and how this same question is also pretty relevant to new healthy habits!

What do you do when your friends/family don’t support your new healthy, happy ways?!

Well, I know what your dealing with and boy, oh, boy, do I know that it’s not fun! You thinking running a happy, healthy living company would eliminate a lot of people who weren’t into that sort of thing from my life? Guess again. Whether it’s the health benefits of juicing or the importance of a plant based diet, I’ve experienced more than my fair share of naysayers.

The good news is that whether its your parents or spouse looking at you a little funny or your friends making there best attempts at squandering your health minded efforts, the answer is the same.

SHOW, DON’T TELL. (aka be the light house)

That’s right, the solution is to DO NOTHING. Don’t try to explain it to people who aren’t supporting you or genuinely curious. Just do your own thing and keep on your path to the happy, healthy life you are working towards! Why? Because nothing you say will work, but just wait till they start seeing how amazing your body looks, how your skin glows, they’ll want to know why you’re so happy and energized all the time. When they see the results of what your doing and how wonderful it has been for you, they will start asking and be listening with different ears. All of a sudden they will genuinely want to know what your doing. This might mean meeting certain friends for tea instead of dinner if they’ll be über critical of what you eat or simply just not offering up much of what your doing for your health to certain people. There’s no reason to make their negativity a part of your life, deep down you know you are doing something AMAZING for yourself and feeling better everyday.

So be the light house. Work on getting your fire burning bright and they will all come around in time. The best way to communicate our message is to LIVE IT everyday. Lead by example my lovely peeps!


My amazing friend Katelyn whipped up this delicious breakfast for me this morning and I loved it so much I had to share! Quinoa can be a wonderful oat alternative for breakfast. Since it’s a perfect protein you get all the fiber from oatmeal but the added bonus of protein as well! As we head into the fall and colder months, I have a feeling this might become a morning go-to for me.

1/4 cup quinoa
1/2 cup almond milk
1 banana
A handful of berries ( I use blueberries and raspberries for mine)
1 tbsp of coconut oil
1 tbsp of Chia seeds

Boil your almond milk in a saucepan with your quinoa constantly stirring. Add chopped up bananas and berries immediately as well as your chia seeds and coconut oil. This way everything is a nice hot gooey mush together! You can add more bananas and berries on top when it’s done or if you want to really spice it up sprinkle some chopped almonds or granola!

In honor of my ebook #Juicespiration launching on, I’ve put together a whole series of Juicespiration videos! The third video is here to answer another one of my most frequently asked questions!! CAN YOU CHEAT ON YOUR JUICE FAST WITH FOOD?! Well you’ll have to watch the video to see my answer! 😉

Feel free to check out my book as well on amazon at


Are you ready to get fit!? Want to develop an AMAZING habit of getting your body moving EVERY DAY?! Well, I did and that is why I decided to embark on my #40DaysofFitness challenge! For the next 40 days I am pledging to get some sort of exercise for at least 30 mins a day, if not more. Why? Well it’s so easy to get busy and forget how important physical fitness is to both our mind and our body! I know I’m totally guilty of it, I love my yoga but when I have a ton of things going on sometimes it slips to the bottom of the list. When we’re busy and stressed is actually when we need to get moving the most! Why 40 days? Well it takes about 40 days to really make something a habit, a ritual, something you just do. And don’t we all want being active for at least 30 mins a day something that we just do? Join me! Comment below to make your pledge and start tweeting + instagraming your #40daysofFitness! Follow me at @gosweetandskinny on insta and @gosweetnskinny on twitter – hashtag away and let’s do this together!

You all know I’ve been on a smoothie bender this summer so I thought it only fair to share one of my go-to creations! This Good Morning Beautiful Smoothie was inspired by a concoction my friend got at our gym’s juice bar. Both of us enjoyed it so much that we ended up riffing up on our own late one night! Needless to say its become one of our morning staples! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Good Morning Beautiful Smoothie
1/2 c almond milk
6 or so ice cubes
3 tbsps of gluten free oats
1 banana
1/2 c blueberries
1 tbsp almond butter
3 tsps of chia seeds

Blend till thoroughly mixed! 😉

These past six months have been wondrous to say the least. It’s truly been incredible to watch the Go Sweet and Skinny crew go from a group of people who went to school with me at some point or knew me through some NY social circle to a much larger group of amazing people determined to lead happy, healthy, inspired lives from all over the country! YAY! I am so happy to have you all joining me on this journey and feel so grateful to help provide you with the tools to living an amazing, vibrant, healthy life. It’s an interesting observation that I had I tonight though, because the bigger it grows, the larger my desire to stay personal is. I feel like more than ever I am writing super specific and intimate posts about what I’m going through because whether you actually went to high school with me or you happened to stumble upon my book on amazon, I want you to KNOW me, really know me and feel like I’m just that health nut girlfriend that gives you really awesome tips and killer recipes when you’re in a bind! My close friends get such a kick out of my youtube videos on GoSweetandSkinnyTV because it’s just like actually talking to me, I’m that ridiculously myself in them for you and that makes me really happy to hear.

So anyways, I know you’re wondering what in the world I meant by “sharing my brownies”, am I doing a vegan brownie give-a-way?! Sadly, no, but maybe at some point in the future if there is a big enough uproar I will. I was listening to an incredibly inspirational seminar by Fabienne Fredrickson and she gave a really touching antidote that really tugged on some strings for me and I just felt like I had to share so that you guys could really feel where I’m coming from. Forgive me for butchering it, Fabienne, but here’s my spark notes version of it:

Imagine you’re hosting a dinner party and all the guests are in the living room while you are baking brownies in the kitchen. The aroma of the baking brownies is seeping through the house and guests happen to wander in and out of the kitchen asking what you’re up to. Now let’s fast forward to your brownies being done, all cut up, cooled and put on a plate. Guests are coming in to see what’s going on but you are just huddled in a corner with your plate of brownies and you are not letting anyone else eat them!

Seems pretty ridiculous, right? Why would you bake delicious brownies and then not share them with ANYONE!? Well Fabienne used this to compare to those of us with service oriented businesses being afraid of marketing our services. Safe to say, it really hit home. When Go Sweet and Skinny started to take off and I saw the need for individualized guidance, offering up one on one assistance to help my amazing followers on their own specific path to a happy, healthy, AMAZEBALLS life was a total no brainer!


I got so worried that people might think I was forcing them to buy something or trying to “sell” them on coaching that I was very hush-hush about it. I offered it when people came to me specifically looking for guidance and touched on it here and there without making any huge waves. Fabienne made realize that not only was I totally incorrect in my assumptions but that I was depriving you of the amazing services I have to offer by not even letting you know that I offer them! And that’s when it really hit me.  Not to mention, of course, I received some very loving emails saying that they saw a post about my FREE 30 minute breakthrough sessions and had never even known that I offered an one on one counseling package despite being avid followers of my facebook and blog. Whoa! Thanks for the re-enforcement universe!

Well, it worked, I am here and I am happy to say that I WILL NOW BE SHARING MY BROWNIES!  I will share my brownies with love and a smile from here on out! If I can help someone by offering my support one on one as they embark on their journey towards a life and body they love  – I want them to know about it! So be prepared to hear a bit more from me on this now. I’m talking LOUD + PROUD now. Of course, the recipes, tips and inspiration will always be the foundation of everything GSS but I’m really excited to be able to guide people individually on their specific path to health and happiness! It can be really hard and confusing at times to make massive change all by yourself and we all have different areas in our life we could use a little reinforcement in to help us push through to the next level. I’m here for those people who are ready and willing and need a partner to help them climb up the rest of the mountain to healthy body bliss because it’s so much easier when you have a guide who’s been there and done it and knows the path.

On that note, if you’d like a FREE 30 minute clarity session with me to get a taste of what we could accomplish together and set you off in the right direction, email me at to request a date and time. I’d love to meet you!



Well it’s not just me that needs to share my brownies, you’ve got a plate too!! A great, easy way to start sharing your brownies is to start spreading the love, inspiration and tips you find on GSS as well as your other favorite healthy living blogs. Share healthy recipes or inspiration posts on facebook or twitter, instagram healthy food pics or motivational quotes. You don’t need to be an authority to pass along the brownies! If you’ve found some delicious stuff, take a little for yourself and then spread the love!! Not only will it make you feel amazing but you are helping other people have a chance to enjoy them as well. So go on my darlings, let’s make sure all the guests at the party of our life get a chance to indulge in a brownie!


          I don’t know about you but I’ve been on a HUGE smoothie kick all summer long. Seriously, when we got that crazy heat wave in NY I pretty much lived on smoothies because I couldn’t bare thinking of consuming anything that wasn’t cold and liquid. Smoothies are great for breakfast, I love making one after a workout or yoga sesh in the morning and taking it on the go with me as I start my day! I also confess that I do love smoothie pics on instagram. It’s so fun (for me atleast) to see what other people are concocting up. I mean, I’m sure we all enjoy a little of trial and error with our handy blender but sometimes it’s just nice to make something you KNOW is going to taste good! So when I saw my girl, Sarah, posting crazy yummy looking smoothie pictures and found out that they were made with some of my favorite super foods, well I just had to see if I could share them with all of you! Lucky for you, Sarah is a sweetheart and sent me over recipes and pictures right away! So get excited, this smoothie is total green gloriousness and amazingly good for you! Rev up those blenders…
Sweet Summer Green Smoothie
– 1 layer of kale leaves
– 1 layer of spinach
– 1 in. chunk of ginger peeled and cut up
– 1 cup sliced strawberries
– half of a peach (cut up)
– 1 tsp. flaxseed
– 1 TBS Sunfood Maca Powder
– 1 scoop GNC Lean Shake Key Lime flavor
– 1.5 C almond milk (unsweetened)
And blended along with ice, of course.


Feeling stressed, drained and just, well, not taken care of!? Well honey, I have some good and bad news, the BAD is that it’s your own fault, and the GOOD is that since it’s your own fault, YOU CAN TOTALLY CHANGE IT! Whether it’s our friendships, our work relationships or our significant other, all too often we let ourselves take the backseat to outside priorities. Of course, we think we’re doing the right thing when we’re putting others before us but we don’t realize that not only are we cheating ourselves out of some quality, much needed “me” time, but we are cheating them out of getting to hang with our best, most AMAZING self!

Too often I have heard the story, “I don’t have time to go to the gym because after I come home from work I just want to hang out with my boyfriend” and on and on insert your own excuse having to do with too much work, too many social obligations or your romantic partner. I have definitely been guilty of the same! Especially when you’re in a relationship, you get in to a routine, your schedules are crazy enough, you feel guilty stealing time away to go to the gym or to cook yourself a healthy meal, or even to meditate. When work gets crazy, yoga class seems to fall by the waste side and we give in to carb loaded, sugary treats to deal with the stress. Even friends can stand in between our own self-care if they’re insisting on you going out every night and skimping on sleep to indulge in alcohol and late night snacks.

Well first off, FORGIVE YOURSELF! That’s right, take a deep breath and let it go. It’s over, it’s the past, you are not doing that anymore! From this day forward YOU are putting YOU first and let me tell you why that will be the best decision you ever made in your life..

When we put our foot down and say “HEY! I have to take care of ME right now!” not only will people around you listen but gosh darn it, they might even respect you more. Crazy, huh? A funny thing happens when you start making yourself a priority, people are attracted you, they actually want to be around you MORE. Why? Isn’t it selfish not to put the needs of your company, significant other or friends first? NOPE. Obviously, I am not telling you to be an insensitive jerk right now, so don’t go cold hearted on me but within reason you need to make taking care of yourself a priority.

By putting your self-care first, you are going to be an even better employee, partner or friend! When you are HAPPY, stress free and healthy, you are in ideal form to be your most wonderful you for all the people you care about in your life. Honestly, even if your boyfriend or boss give you a little trouble at first when you carve out that gym time, spend a little extra time preparing a healthy meal, or sneak off to meditate for a couple minutes, let them. It’s only a matter of time till they realize how much that time really helps create a more optimized YOU! The best thing you can do for everyone in your life is to be happy and healthy. SERIOUSLY. When you are happy and healthy you do everything in your life with more ease, you’re more enjoyable to be around, you’re more stimulating to work with and boy, oh boy, will you be more attractive to your man. Oh wait, did I mention that YOU’LL BE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER?! You get a pretty big bonus out of this added “me” time as well and there is nothing to feel guilty about there!

So take a moment, reflect on your schedule right now and ask yourself if you’re dedicating enough time to YOU. Where are you compromising to appease someone else in your life? I challenge you to take back some of that time RIGHT NOW. Literally, schedule in some “ME” time. You can start small if you’re a little nervous about it and increase steadily each week. Trust me, you will want to because you’re going to love what an amazing effect this has on your life! Pick something you would like to do for you, maybe a yoga class or some group work out, maybe gym time, maybe just taking the extra time to make yourself a healthy dinner every night. Whatever it is, commit to it and tell the people you care about in your life that it’s important to you and you will be unavailable during that time each week or day. Rest assured, they will understand, even if it takes a little time for some of them. You are important! Your body, your health and your happiness is absolutely paramount to leading an extraordinary life and you deserve the “ME” time it takes to maintain it!

Feel free to comment below and let me know what you are committing to do for your ME time this week! 🙂

In honor of my ebook #Juicespiration launching on, I’ve put together a whole series of Juicespiration videos! The fourth video tackles the question “HOW DO I PICK THE PERFECT JUICE CLEANSING PARTNER?” Juice cleanses can be fun with the right friend but pick them wisely for the best results! Want to know how to pick a winner? You’ll have to watch the video to see my answer! 😉

Feel free to check out my book as well on amazon at

In honor of my ebook #Juicespiration launching on, I’ve put together a whole series of Juicespiration videos! The third video is here to answer another one of my most frequently asked questions!! CAN I EXERCISE ON A JUICE CLEANSE?! Well you’ll have to watch the video to see my answer! 😉


bboatmealpancakes                  Weekends mean one thing to me, BRUNCH! So regardless of where I am or who’s kitchen I have access to, this lady always has some kick ass weekend brunch. This morning was no exception, although I was stuck at my parents with them gone for the weekend and me in total control of the fridge. So after scoping out my options I got a little crafty and whipped up these SUPER EASY to make, crazy delicious and incredibly filling Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes! I think they’re a super fun, hearty brunch treat with all the fiber, flaxseed and protein you are sure to be full till dinner time but they are a healthy alternative to regular breakfast any day of the week.

Blueberry Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

2 packs of Trader Joe’s instant  whole grain blueberry oatmeal with flaxseed + plant sterols

3 cage free organic eggs

4oz of fat free vanilla or plain yogurt (I used Activa because that’s what my mom had in the house but you can use whatever you prefer, greek yogurt might be even better!)

Mix it all together and spoon it on to a non stick frying pan! This recipe should make three pretty large pancakes or six small pancakes! If you’d like to make a smaller version, I’d use one packet of oatmeal, one egg and 2 tbsps of yogurt! Yum!! Enjoy!