Month: December 2014

It was late, I’m not wearing any make up but I had just had a major revelation for 2014 and I new I had to share it with you. All year I  have been getting little signs about “flow”. It started with quotes on instagram, then in a trip to the ocean, soon I received a beautiful mala from TinyDevotions in my signature turquoise color, I even picked out a card from a big deck at my branding specialists office that spoke about flowing and releasing expectations but it wasn’t till tonight after forgetting all that and allowing myself to be in the hurt box after an unsatisfactory situation that it really clicked. It’s all about allowing love, light, abundance to FLOW. Check out the video to hear about my revelation and how to let your life flow so that you can create the best year ever in 2015.

Love my vlogs? Subscribe here to see them whenever you log in to YouTube. I post new videos every Wednesday and on times like today when the spirit moves me and I can’t help but share! 😉

It’s been a while since I’ve been SO obsessed with a specific session I was offering but New Years, new beginning and intention setting are my favorite of things! I love the power and renewal in redirecting your course, taking action and getting clear about what you want your life to look like. There’s a great quote in Alice in Wonderland where the Alice asks the Mad Hatter “Which way should  I go?” and he replies,” Well where would you like to end up?” and she doesn’t know. So he tell her that it doesn’t matter how she gets there! How many of us walk around our lives like that? We know we want SOMETHING, more money, more love, a nicer apartment, a trip to france, to lose five pounds, etc but we never take the time to really sit down and see what it looks like. We are so wrapped up in functioning we forget that we are born to FLY! This year, let’s start spreading your wings. Let’s set clear, focused, intentions from your heart. Feel how 2015 is going to feel for you, soak up all the joy, the energy, the excitement and then hold space for that every single day. Sound like a plan? Well check out my New Year Launch session details and let’s schedule a time to blast you off ASAP. XO, C



(one hour via Skype or on the phone)
What we’ll do:
  • I’ll help you release anything that’s not serving you currently with a special guided meditation that will clear your mind and help you finally let go of those habits, If there’s anything that you feel might still be lurking we can also discuss tools to further help you release.
  • I’ll clear your mind, center you in your heart and guide you through a visualization customized to your goals and situation.
  • We’ll discuss the actionable steps and how you can start working on them in way that increases effectiveness and excitement and eliminates overwhelm.
What you’ll leave with:
  • You’ll leave feeling excited to rocket launch into an amazing 2015, feeling clear, centered and more energized than ever to begin the year ahead and start having a life that lights you up
  • You’ll get a personalized recording of your visualization for your own personal use so that you can stay on track and use it to bring you back home and get you back on the path whenever you need it.
  • A summary of what we discussed, specifically: your 2015 vision highlights, the actionable steps we discussed you taking, and your heart centered goals for the year ahead.
All of this for only $144 because I absolutely LOVE setting intentions and can’t wait to help you set yourself up for the most luminous year yet! I have seen the incredible power of setting intentions for a clear, heart centered place where you can really feel tuned in to your deepest desires work wonders in my personal life. My book deal, cooking on ABC primetime and the blog that launched it all, all of it started as intentions I set and visions I held for my life. You can absolutely have the life you want and I would love to be a catalyst for you rising to that next level!

* You will be contacted with in 24 hours of payment to set up your appointment! 🙂

I’m the queen of making a fool out of myself, so when Lucy Activewear asked me to be in this #childspose video, I was more than game to get a little dirty for the sake of a laugh. #Childspose is there for us in yoga when we need to relax and regroup, aren’t there SO many times in your life where you wish you could just sink down into childs pose and recuperate on the spot!? I know it certainly happens to me, so it was a blast getting to record this video about it! Enjoy! Comment below and tell me your favorite moments that you wish you could of childsposed your way out of! 🙂

Thanks for checking out my three tools to beat holiday stress, in this video I’m going to show how I transform my stress and flip my intentions around the Holiday season to have the most blissed out experience possible with my friends and family. If you’re someone who let’s the holidays turn you into a stress ball, you may also want to check out my hour long Holiday Zen Intensive workshop – you can order it online at for only $12.95 and I promise it’s a game changer this holiday season.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more FREE meditations, tools and tips to create a life that LIGHTS you up from the inside out.

Hey guys! This holiday season my gift to you is my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Bliss 45min audio with my top 10 tools to creating a blissed out life! Over the years on my journey, one thing that I’ve found to be of the most use to me was the incredible, inspiring audio lectures from my favorite mentors. I still delight in playing them over and over again as I clean the house, do the dishes, bake cookies, sit on the subway, you name it! They are perfect when I need a quick fix and mind re-alignment so I’ve been marinating for a while now on creating something special for all of you. I wanted you to have access to some powerful coaching and tips at your fingertips, so that you can keep yourself on your path and launch into a 2015 that’s going to blow your own damn mind! Click here to receive your Beginner’s Guide to Bliss audio and enjoy my 10 tools for creating a life that LIGHTS you up from the inside out right now! Why just function when you can fly? Give it a listen and get started today!

Tis the season to make healthy snacks to have on hand before and after decadent holiday meals and social events! These vegan snickerdoodle protein muffins are the perfect little nosh to make a batch of, freeze some, put some in plastic baggies and stuff in your suitcase so that you always have a healthy snack or light breakfast on hand. These vegan snickerdoodle muffins are easy to make, so good you’ll hardly believe they’re healthy and perfect to keep you full with loads of clean, organic, gmo-free protein and healthy fats! I was so ecstatic to find Aloha’s clean, plant based protein powder, it made a great addition to the recipe and it’s a breathe of free air to find a protein powder that’s organic, gmo-free and clean enough to use in my smoothies too! 🙂

Watch me make them in this week’s video and be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for new videos every wednesday to help you go big and shine bright!


baibowl8   I’m totally obsessed with pitaya bowls these days, I mean come on, look at that gorgeous, bright, hot pink color! It really makes me feel like a little girl eating something Barbie would of. So although I try to stick with eating a lot of seasonal produce, I do make exceptions for my smoothies from time to time because they’re just so darn good with some tropical fruit! And with the dreary NYC weather lately, I have been craaaaaving something that would make me feel like I was on a tropical island for a bit. Add to that, finding the Molokai Coconut flavor of Bai 5 (a super fruit infused, antioxidant drink) which pretty much tastes like a non alcoholic pina colada but is actually good for you and not loaded with sugar, and it became crystal clear that I needed to make a smoothie that felt like “vacation in a bowl”. I had entirely too much fun recipe testing for this one and I’m super excited with how delicious the finished product was. I added cashew butter for some creamy, decadent, good for you fat and protein and maca superfood powder for sustained and balanced energy. Plus the Bai5 is a great low glycemic way to get those even more antioxidants in! So this tropical smoothie bowl is a lot more than it’s pretty exterior, it’s packed with nourishing ingredients you’re body’s going to love. Give it whirl at home and let me know if you come up with any fun additions or substitutions.

PS. What island are you going to pretend to be on while eating this magical bowl? I think I’m going with St. Barts. 😉



1 pitaya plus packet (frozen organic, raw dragon fruit!)

1 mango chopped (save a little to garnish!)

1 cup of Bai5 molokai coconut

1/3 cup of unsweetened coconut flakes (plus some for garnishing)

3 tsp of chia seeds (plus extra to garnish)

2 tbsp of cashew butter

1 tbsp of maca superfood power

1 unripe banana ( I used an unripe one because it’s not so sweet ie. loaded with sugar, but still adds the creaminess)

Toss it all in your blender and then pour into your favorite bowl. Sprinkle remaining coconut flakes, chia seeds and mango on top to make it even more festive! Enjoy slowly while visualizing your favorite island get a way.


When Mind Body Green asks you to jot down what you eat in a typical day for a food diary post — well you don’t say no! It’s a question I get asked often because of course, you want to know what you wellness + meditation guide is chowing down on to keep herself so blissed out these days! I don’t blame you one bit. So I gave up all the goods, the good, the bad and the overly healthy to my lovely friends at Mind Body Green to put it out there for the world. Give it a glance, there’s lots of delicious food porn to feast your eyes upon and maybe you’ll be inspired to try eating like me for a week! Could be a deliciously, healthy, happy adventure! Click here or on the picture below to view the whole article.
