Month: February 2015

In this video I’ll show you my EASY, healthy hash brown recipe! I’m a huge fan of brunch and just because you’re eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to miss out on what in my opinion is the best meal of the day! Stay tuned for my healthy tofu scramble recipe that’s a great compliment to these.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more videos each week to help you create a life that LIGHTS you up!

In this guided meditation for LOVE I’ll help you connect to your inner love supply and feel the incredible presence of love around you. This meditation is great if you’re feeling triggered by a romantic partner in your life or reaching out for love outside of yourself.

**I’m aware of the editing error but I didn’t want to NOT post this for Valentine’s Day so it will be corrected over the weekend!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to see new videos each week to help you create a lifestyle that LIGHTS you up!

Valentine’s Day is here and you’re single, or you’re not, but either way it’s time to bask in the warmth of the LOVE we have inside of us. Take your self-care to the next level, get in touch with the love that radiates from with in through meditation and maybe even spoil yourself with some raw chocolates! Check out my video on “How to have the BEST Valentine’s Day YET” for my top three tools on making this V-Day the best one ever!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to see my videos each week when you log in to your YouTube home page and share your comments below, I want to hear if these tools helped and how your Valentine’s Day goes!

In this video I’m discussing how to find your unique voice. Often when we are starting out on our path towards a life that lights us up, we can have a real hard time “defining” ourselves or finding our special style that’s unique to us. This comes up a lot with the bloggers, coaches, and teachers that I work with and I wanted to share these 5 tips with you to help you find your unique voice and start flourishing!

If you LIKE this video please click the “thumbs up” and if you want more FREE videos like this one please click SUBSCRIBE so that I’ll pop up whenever you log in to youtube!

You can find out more information about the LIGHTMAKER mastermind sessions I mention here:

Ah, Paris! 

I feel like I have always loved you, Paris. I’ve spent so many nights dreaming about you, you’ve been on every vision board I’ve ever made and I’ve been learning your language since before I hit puberty. My love runs sooo deep for you. 

A couple nights ago I sat on my bed and looked behind me at the picture of the eiffel tower on the wall, the little bonjour sign, the postcard that says “mercy!” on my bulletin board and the glass turquoise eiffel tower I keep in a glass case across from my bed and I cried. I cried like a little baby, except these tears were pure undeniable joy. For those of you who believe in manifesting, and I sincerely hope that you all do, it took me over 10 years to manifest my first trip to the city I’ve loved so dearly from afar for so long.

And do you know what I think FINALLY shifted it?

I had finally been in a place where my life is going great, the business is doing wonderfully, I’m writing my first book and I’m traveling all over on behalf of business. Paris was becoming inevitable. I could feel it inching closer. However, my travel schedule didn’t leave too much space for leisurely get-a-ways as I’m very much a fan of my little new york apartment in between my various trips these days. I hadn’t spoken a lick of french in years since college where I took a literature class with discussion in French to keep myself up to par. And then I received a divine blessing!

I got an email from a lovely lady named Carrie Anne James who happens to be the creator of the online French school French Is Beautiful who happened to be a fan of my blog and my love for the french language was reunited! I started studying again with her online course, watching her weekly lectures, practicing my french as an act of self-care, to treat my soul and falling in love all over again. She made it so easy and stress free for me to brush up on my french skills while still running my business and having the blissfully packed schedule that I do and now she will certainly also be a forever friend.

Mind you, I started taking her course simply because it felt expansive, it felt good for my soul, it was purely pleasure and something I did for ME. Yet, not even a month later, I got an email to go to conference in Barcelona and speak. They were putting me up, taking care of my flights and of course, paying me for being there. Almost simultaneously as I thought to myself ” Paris, after?” did I get a text from a friend and colleague also going to Barcelona saying, “Hey, want to go to Paris afterwards?”.

ummmm HELL YES!!!!!

So here I am, going to Paris, speaking a little french, loving life a lot and reminding you that just because something you’ve been calling into your life hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it’s not on it’s way. It’s “on the truck” just waiting for the perfect delivery time. This trip could not have come at a better time. I’m renting out an apartment for the week in Paris and will be finishing my first book there. Just like I’ve always dreamed.

If this stirs something in your soul or your moved to deepen your french knowledge and conjure up your very own french fairy tale, Carrie and I have teamed up to give you a very special offer! I am very happy to be able to offer you each 30% off her February online high school French review course that starts this Saturday, February 7th. Your lectures are uploaded to Vimeo every week and can be watched throughout the 4 week course. It also comes with daily homework assignments and a weekly Digital Immersion Guide with an option for private coaching via Skype (limited to 5 students). More details HERE. Use coupon code: lightworker30

Yes, it’s tomorrow – so follow your HEART, listen to your SOUL and I’ll see you in class. 😉

New beginning are magical reset buttons that we all have access to! Click to view how I use hitting the reset button on a daily basis as a game changing tool in my life to keep me on track and living a life I love! If you like this video, please give it the thumbs up and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for new videos every wednesday to help you lead a life the LIGHTS you up!

Some great resources for new beginnings include are my video on starting your own meditation practice and my MindBodyGreen article on a beginner’s guide to clean eating. Please comment below and let me know how you’re using new beginnings to make small, positive changes every day!

If you’re ready to hit a BIG reset button and blast off, head on over to my coaching page and see if a one on one session is right for you! I’d love to help your process.