Month: May 2015

In this video, I discuss how progress is not always pretty. So many times when we look at others on their “spiritual path” or “self love journey” we can easily think “oh, why is it all butterflies and roses for her when I’m going through a total funk right now?”and the truth is that progress isn’t always pretty, it’s not always sunshine and roses and the deep work often requires us to get a little messy when we’re healing our fears. Click the video to learn more!

The link to the FREE Q+A I mention is :

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video I discuss the concept from A Course in Miracles of learning through pain vs. learning through pleasure. I talk about learning through pain myself and give insight on how we can learn more through pleasure by listening to our inner guidance and ultimate truth.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

Cooking (and baking) was my meditation long before I ever sat cross legged on a cushion, discovered yoga or new what a “mantra” was. Being in the kitchen has always been a very sacred activity for me, it relieved my stress, brought me back to the present moment and really let my creative juices flow. However, I hear constantly from my friends and clients that this is not the case for everyone. So in an effort in letting you in to something very dear to me in hopes that you too can experience what it feels like to make cooking a meditation I’ve brainstormed some simple tips to get you going! You’re going to love making your kitchen sacred.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is often “What’s a day in your life like?” People are always curious what it actually looks like to LIVE a life that LIGHTS you up and especially when that requires you running your own business. In this video I dive into what my days typically look like as well as the journey to designing my life!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In today’s video, episode 5 of the LightMAYker series, I talk about self acceptance. It’s always the areas of ourselves that we try to hide from others that we truly haven’t loved and accepted fully. When we feel like we can’t be our authentic self with someone, it’s only because we haven’t fully accepted that part of us that we are holding back. Give it a watch to hear more and be sure to comment below and let me know what comes up for you around this topic.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

This Monday night video features my daily practice of surrendering my to-do list. As an entrepreneur (or anyone) writing your own to-do list can be daunting and leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained. I share about the tools I use to surrender my to-do list and listen to my inner guidance when it comes to knowing the next right actions.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU!

Check out my avocado recipe round up on SHAPE magazine’s website today. Everything from avocado quinoa boats, creamy avocado pasta, avocado pizza to my famous avocado fries! Perfect for cinco-de-mayo or for any night this summer to get the party started in your kitchen. Click below to check out all of the recipes and definitely comment below and let me know what your favorite avocado recipes are! I’m all about looking for new, innovative ways to incorporate my favorite food into nourishing and delicious dishes!


This episode of the LightMayker series is about staying present. I go over a little of what my weekend entailed as well as touch on how challenging it can be to stay present at times and talk you through my action plan for when my mind tries to go into the future or the past.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!


In today’s video, I share a bit about my weekend while hosting a visitor and touch on why it’s so important to keep your weekend sacred! It’s short and sweet and shot right outside my apartment!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

Launching the LightMAYker series, episode 1 (or day 1) talking about discerning “is it a bad idea or just outside my comfort zone?”. Often times, we come to a cross roads where something feels scary and we can’t quite decipher if it’s not expansive for us or if it’s just outside our comfort zone and would be a great source of self-growth, in this video I talk about my personal experience and how to find the answers for yourself.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

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