Month: July 2015

Being LOVE is not being a pushover.

I repeat, being love is NOT being a pushover.

Today I had to do one of my least favorite things in the world. I had to call someone who owes me money. It wasn’t an individual, it was a big company that I had a contract with. I had fulfilled my end of the agreement on the project and had never received my payment. It was not easy for me, I felt my fear boil up because I didn’t want to “bother” them. I even was apologetic in my first couple of emails to them a month ago. I prayed for guidance and help around it and I got three wonderful angelic messages. The first was while I was out to go grab some green juice this morning and listening to one of my favorite podcast’s She Did It Her Way and the guest of the particular episode was a woman named Ann Ricketts who now teaches presentation courses at silicon valley biggies like facebook and twitter. I was paying for my juice and going on my way when I heard Ann talk about how women over apologize and under qualify what they do. She talked about how we have this habit (that a lot of men don’t) where we will say, “Sorry to bother you” or “I won’t take up too much of your time” instead of just standing in our power and owning it.

Ding Ding Ding.

Own it. I knew I had to send another email and try to get this figured out. The check was 3 months late. Then I got another hit. Call Dad and ask him how he would phrase it. Ah, of course. My dad, my superhero, famous for telling me to,”put my big girl panties on and deal with it” when I need a little loving nudge would be a great person to call for this. I get him on the phone and the first thing he says is, “stop emailing, start calling.” Makes a lot of sense, emails are kind of passive and don’t really convey how serious I am. He also told me that if in a few days they still don’t come up with the check that I might want to take a little visit to their office, show them how serious I am in person. Most importantly he reminded me that I didn’t have to apologize for any of it! That we had a contract, I upheld my end of the bargain, they did NOT uphold theirs and although I could and should handle it professionally in a classy manner that I needed to stand my ground. If I was going to be a pushover, they would be happy to push me over and keep the money.

When we love ourselves and our grounded in who we are and the good work we do in the world, we don’t need to apologize for asking for the money we are owed.

Lastly, before I picked up the phone, I was reminded of a lovely client I had a session with just yesterday who was struggling to stand in her power and say no to things that weren’t expansive for her in her daily life. I realized that the same muscles I was explaining to her to build, I needed to keep working on at a bigger level. We are constantly strengthening our love muscles and what starts out as saying no to events and people who are not in your highest good at that moment evolves to standing in your power and asking for what you are owed unapologetically.

I prayed before I got on that phone. I sent them love and I asked that the situation be resolved in a peaceful, loving manner. I wish I could say that they apologized, wrote me a check and had someone drop it off, that did not happen. The book is not yet closed on the matter and I will continue to stand in my power from a place of love in this situation till it’s resolved but I learned a really important lesson on an even deeper level. Love does not shrink, love does not wimper, love allows us to have a strong foundation in the storm and an immoveable peace in all situations.

I’m a pisces, I’m naturally not someone who likes confrontation. I would love nothing more than for all situations to go smoothly and not have to deal with ruffles. I had been praying about this particular situation for a few weeks now, asking for it to be resolved easily and timely. However, sometimes we don’t know what’s in our best interest and while I would have LOVED for the check to come in the mail when it was supposed to and this situation to have been remedied immediately, perhaps the path of greater growth was in me standing in my power and getting a much needed reminder that:

Being love is NOT being a pushover.

Being love is STRONG.

Being love is FIERCE.

Being love is POWERFUL.

Stand in that power. Stand in a place of love UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

Saying NO to people and events who drain you is self care, it’s loving yourself on a deep level.

Standing up for yourself from a centered place of love is nothing to apologize about.

You are pure LOVE and your are not a pushover.

It was like a dream, something I had been manifesting for quite some time now. I wanted an article in The Huffington Post, I had been thinking eventually it would just be me writing it one day and submitting it to the fierce Arianna Huffington so you can imagine my surprise when an email popped up requesting an interview with me! Hilal does a better job in this article at capturing a snapshot of my journey in a succinct but authentic way than I could ever imagine doing myself. It was an absolute pleasure chatting with her and I am so excited to share this with you!

Please check it out and share:

ALSO, don’t miss out on tonight’s “Accessing Your Intuition” ONLINE workshop! I am beyond psyched to share this powerful tool with you this evening and will be sending out both video + audio recording if you sign up for anyone who can’t make it live!

In tonight’s workshop we will be talking about:

– how food + self care effect your mental clarity and intuition

– my best practices for amping up the inner voice using food + self care

– guided meditations for supercharging your intuition

– what blocks you from listening + trusting your internal GPS and how you can bust through it

I’ll also be leaving some time at the end to answer all of your questions!

Join me by RSVPing at

In this video I talk about the sabotaging power of GUILT and how we can breakthrough it when we truly accept that we are on the right path even when it may seem to us that we are off or have made mistakes. Whether you feel guilty for hitting snooze or sending that email late, or you’re feeling regretful about how you handled a relationship, check out this video for my tips on busting through your guilt and back into your life.

The LightMAYker Series are videos where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

“Understand through compassion or you misunderstand the times.”- Yogi Bhajan 
Today at 9amPST, 12pm EST set your iPhone alarms and join in for a global compassion meditation with @gabbybernstein + @deepakchopra (link to live stream in Gabby’s bio) so that we can send a wave of love and compassion through out the world. Our meditation individually is a powerful force of love and together it is only multiplied. Spend a few minutes today, even if you’re at the beach like me and can’t access the live stream to do this simple compassion meditation at 12pm EST.
*close your eyes and imagine someone you love fiercely in front of you. On each inhale, feel yourself receiving love from them. On each exhale, send love from your heart center to them.
*next choose someone who is more of a casual friend, someone you like. Repeat the sending and receiving love process.
*now move on to someone who you don’t really know but see every so often. Think the guy you get coffee from, maybe a co-worker you don’t know so well, etc. Repeat the sending and receiving love process.
*here’s the toughie, pick someone your not fond of at all. See them as an innocent being who just wants to be happy and free and send them love, receive the love from them.
*lastly, send love out in a wave over the entire earth, feel this love circle back to you. Take a deep inhale in and hold it while you feel yourself fill to the brim with love and compassion.
Exhale and slowly open your eyes. Sat nam.


I get asked all the time about my experience at IIN, or the institute for integrative nutrition so I wanted to share this video with all of you who may be considering taking the leap. Nutrition School was definitely one of the big steps I took when I first decided to begin coaching and since then my business (and my life!) has evolved so much. Now a majority of the coaching I do is with wellness entrepreneurs, helping them balance their life while growing their business from a holistic perspective.

If you’re curious about diving deeper and want to work with me one on one to see what the next steps for you + your business are, check out my coaching page at

I also have a great online workshop coming up that’s all about accessing your intuition to make game changing decisions that you can learn more about at http://accessingyourintuition.splasht…

If you know IIN is for you and you’re ready to sign up now – head on over to this link and get a FREE health coach starter guide:


This video is all about making tough decisions by accessing your inner compass or intuition. I reveal a big decision I just made in my life and walk you through three steps for hearing clearer guidance as well as what to do when you STILL don’t know what to do!

For those of you who are ready to go even deeper into this topic, I’ll be hosting a special ONLINE workshop to dive even deeper into “ACCESSING YOUR INTUITION” on July 23rd head over tohttp://accessingyourintuition.splasht…

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more videos to help you create a life (and business) that LIGHT you up each week!