Month: August 2015

In this video I take you through my latest obsession – OIL PULLING!! I also share with you my favorite new coconut oil brand, Zuddha Organic! Believe me when I say that I literally felt like I stumbled upon a diamond in the desert when my girl friend introduced me to her friend Tyson Adams, the co-founder of Zuddha and I heard all about their mission and commitment to making the highest quality coconut oil possible. Check out the video and if you’re inspired to, head on over to Zuddha’s indie gogo page and show them some love! I’m so in love with the quality of coconut oil they are putting out and I can not wait for it to be available in my local health food store.

Can you guess how much I backed their campaign for? hint’s an angel number. 😉

I love love love tacos, so I’m always trying to dream up new, delicious flavor combinations for vegan tacos and I have to tell you, I think I hit gold the other night with these vegan BBQ tempeh and brussel sprout tacos! Not only are they quick and easy to throw together after a long day but they are incredibly delicious, healthy and the perfect feel good fuel to cap off the night. I’ve included the recipe below for these savory, vegan tacos below but I would love to hear from you about your favorite plant-based taco combos! Comment below and let me know what other ingredients you’d like to see in a vegan taco recipe in the future!


2 whole wheat tortillas ( I prefer ezeikel brand sprouted grain)

1 cup of brussel sprouts chopped

1 tbsp of coconut oil

1/2 cup of shredded carrots

1/2 cup of broccoli slaw

1 avocado


a few tablespoons of your favorite healthy BBQ sauce (check for added sugar or high fructose corn syrup)

1/4 red onion chopped

1 peach chopped

2 tbsps of basil chopped

1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar

(add 1 tbsp of chopped jalapeno to make the salsa spicier instead of sweet)


Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet with coconut oil and spread out your chopped brussel sprouts. Gently sprinkle salt, pepper and any of your favorite spices on to the brussel sprouts before you place them into your heated oven. While those are roasting take out your two tortillas and lightly toast them in frying pan on your stove top using medium heat and a non stick pan or cooking spray to keep the tortillas from clinging. Flip them until each side is getting slightly golden brown and then place them on your plate. Add 1/4 cup of broccoli slaw and your shredded carrots to each tortilla. In a small bowl, combine your chopped peaches, balsamic, oil, basil, onions and jalapeno (if you’ve decided to spice it up) and mash together till it forms a compote like texture. Place this to the side for when the tacos are completed and slice your tempeh in to 1/4 inch thick strips (or however you like your tempeh). In a small sauce pan on low heat, add a dash of coconut oil and tempeh and let it lightly brown on each side. Once the tempeh has started to brown, add your BBQ sauce to the pan and keep moving around the tempeh pieces with your spatula to prevent them from burning. Remove from the pan once the tempeh is fully saturated with the BBQ sauce and fully cooked.

By this time, your brussel sprouts should be nicely roasted and ready to remove from the oven (be the judge for yourself because all ovens roast at different speeds – I like to remove the brussel sprouts when they are crisping at the edges.) Place the brussel sprouts over your broccoli slaw and shredded carrots, then add your BBQ tempeh. Lastly, slice your avocado over each taco and it off with a hearty drizzle of the peach basil salsa.


These are by far my favorite vegan tacos so far, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

This video is for all of you entrepreneurs (and otherwise) who let your emails overwhelm you! I’ve been there, sometimes I come back and visit that place of overwhelm when I sit down to check my emails and my inbox is overflowing and I wanted to share with you my tools for releasing that overwhelm and shifting your perspective on your emails.

For those of you ready to take your business to the next level or get the clarity + confidence you need to start doing what you love, head on over to and RSVP for my online LOVE BASED BUSINESS workshop on August 26th!

Do you want to wake up to MIRACLES every day?!

I know I sure do.

That’s why I’m completely obsessed with our Miracle Morning Periscope gang! Every morning between 8-10am depending on the day, I live stream on Periscope with an A Course in Miracles lesson for the day. We’ve been going through the A Course in Miracles workbook each day in order, however the miracle morning periscopes are a great way to just add a little LIGHT to your morning routine! I’ve recorded the lessons (because they get deleted off of Periscope every 24hrs) over on my YouTube channel so if you are looking to start your journey with A Course in Miracles, check out some of the video lessons below and I hope you join us live tomorrow morning!

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles intro + Lesson 1

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 2

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 3

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 4

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 5

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 6

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 7

Wishing you LOTS of miracles! 🙂