Month: May 2016

Today’s video is super fun! This past year for New Years, I hung out with a small group of close girlfriends, we had an amazing vegan, gluten free dinner at this wonderful place in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, then went to one of my favorite restaurants for tea and dessert and then finally got cozy in my one friend’s apartment while watching the ball drop, making our own tarot cards and greeting the new year with a powerful meditation. Making these cards was sooo fun that I could not help but share it with you today when I stumbled upon them on my book shelf! Enjoy this fun arts and crafts project!

In today’s LightMAYker vlog, I let you in on my #1 tool for navigating chaotic times! Let’s be honest, life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes we have a difficult situation and in order to navigate it with GRACE and with altitude, I always relay on this one tool.

In today’s LightMAYker video I’m discussing the connection between our health and our happiness. For me, making peace with my body and learning how to nourish and care for it allowed me to naturally reach a new height of energy and happiness, click the video to hear more!

Leave a comment and let me know if this resonates with you and how you have noticed your health correlating with your happiness!

Today is a New Moon in Taurus and so I’ve interrupted our regular vlogging to chat a little bit about the current astrological conditions and how we can utilize the energy we are in right now. Give it a watch to hear the full scoop and check below for the links I mention in the video!

Meditation for setting intentions:

My New Moon Ritual video:

Read more about the new moon:


In this video, I talk about how to attract anything you want by how you are showing up in your life! This powerful manifestation technique has helped me rise to new heights in many areas of my life and I know it will serve you as well!

Oftentimes, regardless of where we are on our spiritual path we forget the simple, core, foundation truth that our highest job is to be love. We are hear to be the light, hold the space for love in each and every interaction in our day. I often work with spiritual entrepreneurs or people who are looking to start a more heart centered business but currently still at a normal 9 to 5 and feeling like they don’t have the ability to help people. It’s simply an illusion, wherever we are, whatever our current job might be, it’s ALWAYS our highest job to be the love in the room. Watch the video and let me know what opens up for you here!

If you are curious about the LOVEbased business workshop I mention, you can get it here for only $1.99

In the third installment of the LightMAYker series, I’m sharing with you a truth bomb from my favorite A Course in Miracles teacher, Marianne Williamson, on why there is no grey area when it comes to fear and love. It hit me hard last night that there is no such thing as a little fear, we are either in love, trust, Reality or we are in fear, anxiety and illusion. It’s a great reminder to be more disciplined about our thoughts and more conscious about filling ourselves with love and light so that darkness has a harder time slipping through the cracks!

Let me know if this video hit home for you! What areas of your life have you allow a little fear to creep in? How are you committed to shifting it?

In today’s LightMAYker video I talk about getting clear on your commitments and how it can shift your actions and therefore your life. SO often we go through life with out being conscious of what we are committed to on a daily basis and therefore are unconsciously committing to thing we do NOT want to create in our lives. Give it a watch and let me know what you are ready to consciously commit to in your life!

In this video, not only am I kicking off ‘video every day in May’ but I’m also letting you in on something that eludes many people. Why do certain behaviors from people in our lives literally drive us up a wall? Have you ever dated someone, had a close friend or even a family member that had a particular habit or behavioral pattern that drove you crazy? Well in this video, I let you in on something that has been triggering me for years and how I finally uncovered the truth beneath it.

If you like this video, please share it with your friends. Comment below and let me know what comes up for you — have you been able to uncover why something is really bothering you?

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel so you don’t miss any of my new LightMAYker videos!