Hey guys!

I was thinking about what kind of new content I wanted to make for you so naturally my thoughts wandered over to, “what is the one truth bomb I wish I could tell everyone who follows me or is inspired by what I have created but doubts whether they could do it themselves?”

The biggest success hack that people don’t talk nearly enough about is actually rather unromantic, it’s not magical or mystifying and yet it’s the NUMBER ONE reason I see people let their dreams slip away from them year after year.

You must put your DREAMS on your to-do list. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah — but I have a full time job, kids, lots of errands, my family is super demanding, I’m still in college, etc etc etc. I have heard it all. I have lived a lot of it. I had five jobs at one point when I was starting my business, I had two jobs once it was up and running and even now I have so many different offerings and time commitments but I am still out here chipping away at my dreams. 

Truth is, I am not special. I just do something most people would rather make excuses about, I put my dreams on my To Do list. I recorded this vlog below as a PSA, a rally call and tough love, truth bomb filled heart to heart because I want you to get all the juice this life has to offer you. Watch below and let me know what you are committing to putting on your calendar.

For those of you who have a book that’s ready to be born, this a DREAM I can help you change to DONE with my LightMaker Book Birthing Group. It’s six months of guidance, accountability and the step by step tools to finishing that proposal, making headway on those chapters and securing an agent or publishing contract if that’s what your set on or finding a self-publishing company if that’s your style. The second and final round starts April 1st, so read all the details here and email me ASAP if you want in!


Let’s take this from DREAMing to DOing!

