Month: August 2020

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I interview Christine Gutierrez, former client of mine, and author of “I AM DIOSA”, a book about deep healing, loving yourself and coming back home to your soul. I dig deep with Christine on the tools she uses to help women to come back to their worth, dance with their shadow and become the powerful goddess they’ve always been at their core.

In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you my intuitive energy forecast on the New Moon in Leo as well as her thoughts on the over all energy this month. This New Moon is a breath of fresh air and a great time for setting powerful intentions to end the summer strong in the courageous pursuit of your heart’s desires!

Grab the Clarity, Miracles and Momentum VIRTUAL Retreat to do at home to quantum shift and step into the next level of your life:

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I discuss my intuitive energy forecast for the Lion’s Gate Portal and Aquarius Full Moon this August 2020. The Lion’s Gate has been a powerful alignment since ancient Egypt and it’s a magical time of upgrading our systems and receiving an influx of light. Grab the Clarity, Miracles and Momentum VIRTUAL Retreat to do at home to quantum shift and step into your next level of your life