We are kicking off what’s looking like the most energetically potent month of the year this March and it’s starting with a bang with this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, March 8th. Many of you know how much I love following the planets with my new moon and full moon workshops so I wanted to share my best kept ‘not-so-secret’, my amazing astrologer, Patrice Kamins and bring her on to share with all of you what you can expect energetically the rest of the week as well as dive a little deeper than I have into what it all means. Patrice goes through all twelve signs and gives you some insight as to what might be getting stirred up these next few days. While the actual solar eclipse happens March 8th, no doubt you’ve already started feeling it’s energy and you will continue to feel it the rest of the week! I hope you enjoy the video! I’ve also included some of my favorite websites below to read the new moon forecast as well as a link to my yoga studio, Rama Institute, which will be live streaming kundalini yoga and meditation classes all week in honor of the eclipse. I highly suggest you check it out if you don’t have a spiritual community locally!

For more info on Patrice, visit her website here or email her to schedule a private reading at patricekaminsastrology@gmail.com

MORE juice New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces goodness 🙂




Practice this week with my teacher Guru Jagat on RAMA tv to make the most of this energetic hurricane we are walking through right now. 🙂
