You are not here by accident. You’ve been led.
Perhaps you have even been asking for me? Praying or calling out in your heart for a guide to take you on these next steps of your evolution as a leader of the light. Ready to step up and searching for a guide?
I’m so happy that you’ve made it. I’m so excited for the adventure we get to embark on together.We are living in unprecedented times, we are living in history in the making right now and it is calling each of us to get to our posts. For some that may be resting and nourishing, for some spending time with loved ones, for others cleaning and organizing our home and for many of us LightMakers — it’s calling us to step up and shine our light. We feel activated into our higher purpose and bigger mission. We are ready to spread our wings.
For those of you feeling called to step up in this time and craving a guide to help you rise higher than ever before I am here to support you. I have been given very clear instructions from my guides that this is the time to cultivate this new paradigm of leaders and way showers. I am here to assist in your upleveling into fully expanded light leaders.
If this resonates with you, I know you have been feeling the stirring. You are ready to share your medicine on a whole new level. You are ready to go bigger than ever before and you are called to be of service during this global crisis. I am here to help activate your power. I am here to guide you on this next quest.
Please tap into your heart space, your divine knowing and answer the questions below as authentically as possible. When you have submitted your responses, we will be in touch shortly with a link to schedule your interview if we feel like you are a good fit for the program.
The Light Leader Mentorship is 3 months long with weekly hour long video sessions to build massive momentum for your business, your impact and your platform in 90 days.

Not ready to commit to deeper work with me BUT need some advice or have a quick question — I’d love to hear it and send you a video response.