Hey there Divine Being,

I am so excited to see you here! I know you’ve been called to my work because you are ready for a massive step in your life. You are fed up from the same old patterns, negative beliefs, and self-limiting stories that have been holding you back AND YOUR READY TO DO THE DARN THING!! Am I right?

You’re no stranger to self-help, spirituality, or thinking positive but you are ready for some tangible, PERMANENT results — not just a quick rush of hope with no real shift in your life. Well, my love, you are in the right place. The work we will do together is going to go straight to the root to create profound healing and miraculous transformation — my clients literally remark, “this has gone deeper and been more impactful than my years of therapy..” Can’t make testimonials like that up!

Here’s the thing – I’ve been where you’ve been — that’s how I know how to help you out of it. I let stories of not feeling good enough, not being lovable, not being able to trust myself and there being something innately wrong about my physical being run rampant in my life for years and years.

These stories manifested as: overeating, under-eating, emotional eating, over-exercising, overachieving, being stressed all the time, feeling overwhelmed all the time, second-guessing my decisions constantly, being an anxious mess, holding myself back from doing the work I truly wanted to do in the world, being scared of being seen, second-guessing if I had anything of value to contribute to the world, sabotaging countless romantic relationships and feeling exhausted and hopeless more often than not.

Can you relate to any of that jumble of crap? I have a feeling you can.

The good news is that we can shift this! Through the reprogramming tools, meditations and rituals that I now utilize with my clients (YOU!) I was able to completely transform for my life years ago. Through the intensive work we do together, you too can have the same results that myself and now so many of my clients have had from this intensive healing work. Read their testimonials and FAQ below.


“I have had emotional breakthroughs, ah-ha moments, and clarity like never before. In the first 6 months of working with you, I was able to accomplish more than I had in the last 5 years! Just reading that statement back is mind-boggling! My productivity has soared and I am well on my way to having the creative business and life that I wanted, but was struggling to create for myself.”

Eli R.

Now having experienced two one-on one’s with you I can say you have shifted more in me than any therapist I have ever had. Perhaps because in your authentic warmth I can open up and shift my pain. You also have countless practical tools that help my logic brain shift energy. I feel the divine downloads come through you when you give me activities to do.”


“I love that you can have a conversation about ANYTHING with Cassandra and she will always have an action to ease whatever you need. For example you’re feeling anxious one day- she can lead you to a meditations or guide you through some tapping- feeling a little mystical? she can lead you through a honey jar ritual.”

Mariam G.

Cassandra’s strengths include patience, enthusiasm, authenticity, but most of all, her strength as a life coach is listening. She asks just the right questions to get a response during coaching sessions that moves the conversation forward, and it’s clear from the advice she gives that she really listened. Her life coaching empowers those seeking a voice. She creates the sacred, silent space for her clients’ voices to grow.”

Lauren Takores

“Especially during times of crisis, Cassandra’s coaching helps me find my center and connect to a place where I can fully accept the moment and see the light.

Rossella Ragohttp://www.cookingwithnonna.com

Cassandra is the light that everyone wants and needs in their life. I was stuck unhappy with my current life and career, which came out in my eating habits and Cassandra helped inspire me. I was gaining weight due to medications I had been on for several months from a previous car accident injury but my diet and stress levels weren’t helping the cause. I was stuck and didn’t know what to do. Cassandra lit a fire inside me and helped motivate me and see clearly what I needed to do to make the kind of progress I was searching for. I am starting to take the steps to my new life and it’s all thanks to her.

Dana Rose


Who is the spiritual mentorship program for:

The everyday wonder woman who is ready to take things up to a whole new level. She’s bubbling at the core with the possibility of fully standing in her power and owning her purpose in the world. She knows deep down that she is a goddess here in human form but she forgets all too frequently and finds herself drained, overwhelmed, and frustrated. She’s ready to get off the hamster wheel she’s been running on and make some big shifts. This woman is on a mission to live a more magical life with more ease, grace, flow, and abundance and she knows she needs a guide to make the journey.

What I provide:

I help women heal from what’s holding them back so they can have all the love, happiness and success they dream of. Think of me as your big sister who’s walked this path before, your amazon warrior trainer, your sherpa up the mountain of your evolution. I’m here to expedite your process, show you the ropes, make sure you reach the summit of your self safely, efficiently, and with more joy than suffering. I whip out my guide book and gives you the tools, support, and accountability to usher you into your most magical life and empowered you!

What happens in my sessions?

We get really clear on what you want for your life, what’s going on right now, and what’s been holding you back. Through deep-dive discussions, meditations, rituals, and therapeutic tools, we pinpoint where the negative beliefs and disempowering patterns started so that we can heal them at the root.

Every client has their own journey and I hold them through verbal processing, childhood healing, and brain reprogramming while giving them specifically prescribed meditations, rituals and tools to reinforce their connection to a higher power, self-worth and self-love.

Ultimately, my clients shift how they show up in the world on a deep level and start taking the action steps to have the relationships, career and well being they’ve always dreamed of.

What can I expect my result to looks like?

More happiness on a regular basis, a stronger spiritual practice, a powerful toolbox to handle whatever life throws your way, and a centered sense of self-worth. More tangibly? Better, sexier, more intimate partnerships or calling in the divine partner they’ve dreamed of. More expansive, aligned, successful careers or leaving an unaligned job for something that makes their heart sing. Releasing negative food and body patterns and finding a peaceful connection to their physical being. Better health, radiance, and feeling better in their body.

By filling out your application, you are applying to work with me intensively over a six month period. We encourage you to be as open, honest, and vulnerable as possible so we can feel is we will be the best fit for each other.

Applications for private mentorships are for candidates ready to make a serious commitment to doing the work with Cassandra BUT if you need just some quick advice or have a short, specific question — she’d love to hear it and send you a video response. Click here to learn more!