I’m actually sad to see my seven day Gingersnap’s Organic cleanse come to an end but I am so excited to share my cleanse results with you! I have been feeling absolutely amazing these last few days. I’ve loved all the delicious food they’ve given me for the past four days, two days on Spirit Junkie which was half liquids, half solids and two days on their GO cleanse which is all real, raw, vegan food. The last stage of the cleanse has had me on a menu that includes chia seed pudding in the morning, a delicious salad at lunch (sprout salad or spinach salad) and then a creative raw dinner with a side salad (reuben wrap or thai kelp noodles). I even get a dessert! The raw banana and mango puddings were super tasty and left me feeling like I had more than enough food for the day. I can’t even tell which meals were my favorite because I honestly enjoyed them all so much. I have been so full, my belly has been so happy and my energy has been through the roof. I seriously don’t want to go back to eating the way I did pre-cleanse, and I wasn’t even really eating bad!

This cleanse has re-energized my passion for cleansing, it made me realize how even the “healthiest” of us can use a good cleansing and how fantastic our bodies are meant to feel when we’re fueling them with the right stuff. I’m going to continue eating as close to this as possible from now on, I may not be able sustain total raw veganism but I’m certainly capable at keeping away from the sugar, dairy, gluten and eating as much fresh, organic, raw vegetables as possible. Of course, I love knowing when I’m in a jam I can always swing by Gingersnap’s and get something to hit the spot.
I would highly recommend this combination cleanse to any of my New York buddies, to me, it did exactly what a cleanse should do, energize you, make you feel better and inspire you to eat healthier following it. And yes, I did lose weight, I know that’s the first question everyone asks. I lost about 5-7lbs over the week but more importantly I gained a glow! Isn’t that what we really want?
Gingersnap’s has definitely inspired me in my journey of creating a Go Sweet and Skinny Cleanse for all of you out there who don’t have the priviledge of being close enough to a kick-ass place like G.O. where you can just drop by and pick up your food everyday. It’s certainly a bit more work to have to make all the food yourself but it’ll do the job and make you feel great just the same. As for me, this was my first cleanse where I didn’t prepare any of the food or juices and let me tell you, it was a pleasure!! I absolutely loved getting to pick up my supplies each night and not use my kitchen for the entire week. It made life so much easier and once we got into the real food portion some of the meals were certainly something I could have never whipped up at home like that raw reuben wrap. It was so nice to be able to relax during the cleanse, enjoy the carefully crafted meals they had chosen for me and worrying more about taking care of myself then preparing a slew of meals for the day.
It’s my second day off the cleanse, I’m still in the habit of eating my chia seed pudding for breakfast except now I top it off with some fresh berries, still eating clean, veggie packed lunches and dinners, and most importantly, still feeling like a rock star.
For more information on Gingersnap’s Organic cleanses, click here.