Month: May 2018

If there’s one thing that comes up in almost every week of coaching my clients it’s “how to make the most aligned decision” or how to get clarity on the next most heart-centered step for some situation in their life. I mean, it makes total sense, we are decision making machines and the quality of our choices directly correlate to the quality of our lives soo naturally once we wake up to how powerful we are we are also hyper conscious of our decisions.

Also, for those of you who haven’t worked with my one on one yet, my style is always to teach you HOW to fish and lean away from just giving you the fish. I want to teach my clients how to tap into their soul’s gps and listen to the voice of their inner guidance system so that they can use that skill for everything in their life. There are so many ways to do this and one practice I love is body wisdom but the technique I walk you through in this video may even be simpler — and I find super eye-opening and confirming for those of you who may struggle around important decisions.

I recently used these three steps on a really important business decision that I had be sitting with for weeks. I was in sooo much pain around this decision (probably because it was kind of a big deal for me!) and it wasn’t till I finally got to STEP 3 that the fog cleared and I got my big “ah Ha!”

Watch the video below and let me know what happens when you apply it to something that you need more clarity around right now! Also be sure to SUBSCRIBE and support my YouTube channel — I’m really working on building it up right now so it would mean a lot to me! 🙂

Did the video make you want to dive even deeper? Would you like to get my ear one on one to discuss a business or personal decision that you are craving greater clarity around? You can check out my one one one offerings here: click here for personal or body related and click here for business.


As always, thanks for watching, see you next time!




In this week’s episode of Eat with Intention TV, Cassandra makes her tofu waldorf salad, it’s a great, easy healthy lunch for yourself or when you have guests. You can find the full recipe in her book “Eat with Intention” as well as tons of other great, intentional, plant-based meal options!

This salad is a weekday favorite of mine for something nourishing, delicious and ‘restaurant’ feeling with out the fuss, price or sneaky ingredients! It’s also one of my favorite dishes to serve as a first course (on small plates!) when I’m hosting people for a dinner party!



Making the Tofu Waldorf Salad is pretty simple as you can see in the video but here’s a little grocery store “cheat sheet” to help you stock up on all the ingredients before you dive in!



  • organic dairy-free yogurt (coconut or cashew are my favs — unflavored!)
  • fresh organic parsley
  • organic ground oregano
  • 2 organic lemons
  • organic EVOO
  • 16oz package of organic firm tofu
  • organic dijon mustard
  • organic baby kale
  • 1 organic granny smith apple
  • organic garlic powder
  • organic grapes (red or green is fine based on preference)
  • organic chopped walnuts


MANTRA: “My health is my greatest wealth.”

MEDITATION: Body Love Meditation

more in the book 🙂



Hey loves,

So many of you reach out to me about the moons and I am going to start giving you little LIVE YouTube musings for each moon to help you learn a little more about what is going on energetically and how you can align your intentions and actions with it to capitalize on these juicy waves of transformation and growth!

First thing first, New Moons are a time for new beginnings, they are a time for you to set intentions, begin new projects and plant seeds from what you would like to see grow in the next month and beyond.

Each moon has its own “personality” based on what sign it sits in and what is going on with the other planets at its own time which is why I always find it helpful to dig even deeper.

Enjoy these musings, comment on the video and let me know what resonates and if you are interested in taking me up on a “Moon Magic Session” where I dive deeper into the section of your chart that Taurus is activating right now, chat about what is coming up for you right now and give you some ideas for aligned actions and intentions to set this moon as well as a personalized ritual to do to lock in the energy. Spots are limited, email me at to reserve yours.

Happy New Moon,



In this week’s blog I wanted to share with you my favorite healthy travel companions. So many of you LOVED my instagram stories of everything I was packing right before I left for Israel and New York for two weeks and requested different links that I wanted to put it all together for you in a nice little blog post + video.

As so many of you already know, I am no stranger to traveling and over the years I have gotten more and more savvy about what I need to pack in my carry on so that I can feel happy, healthy and lit up while venturing away from my home base. With summer just around the corner, I am sure a lot of you are also planning vacations, week-end getaways and even little road trips to enjoy the beautiful weather and get some R+R or do some exploring so I’m hoping these products that I’ve totally fell in love with (and keep me sane and feeling good on the road) are useful to you as well.

Traveling is the BEST when you are feeling rested, nourished and present but it can quickly be the worst when you feel exhausted, hungry and like you are running on empty! Let’s rig ourselves for travel bliss by planning ahead and adding small touches to keep our wellbeing rituals on track regardless of where in the world we are.

Check out my video below for a little sneak peak into my carry on goodies and check out the links below to grab any of my go-to’s for yourself this summer!



Cassandra’s Healthy Travel Haul MUST HAVES:

  1. Sage and/or Palo Santo to cleanse your hotel room and claim the energy as your own.
  2. Obsidian crystal oval for energy cleansing and psychic clearing after big crowds and airports.
  3. Rainbow daily pill case so that you get happy just at the thought of taking those supplements!
  4. Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Muesli cups for those grab + go breakfast mornings.
  5. Superfoods Green Powder to add to your water to keep you energized and alkaline.
  6. BareOrganics Powdered Coconut Milk Powder for a dairy free caffeine fix every morning, everywhere.
  7. My favorite wind-down night time teas: Tulsi Sweet Rose Holy Basil (for stress relief + magic), Fennel (for de-bloating) and Peppermint (for digestion).
  8. Mini in room night time facials with my Aveeno Positively Radiant Overnight Facial Moisturizer and divinely relaxing Jade Facial Roller.
  9. Boku Immune Tonic Spray to keep me healthy and going strong all trip long!
  10. My adorable palm print backpack that has now safely made the transition from travel bag to life bag.

So there you have it! My travel must haves, my secret sauce for staying refreshed and balanced even after traveling all over Israel and then spending a week with back to back meetings in NYC. I can safely report back that no only was I healthy the entire time, I was in great spirits and felt very loved up! Also, Israel was probably the most epic trip of my life thus far but I will have to save the details on that for another blog post. 😉

What are your favorite travel companions? How do you take your well-being rituals on the road? I want to know! Comment below or underneath the video!