Month: January 2020

Hey there beauty,

You’re invited to the exclusive Miracle Mastermind 2020, a small group of individuals gathered together for the purpose of shifting their mind from a place of fear to place of love, otherwise known as moving from scarcity to abundance or lack to infinite possibilities. Over the course of the year, we will move through the entire 365 day workbook of A Course in Miracles together, you will receive daily audios from moi and pictures of the lessons and we will have weekly meetings to discuss how to utilize the lessons in the Course for our day to day situations, struggles, and goals. By the time we complete, next February, you will have experienced miracles in every area of your life and have experienced a massive mindset shift! As an added bonus, if you are a coach, yoga or meditation teacher, you will also be (as defined by the course) an official A Course in Miracles Teacher.

This is Miracle Mastermind is for you if:

  • you have been curious about A Course in Miracles and either never picked up the book or tried to start the lessons and got distracted or bogged down by the language
  • you know you thrive with accountability, community and support in order to remain consistent
  • you are ready to dive deeper than ever spiritually and truly show up for this life changing work
  • you have read A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, Spirit Junkie, May Cause Miracles or Miracles Now by Gabby Bernstein  and our ready to experience the master spiritual text that inspired them all
  • you are willing and committed to showing up for daily spiritual practices for an entire year
  • you resonate with my teachings and want to have me as your mentor for the journey of 2020
  • you are ready to experience more joy, abundance and greatness in your life in 2020
  • you are a life coach, yoga teacher, meditation teacher or self-help blogger/influencer and want to ground your teachings in deep spiritual practice and study of a classic metaphysical text and training system of shifting your thoughts from fear to love
  • you are sick of living in fear, anxiety, stress, self-doubt and moments of sadness and are ready to develop strong spiritual tools to create miraculous mindset shifts
  • you want to connect deeper to your higher power and be your most divine, empowered, inspired self in 2020


How will it work?

 The Miracle Mastermind is a full year-long commitment from both of us.

My commitment to you is:

  • 365 days of audios and pictures of the lessons in our private WhatsApp group for you to listen to and meditate with each day.
  • Weekly Zoom calls where we will unpack the text itself from A Course in Miracles, it’s primary principles and the workbook for teachers.
  • Support when you get stuck, fall off track or need help fully understanding this course and applying it to your life.
  • Help to utilize the principles of ACIM for your relationships, finances, career and overall life circumstances.
  • Accountability, support, guidance and community as you embark on this transformative journey.
  • Once a month one on one hour long skype (or in-person) sessions for those who sign up for the VIP level*

Your commitment to me is:

  • Showing up to the daily lessons and audios and getting back on track when you fall behind.
  • Committing to staying the path the entire year and completing the full workbook.
  • Showing up to as many Zoom calls as possible and emailing in questions as they arise.
  • $400/month for 12 months financial commitment or one-time payment of $4400 for the year (save $400)
  • $600/month for 12 months if you would like the VIP level including once a month one on one sessions with me privately or $6,600 one time payment for the year (save $600)


The Miracle Mastermind’s daily Whats App Group audio and picture lessons will begin February 1st to give everyone a chance to get a copy of The Course in Miracles and A Return to Love as well as begin on some introductory homework and reading. **If you do not already own a copy of either or both of these books, I will send you them upon your enrollment.**

Are you ready to experience miracles more naturally than ever before in 2020? Is this the year that you truly show up to this deep spiritual practice and daily re-training of your mind from a consciousness of fear, stress, anxiety and scarcity to one of love, joy, peace, abundance and unlimited potential?

I think so, that’s why I’ve chosen to invite you. If you are ready to say “yes!” I’m ecstatic to have you and it’s going to be quite an other worldly year for us! Choose your preferred payment method below and I will reach out to you for next steps shortly after I receive the notification that you are in!

Monthly Payment Plan

Pay in Full Options

Got questions? I’ve got answers! Here’s a video I recorded just for you based on the most commonly asked questions that come my way. Everything from money, to time commitment to “what if I’m a total newbie?” — watch this video if you need a little greater clarification from me. Got something I didn’t cover?

Email and we will demystify it for you!

And incase any of you were wondering how “A Course in Miracles” came into my life and how this work has transformed it, I recorded this little ditty for you. I hope it gets you epically excited for what’s possible for you this year in the Miracle Mastermind! xo, Cass

Feeling strongly called but in a serious financial constriction right now?

One of the core principals of being a teacher of ACIM is always trying to offer a scholarship to those in need. While the energetic commitment of this Miracle Mastermind, is extensive on my part (I will pretty much be your spiritual running buddy all year long!!) — I am offering partial scholarships so that those of you who feel the call can say yes. The energetic exchange is an important part of this commitment because it’s you investing in yourself so the scholarship (should you be selected) will significantly reduce the price but not make it completely free. If this sounds perfect for YOU, click here and submit your application ASAP.  My hope is that this enables you join the mastermind at an investment that still feels like a commitment for you but also makes it very possible for you to say yes to this important, life-changing work.

Tis the season where everyone starts making resolutions to lose weight! Now you already know my stance on that — NOT HELPFUL! If you’ve been thinking about weight loss as a “goal” for 2020, I’d like to offer you a more loving and helpful option.

How about we make 2020 the year of nourishing your body and eating with intention!

Want to know an easy way to make sure that you actually stick with that? Choose one healthy habit that you are going to incorporate on a regular basis.

Here’s one that’s been a lifesaver for me — my go-to greens! There are a few around and it can be mind boggling picking the right one. You can shop online, in a healthfood store, even grocery stores stock a range! So how do you pick one? Do you buy the most expensive thinking it’s the best? How do I know which ingredients do what on the label on the back? And which do I really need?

Knowing what I know already about nutrition and then doing some more research on top of that I’ve found Teami Blends’ Greens Superfood Powder to have all the nutrients I need without the sugar, stevia or agave some brands add to the mix! The experts at Teami only use the highest quality, non-gmo ingredients, no fillers or additives (that you have to look out for in a lot of other powders on the shelf!) and everything is vegan and cruelty free which is why I feel so confident recommending them to you. This greens powder also contains 16 superfood ingredients like wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorophyll, kelp, broccoli, parsley, dandelion root and matcha — just to name a few of my stand out favorites!

I make sure to incorporate a green smoothie regularly, especially when I’m traveling. It’s when I’m not preparing my own food every day that the veggie count can drop and this blend is going to boost energy and give me my daily veggie count. Having a smoothie each morning with a scoop of teami greens give me peace of mind for the rest of the day knowing that I’ve already given my body a heap of the nutrient dense greens it needs to feel, look and run it’s best!

Me, in my hotel, making a smoothie on my recent Denver trip.

My go to smoothies recipe is:
1 cup non dairy milk (my favorite is coconut)
1 serving scoop of Teami blends greens (linked)
1/2 a banana
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 heaping tbsp of almond butter
A handful of spinach
1 tsp of flax seed meal

You can swap out the blueberries for your favorite frozen fruit of choice and the almond butter for your favorite nut or seed
butter as well.

I have this smoothie over and over again and somehow still love it! It’s easy to make, flexible enough where you can utilize what you have around the house and the Teami blends greens make sure it jam packed with good for you nutrition!

On the go or stranded without some key ingredients?

You can always mix the Teami greens with just ice and non dairy milk to still get in your nutrients!

As you can see in the pictures, I even love traveling with a small portable blender because when I start my day with my go to greens smoothie, I have the energy and vitality for whatever comes my way. Adding just this one habit into my diet has made me feel significantly better not only physically and mentally — but more self-love because it’s a symbol of my priority to take great care of my body.

So this New Year, let’s toss the body judging resolutions and get to the core of things. Real, practical, nourishing rituals are the way to love your body up and help it look and feel it’s best. Click here and use CASSGREENS at checkout for 15% off.