Thanks for coming to check out ‘Skinny in the City’! I’m really excited to get started with this blog and help new yorkers (and anyone else interested) get skinny in the city. This site will be all about my journey to lose and keep off those last 5,10, 15lbs and will hopefully be full of useful information to anyone who wants to get healthy, stay in shape and get skinny! I will personally test drive some popular cleanses, detoxes, diets, fitness routines, etc so that you can get some first hand insight and feedback. I’ll also post recipes that are delicious AND low in fat and calories and keep you in the loop about some skinny spots around NYC for when you need to eat out.
To find out a little more about me and my personal reason for starting this site, check out the ‘About Me’ page. I’m also a huge fan of feedback and suggestions since this is supposed to be for YOU so feel free to email me at if you have any suggestions of cleanses, diets, detoxes, programs etc you would like to hear about on the site! And lastly follow me on twitter to get skinnystatus updates!