Blasts of Light

Oh, dating in a big city, where do I start? First, let me tell you single ladies while it may seem like a daunting, even frustrating task at times, I ask that you embrace the last remaining trace of chivalry in New York City, the free dinner. Please take full advantage of this lovely little gift, I strongly advise making a list of current restaurants you’d love to try, places that have healthy options and of course your personal favorite go-tos. So next time, when that cute guy is stuttering over his words trying to ask you to dinner, you can chime right in with “actually I’d love to try (insert trendy new restaurant name here)” and make his life a little easier. Men love a woman who knows what she wants and if your giving this prospective candidate an entire evening of your time you should at least know your going to get a good meal out of it! Plus trying new places together is a great bonding experience for you both with no pressure on either of you if it’s a dud.

Okay, I’m no Patti Stanger here so I’ll stop with the dating advice and get to the skinny stuff, which is more in my line of expertise. Although, I’m pretty sure I’m in a more stable relationship than that Millionaire Matchmaker, any who. Moving on…Sometimes, when we finally find a guy who makes us all warm and gooey inside, it’s a little harder to say no to getting that artichoke pizza at 2am or indulging in a giant sundae at that cute ice cream shoppe. I mean he’s telling you how beautiful you are all the time and your ordering take out in bed in together, next thing you know none of your jeans fit and you throw your scale out the bathroom window. Sound familiar? It happens to the best of us! So here are a few quick tips on how to get yourself in check, be happy, stay skinny and enjoy your dating life with out packing on the pounds.

If you want the salad, ORDER the salad.
Sorry to rant here but I absolutely abhor those girly mags that tell you a guy’s fantasy is when a girl orders a big steak or cheeseburger on a first date. Personally, if his fantasy was you eating a fried cockroach on a first date, would you do THAT? Right, point made. I’m not saying you can’t order the steak if your totally craving one. I’m just saying that if you really want a salad or something light, or your really happy that you’ve been sticking to your new healthy eating plan, don’t be afraid to stay true to yourself. You have nothing to prove to this man, you should eat the same way you would eat if you were all alone at that restaurant.

Sharing means caring. It also means less calories for you!
Ladies, this really is the best of both worlds. Sharing is really romantic and can show you a lot about a man but what it REALLY does is let you have your cake and eat it too (and isn’t that what it’s all about!?). Example, I order my Waldorf salad appetizer, my boyfriend orders fried zucchini blossoms (a favorite of mine) and I get to feel good about eating the healthy salad and sneaking a few blossoms in. It allows you to try a little bit of something potentially naughty and still have a plate of something nutritious in front of you. This is also great for dessert! I love dessert, as if you couldn’t guess from all the cupcakes! However, when I make my boyfriend split a dessert with me I’m able to eat half the calories (if I’m really hungry) or just take a bite or two if I’m full but it was one of those things I had to try. Everyone wins!

Don’t be ashamed to doggy bag it.
I confess, I may have watched that movie “He’s Just Not That into You” more times than most men have seen “The Godfather”, and we all know they watch that on repeat. Anyway, there is a little segment in the movie where a guy is talking to the camera and giving some signs about how you can tell if a woman is not going to sleep with you after a date. One of the signs is if she doggy bags it. This is ridiculous, both funny and absurd. Once again let me say, who cares what he thinks?! I don’t like to waste good food and why should I be forced to finish every thing on my plate? Which is why I recommend taking half your meal to go, or whatever your not actually hungry for. There is no need to eat more than your fill when it will make a perfectly delicious lunch for tomorrow!

As for if your going to sleep with him, well honey, I’ll leave that up to you. 😉










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Let’s just get this out of the way, I grew up in Jersey (yes, shut up and no, I don’t recall anything like Snooki at my high school). Moving on, so as a Jersey girl I pretty much grew up around diners. Diners were your multipurpose please everyone eatery. We went to them after church for breakfast, we went to them after our theatre performances and we hung out at them till the wee hours of the morning when we were in high school ordering cheese fries and driving the poor waitresses to drink. There was a kind of family to the diner, it was always there, always open and had almost anything you could want to eat. So naturally when I passed this gem down in the meatpacking district on 14th and 8th avenue I absolutely had to try it for myself!

While “The Diner” is more of a trendy new york eatery then what we have in the garden state, it keeps true to the diner classics. It has a wide spread menu of almost anything your heart could desire plus a few healthier, trendier bites and most importantly disco fries. They also have a kick-ass Mom’s grilled cheese special which is a thick, cheesy grilled cheese paired with some creamy tomato soup and small side salad. That’s a must try. They have a pretty solid selection of milkshakes (another diner staple) and they even serve MUD coffee! This is a very handy thing to know because if your down in the area you can stop in for a quick latte to-go.

This time I decided to roll the dice with their homemade veggie burger topped with guacamole and sprouts on an english muffin. I’m somewhat of a professional veggie burger critic now since any vegetarian will tell you that finding a really good one, is no small feat. Safe to say, I have traveled far and wide (around the tristate area) to find a yummy burger made from vegetables!

So when I tell you this burger pretty much rocked my socks off, you know you need to try it. Now, I’ll get through the honest somewhat disappointing stuff first because the over all experience was fabulous. I personally didn’t care for the english muffin, it wasn’t toasted, it was just kind of blah and I ate my burger with out it. No harm done. The burger it self was pretty amazing, I couldn’t tell exactly what was in it but it seemed like a large amount of vegetables and then some barley and beans (but don’t quote me on it). Topping it off with guacamole is just genius and something I am copying at every BBQ I serve veggie burgers at. The guac compliments the burger in a way that ketchup and mustard just can’t. As far as the sprouts, well to be honest, I didn’t really eat most of them. They don’t really do much for me but by all means be healthier than I and chop em down! Of course, I was a bit naughty and got a side of sweet potato fries instead of a side salad. C’mon, I’m at a diner, how could I not sample the fries?! They passed my test with flying colors and were all too quickly devoured.

To wrap it up, the servers were lovely and attentive, the veggie burger was a hit and I will be hitting up “The Diner” plenty more. They have a great selection of healthy choices too, if the veggie burger isn’t your thing. Google it, stop in and let me know what you think!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

For this week’s Tuesday Tip, I lead you step by step through making my favorite summer salad and dressing! Be sure to check it out! It’s light and easy, the perfect addition to your summer BBQ!











Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

In this week’s Tuesday Tip I share with you my favorite skinny snacks so you can find some inspiration for some light noshes this summer! Check back for more summer snack ideas all this week!
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Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

After spending most of my day elbow deep in cake batter for this weekend’s red velvet cake pop centers, I needed a break and something that wasn’t going to destroy my bikini body progress. Sushi to the rescue! While, I personally went through a phase couple years ago where I ate sushi everyday till I couldn’t stand it anymore, it’s ridiculously hot summer days like today that make yearn for the skinny treat. Sushi, if you avoid any of the fried (aka tempura) and mayonnaise filled ones, is wonderful healthy meal option. Whenever I’m watching what I eat it’s always one of my go-to  suggestions when someone wants to go out to dinner or order take out and I don’t want to ruin my diet. The trick is to find a really good sushi spot or two and close by! Which is exactly what my game plan was for today and since, I’m never not working I decided to write you guys a little review of the local sushi spot in my hood! Enjoy!

OSAKA Japanese Cuisine (

Located amongst the many sushi restaurants that crowd Broadway in Astoria, Osaka is a clean, quiet restaurant that is perfect for dinner with a friend or a relaxing late lunch by yourself. The servers are polite but not overbearing, as I tend to find often is the case in Japanese restaurants. I ordered an Avocado/Mango roll and a Ginza roll (minus the mayonnaise). The Ginza roll consists of cooked salmon, onion, mango and shrimp. I got both rolls with brown instead of white rice (which is nice that they offer). While it appeared they left out the mango along with the mayonnaise (that I didn’t want) on my Ginza roll, the meal was otherwise very good. Everything tasted fresh and I was very satisfied with my lunch. I will definitely order from this place again and if your in Astoria and need some reputable sushi – head on in! 

25-24 Broadway, Astoria, NY 11106










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

I’m sorry for the belated Tuesday Tip post! I had it all ready last night and fell asleep before I clicked “publish”. Yeah, it’s been that kind of week – and it’s only Wednesday morning! I’m not complaining though. I’m extremely grateful to be a busy actress, it’s very much a luxury. Anywho, enough about me and more about this week’s tip, which is a fabulous and easy way to make low fat vegan ice cream! Watch and learn. Don’t be a stranger, feel free to email me at if you have any questions about this week’s tip or have a suggestion for what you’d like to see in future tip segments!

And as always, please support GoSweetandSkinny by SUBSCRIBING to our YouTube channel! I promise it will not make you watch every video or send you obnoxious emails. Just click it, trust me. 🙂










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)


I am so thrilled to announce that you fabulous New Yorkers and Brooklynites can come out this Saturday and take home some delicious gosweetandskinny goodies to enjoy! In an out of this world collaboration with my brilliant ice cream scientist buddies at Alchemy Creamery we have created some vegan chocolate magic wands! Also known as cake pops covered in ice cream. The picture above is one of the adorable vegan chocolate centers of these magical creations but keep eye out on twitter for a pic of the finished product! I hope you can come share in the fun tomorrow down on the water in Williamsburg at Smorgasburg! We’ve only made a limited amount for their launch so get there early to make sure you can get one!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Yes, that is an actual picture of me frolicking on the beach, above. However, that was an impromptu photoshoot with a photographer friend of mine last fall and I was able to hide my bikini body for a great deal of it. Now, it’s July and I have a bikini shoot lined up for just two weeks from today, so I want to lose five to ten pounds PRONTO!
You might say,”why does this have anything to do with my lifestyle?”. While I am aware this is definitely a more common issue amongst actresses, I’m sure you’ve all been in the position where you have a big event and just want to look absolutely amazing and nothing quite makes you feel as confident as a slight slim down and tone up.
While I do advocate a ‘have a little bit of everything/ never deprive yourself’ kind of lifestyle on the regular, this is certainly not the first time I’ve had to step up my healthy eating and work out game for a role or photoshoot. I thought it would be an interesting and intimate journey to share with you guys for the next two weeks as I lose between 5-10lbs to look and  feel (most importantly ) amazing and confident in my bathing suit. My game plan is simple, eat clean and work out daily. As for eating clean, it basically just means steamed or raw veggies, fruit and protein (but not drenched in a fatty or creamy sauce). Sounds easy but it can certainly be a challenge. For my work out, I’m going to do Pilates each day for 30 minutes and cardio for however long I feel like. I know that might sound ridiculous but I actually have a pretty active lifestyle so it’s not as essential for me as it is for someone who sits at a desk all day. If that happens to be you, I would recommend 45-60 minutes of cardio a day and broken up into two different sessions if that’s possible for your lifestyle.
My particular challenge at the moment is sticking to my plan while doing night shoots for a movie this week. Sleep is so crucial for losing weight and my willpower to resist goodies tends to decline as the night goes on. But, hey, I’m human! So stay tuned and hopefully through my trials and tribulations you can learn something for the next time you need to get in shape for an event.










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Check out this week’s latest tip about how to cut your portion sizes in a quick and easy way and don’t forget to subscribe to our GoSweetandSkinny YouTube channel! Thanks guys!










Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Check out installment #3! (in place of this week’s Tuesday Tip) Enjoy!






Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Hey guys! Thanks for watching! Here’s tip clip #2 to help you get your head in the game for this 4th of july’s upcoming festivities! Don’t forget to help me out by subscribing to my youtube channel to show your support!






Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Hey guys! Are you going to a BBQ or pool party this 4th of July?! Well I’m going to be posting some party navigating tip clips in the next couple days so that you can have an amazing 4th of July while staying sweet and skinny! Check out the first tip clip below and be sure to become our subscriber on YouTube!








Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)