The Podcast

In this episode of Divine Downloads, Cassandra Bodzak interviews Kelsey Abbott about how we can utilize our human design to manifest more effectively and rig our lives for success based on our unique design.

Kelsey Abbott is a transformational coach, healer and light leader. Trained in professional coaching, Human Design, sports and performance psychology, meditation and mindfulness, neuroscience and energy healing, Kelsey helps one being at a time remember who they are, align their soul with their human design, and own and share their unique gifts so we can all rise together. Kelsey’s true purpose is to make a big impact on the world through deep connection with her clients, playing in the light, and instigating joy wherever she goes.

Find out more about Kelsey or book a session with her:


Instagram: @kelseyabbottcpc

Podcast: The Find Your Awesome Podcast

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I share how to manifest using your meditation practice. I talk about the inspiration and importance behind my latest book, “Manifesting Through Meditation” as well as walk you through my four-step method from the book to help you create the life you are dreaming of. I’ll even give you a little update on how my own manifesting has been going!

In this episode of Divine Downloads, Cassandra Bodzak interviews Relationship Expert, Married at First Sight Star, and Author of the book “Relatable: How to Connect with Anyone, Anywhere”, Rachel DeAlto. Rachel gives us her best tips on how to be relatable! She talks about making new friends as an adult, give us solid dating tips and even teaches us simple ways to connect with people in our everyday lives!

Grab Rachel’s book on Amazon here:

Check out her website here:

Follow her on Instagram at:

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I share about the Lion’s Gate portal and New Moon in Leo on 8/8/21. I cover the energetic themes arising, how to utilize this portal for massive vibrational up level and why it’s such a magical time for manifesting.

If you’d like to go deeper, join the 90 minute LIVE workshop (recording with be avail after for any who sign up for the LIVE) with a full length energy download, manifestation meditation ritual and breath work for integrating these higher frequencies on the actual Lions Gate and New Moon 8/8 by clicking here.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I interview the author of “Boundary Boss”, Terri Cole, a licensed psychotherapist, and global relationship and empowerment expert. In this interview, Terri Cole shares with us just how to become a boundary boss, aka, how to set boundaries with those around us to help us live our best life. Terri gives us practical tips and strategies to set loving boundaries that give us the space to feel free, be happy, and grow into our best selves.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I interview musician, drummer and member of the Banshee Tree, Michelle Pietrafitta, who is also a one-on-one client of mine. Michelle shares her journey of discovering where she was settling on her manifestation path, reclaiming her bold desires and manifesting some amazing leaps towards her dreams. Highly recommend this podcast for anyone whose on a manifestation journey towards creating the life their soul desires.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I interview astrologer Debra Silverman on the most impactful astrology in your birth chart. Debra tells us about how knowing your moon can transform your relationships, honoring your progressed moon keeps you in the flow of life, how your Saturn has an important life lesson for you, what the midheaven means for your career and so much more.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I discuss my own grief journey and how my spiritual knowledge has helped me navigate it. I also discuss how I’ve connected to her grandma who has passed using signs, journaling, and meditation in an effort to assist anyone else who may be moving through their own grief journey.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I interview Nanci Danison about her three Near Death Experiences and what she learned in her time in the Afterlife! Nanci reveals powerful truths about manifesting, Source/God and our path as light beings or souls in this Earth life.

Find out more about Nanci’s work here:

Grab Nanci’s books here:

Find Nanci on YouTube here:

Join Cassandra’s LIVE Workshop for the New Moon in Aries: