The Podcast

This guided meditation is here to help you plug into your higher self so you can live more from that place of divine truth as you go through your day. Enjoy! This makes a great daily practice to start seeing massive positive changes in your life. The music is 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency in the background for an extra boost of love.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk about the connection between manifesting and the mystical for this soulful, dreamy Pisces New Moon that’s happening on March 13, 2021. The topic of this episode is evergreen, however, in that it touches on why it’s so important for us to connect to the 5D or the field of our soul’s essence beyond the body as a way to design our reality and manifest our dreams.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk to mind shifter, energy mover, and dear friend, Jamie Graber about how they have navigated unmet desires as coaches who are constantly helping others to manifest amazing things in their lives. In this episode, we dive deep into Jamie’s miraculous conception journey after the desire to be a mom snuck up on her in her early 40s after years of being married without desire for children. We break down the path of honoring your soul-given, audacious desires from the very first hit of awareness to the space before it arrives and all the juicy bits in between.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk to Liana Werner-Gray author of “Anxiety Free with Food” about her top strategies for eating your way to a more peaceful state of mind! We will learn the top foods for healing anxiety as well as the top foods that CAUSE anxiety! Anxiety is one of the top blocks to so many of us going after our dreams, living our best lives and ultimately feeling more happiness and peace through out the day. If you suffer from anxiety, the tools, tips and practical dietary shifts in this episode will be a game changer.

Liana’s Organics Anxiety-Free Supplement is now on Amazon –

In this episode of Divine Downloads, I chat with my bestie, Sahara Rose about the biggest lessons of 2020 from their own perspectives. 2020 has been life-altering for many of us and in all sorts of different ways. It’s clearly been a year of growth, evolution, and uncertainty. In this podcast, Sahara and I chat reflecting on this year and its lessons and how to powerfully utilize what they have given us. This episode is a double feature and can also be found on Sahara’s “Highest Self Podcast”.

In this episode of Divine Downloads, Cassandra Bodzak talks to Gina DeVee about her new book, “The Audacity to be Queen: The Unapologetic Art of Dreaming Big and Manifesting Your Most Fabulous Life.” Cassandra and Gina discuss how to bend space and time, step into your most empowered self and how your decisions truly shape your life. This episode will leave you with some amazing tools to level up immediately!

Gina’s DeVee’s journey from struggling psychotherapist (who lived at home with her parents) to globetrotting entrepreneur has led her to founding her multi-million dollar women’s empowerment company, Divine Living. Divine Living is for the person who’s excited about impacting the world; craves a spiritual connection, dares to be visible, and desires to fulfill their life’s purpose.

Gina is an author, speaker, and success coach. She has dedicated her career to helping clients connect spiritually, start businesses, create wealth, and live life to the fullest. Gina’s mission is to uplift entrepreneurs through inspiring content, bold business trainings, and life-changing events.

In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you my intuitive energy forecast on the New Moon in Leo as well as her thoughts on the over all energy this month. This New Moon is a breath of fresh air and a great time for setting powerful intentions to end the summer strong in the courageous pursuit of your heart’s desires!

Grab the Clarity, Miracles and Momentum VIRTUAL Retreat to do at home to quantum shift and step into the next level of your life: