
I’m super excited to share this high-vibe interview with you guys! Michelle Goldblum and Ali Leipzig, the founders of Soul Camp, are two women who instantly come to my mind when I think about entrepreneurs creating from a place of LOVE, so it was totally serendipitous that our interview ended up on the New Moon in Leo which kicked off a power surge for us all of heart-centered creation energy.

Watch the interview and hear their answers to how they turned a brilliant idea to a thriving business, the daily rituals that keep them in a state of JOY and how they tackle the ups and downs that inevitably come from running your own business. We also gush about Soul Camp, an adult sleep away camp where you go to relax, reboot, reconnect and to find your soul friends. I had the most marvelous and transformative experience last year as an instructor and can’t wait to go back again this year and lead more workshops at Soul Camp West.

If you want to find out more about Soul Camp, you can visit the website here or feel free to leave comments on YouTube under the video and we will answer any of your questions.

PPS. If you watched this video and you are feeling amped to take your soul centered business to the next level, check out my LIGHT-filled business course right here and email me at and mention the soul camp interview for an exclusive offer!

I wanted to open up about a business practice that is at the very core of everything I do that some of you may not have been familiar with and the recent breakthrough it catalyzed for me in stepping out more in sharing all the many facets of me.

It’s called “Letter to a LightMaker in training” and it’s the compass for everything I do in my business.

I wrote this letter for the first time a few years ago when I was in the early stages of coaching and really wanting to connect with who I was here to serve. Now, about every six months, I sit down, light some candles, drink some tea, and allow words to flow openly from my heart center on to the page about the woman I am here to serve.

I read this letter regularly and multiple times a day when making a decision to pursue a certain project or not with my work. It has served as my guiding light and I think it’s a powerful practice for any of you who are looking to start your own business or start working with clients from a heart-centered place.

In the video above, I read you my letter aloud and dive into some eye openers that have come up as a result of it. I hope you will take a minute to watch and comment below if it resonates with you.

I also want to remind you that this week kicks off my first ever — LIGHT-filled business online program and I invite you to check it out and join me on this wonderful hear centered journey to creating a business that LIGHTS you up.

Check out my LIGHT-filled Business Offer with Gabby’ Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Master Class Digital here:

One of the most commonly asked questions I get from my business coaching clients is ” how do I get the confidence to share my work with the world?” so I wanted to give you my 3 top tips for getting started and gaining the confidence to be an unapologetic force of light in the world!

Please share this with other closet lightworkers that you know are ready to step out of hiding and shine bright!

Want even more help? Let me help you get started here:

In this video, I’m kicking off a four part series about the BIGGEST blocks I had for starting my own business, stepping into who I was as a light worker and really going big and shining bright in this world. Let me know if this resonates with you in the comments below and what challenges come up for you when shining your light! Stay tuned for the next three videos, I’m sure these will hit home and help you bust through some blocks that are holding you back!

Watch my girl Gabby Bernstein’s video on how to bust through the 3 most common blocks when wanting to shine your light and be a spiritual entrepreneur here:

RSVP for my Summer Solstice Meditation Workshop:

In this video, I chat about this weekend’s upcoming New Moon in Gemini and what it means energetically.

Join me for a FREE live online meditation workshop Saturday morning or watch the replay any time you want by RSVPing to

In this video, I get super open and honest about my personal meditation practice and how things have been changing up for me recently as well as why it’s so important for you to design your own meditation practice, AKA, do what your soul is calling you to do. The important part is that you have a daily meditation practice to help you go within and connect to God, the universe, love, your highest self, etc. Listen in for more tips on designing your own personal meditation practice and download my FREE meditation 101 workshop to get you started here :

Want to join me for my New Moon in Gemini Meditation workshop + talk? IT’S COMPLETELY DONATION BASED — AKA FREE or pay what you feel called to! RSVP here to get the replay or join us live on saturday:

Today is a blue moon or a full moon in Sagittarius and I wanted to dig a little deeper into whats coming up for me around this full moon and talk to you about how to best interpret this energy right now! Sagittarius is all about truth telling and full moons signify completions, the past few weeks (or even months) may have felt like a roller coaster of ups and downs, productivity and stagnation and now we are gaining more clarity around our personal truth and collective truth. Watch the video for how to navigate this as gracefully as possible plus some other themes that have been coming up around this energy and how to best utilize them!

Here’s the link to RSVP for my Go Big Shine Bright ONLINE workshop on Friday



In today’s video I share with you my daily routine and how I keep up with my morning rituals on the road when I’m traveling. I get asked a lot about what I do every day in the morning and I was feeling called to share a bit more of my life with you guys for this one so let me know what you think and if you want to hear more about my day to day and what I’m up to like this!

You can read the article I mention on Mind Body Green where I was interviewed about my meditation practice and some commonly asked questions for getting started here:

Sign up for my ONLINE WORKSHOP – “Go Big, Shine Bright” about conquering self-sabotage and elevating to the next level of being in your life here:

This vlog is real and unfiltered – a day in the life – how I juggle (or don’t) work while traveling for business. It’s the end of the first day of the Garden of Life Blogger Summit here in Palm Beach, FL and I’m laying out the realness on what it looks like when you travel a lot for work and have tons of emails, clients and projects to work on! Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

I’ll be in NYC 5/27 for my Go Big Shine Bright meditation workshop and talk, I hope to see you there OR you can order the workshop online to watch from wherever! RSVP here:

This video is all about how to deal with disappointment, it can be used whether your need help healing after a break up or bouncing back after missing out on a major career move. Let’s get real, sometimes things don’t go our way and we feel crappy about it, we get sad. It’s okay. We are human and it’s okay to be upset over a disappointing situation. In this video I share with you the perspective switch that allows me to feel my feelings and move onwards!

In today’s video I am talking about getting outside your comfort zone so that you can live your most expansive life. I open up about what currently is making me feel vulnerable and why I”m pushing through it to get to other side!

You can RSVP for in person or a recording of the upcoming workshop I mention at

The donation page for my Nicaragua…

Thank you for your support and love! I look forward to reading your areas of vulnerability and hearing how you are stepping outside of your comfort zone!