Blasts of Light


I am so excited to offer you guys GROUP coaching this month!

             It’s PERFECT for those of you that want support creating a sweet and skinny life you love but aren’t ready to take the leap to one on one coaching or maybe you just like being in a group setting and having other amazing people to vibe off of and support you!

Either way it’s a deal at $25 for an hour and a half! (That’s less than what you spend on dinner in NY!)

The next session is July 22nd (Next Monday) from 7:30-9pm.

 We will be discussing daily rituals to assist you in creating a happy, healthy, vivacious life you love! You’ll leave with FIVE amazing tools that you can start incorporating immediately to help you lose weight, get happy and stop stressing!

Don’t miss it!

Email me at to RSVP. Please put GROUP COACHING in the subject line!

YAY! Can’t wait to see your pretty faces on Monday!

Have you ever been SO FRUSTRATED because you know you really want something and you just can’t commit to doing what it takes to follow through? You are not alone! Check out this video and like, subscribe and comment to let me know just how bad you want it!! 🙂

I don’t know about you but my schedule doesn’t always permit me the luxury of hitting up a yoga class on the daily. I’ve gotten much better at making it a priority but sometimes I just need a little yoga fix to get me moving, kick up my energy and open me up! I stumbled up this AMAZING 20 minute yoga video on YouTube from PlumTV and wanted to share it with you guys. It’s a lot of heart openers aka back bends so it really gives you a nice loving feeling throughout and provides you with a sustainable energy boost to take on the rest of your day! Give it a whirl and enjoy! Namaste.


If you are subscribed to the newsletter you’ve already heard me riff about this a little this morning and if you’re not then SIGN UP! What are you waiting for? A weekly dose of sweet and skinny inspiration and special promotions are seconds away on the side bar! Just put your first name and email and we’ll get you hooked up!

Anyways, back to happiness!
So often I see people letting their exercise and healthy eating attempts stress them out! It totally defeats the whole purpose of taking care of yourself. This week, lets turn our attention to happiness and focus on creating more of it! Stress kills and happiness heals! Take a moment right now and in your phone or on a post it write down 5-10 things you can do on the average day that make you happy. I challenge you this week to look at this list everyday and pick one thing every day to do! Make happiness a priority this week and your eating habits and activity will fall in line.

Be sure to comment below and let me know some of the things on your happiness list! Have a great Monday!

Come join me as I review the second week of my “May Cause Miracles” by Gabby Bernstein journey. I thought it was only appropriate I post this video today for you guys because I’m going to meet the miracle maker herself today the Hay House Writer’s Workshop and I couldn’t be more excited! Please comment, share and SUBSCRIBE! I’d love to hear your experiences if you’ve read this book!

Okay, out causing miracles and stuff, peace.

Are you ready for the third installment of your SUMMER SLIM DOWN Challenge?! I hope so because this ones not for the weak! Make sure you watch the first two videos first and then let me know if you want to kick it up a notch on week three!

Check out more about the sugar cleanse on loving

I have been a self proclaimed yoga-junkie since before Lululemon started making amaze balls yoga pants. I can find myself relatively comfortable in almost any class my little heart desires to step into, and I say this not to brag but to really emphasize my point here. As many of you may have noticed from following the website and YouTube videos, I have just recently gotten really into meditating. Meditating was something that I flirted with for years! I tried it off and on in college and always sat and focused on my breath at the end of yoga class but never really incorporated it into my yoga practice. I know, this might seem insane, could I really have done yoga all these years and NOT figured it out till now!? Well I’m totally calling myself out on this one in hopes that it will help you take your practice to the next level or maybe even give yoga a second try if it wasn’t your thing at first. A couple nights a go I went to the “power yoga” class at my gym, I was juicing during the day and in a very meditative mood as it was but then the instructor took a minute and spoke to us about setting an intention for our practice. For those of you that have been to yoga class, this is fairly common. However, for the first time, I really set a powerful intention for my practice. In fact, it had nothing to do with my body and wasn’t directly related to the yoga work I was doing but to the meditative work I was doing at home. I instantly felt more calm and centered in my practice, my intention gave me strength and balance. In some of the more challenging poses I really felt like I was harnessing power towards my intention. Yoga went from an amazing work out where I stretch my already uber flexible body and feel like jello when I leave to this other worldly experience, I don’t think I’ve ever been so relaxed and grounded while sweating so much! I felt empowered and balanced afterwards like I had gotten a mind massage, if you can imagine that. So I HAD to share with you guys! I will never go back to doing intention-less yoga again and I strongly encourage you all to challenge yourself this week by taking a yoga class and setting a powerful intention and just letting that experience guide you! Let me know how it goes! Comment below after class!

I am reading Gabrielle Bernstein’s amazing book “May Cause Miracles: A 40 Day Guide Book to Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness” and thought it would be a great way to kick off my Skinny Chick Book Club Playlist! Gabby takes you through 40 days of ‘lessons’ with each week having a specific topic or intention. My hope is that through my journey and experience you can not only pick up a few tips for yourself but also make an educated decision about whether this might be a good book for you! Please, like, subscribe and comment! I love hearing from you!