Blasts of Light

Here’s you go, day three late night confessions of how my juice detox is going! Check it out!

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

Here’s my diary from day 2 of my juice detox! Check it out and be sure to subscribe on YouTube and follow along on instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop and hopefully juice along with me! 🙂

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

I decided to record a video diary every night of my juice detox this week to hopefully show those of you who have never detoxed before what it’s like and what you can expect but also to provide a companion of sorts for those of you who are currently juicing with me. Trust me, it’s not easy but there are some incredible benefits! I’m testing out some of my favorite juices this week in order to compile a complete juice detox guide for you guys. Let me know what your experience is and what some of your favorite juice combinations are!

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

veggiesThe weather is gorgeous! The flowers are FINALLY blooming and it’s time to take your body from winter time sweaters and jackets to flowing spring dresses and soon to be shorts! I love celebrating the changing of the seasons with a nice juice detox to ease my body on to the lighter, healthier foods that we crave when the weather gets warmer. And, of course, to clean out my system of any junk I may have eaten in the past months of winter. This week I am embarking on a five day juice detox! I’m going to be experimenting with new juice combinations as well as old favorites to compile a book for you with the ultimate in delicious juice detox recipes! I will be video logging every evening to let you know how it’s going, how I feel, etc. Please come and join me on this journey! Whether you start on Monday with me or Wednesday for a three day detox, I will be here to answer any of your questions and we can get through it together! So write on my Facebook wall, comment below and let’s get juicing together!!

Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

Are you trying to take your healthy lifestyle to the next level by incorporating more activity in to your life but not quite ready to join a gym or sign up for a class? OR do you just get too busy some days to always make that yoga class or sneak in some gym time? Watch my easy at home solution to burn some calories, get active and feel guilt free about skipping out on formal exercise! Don’t forget to subscribe, like or comment!

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

These low fat red velvet truffles are so delicious and easy to make you’re going to be making them for every occasion! Please be sure to like and subscribe to my youtube channel after watching!

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

It’s late, I’m tired but I’m still hungry and I hate going to bed with my tummy grumbling! Can you relate? I bet you can. Late night snacking can be a real diet enemy! You’re good all day, eating healthy, delicious meals and then midnight rolls around and you’re still working or just out with your friends, hunger strikes and you’re just too tired to make a good, healthy choice! Eating junk late at night is not only sabotaging your healthy daytime diet but it can leave you feeling gross and bloated when you wake up the next morning! Here’s a little tip video I put together for you guys so that you can be prepared for those late night cravings, keep these snacks on hand and you can go to sleep with a happy tummy and wake up being really glad you didn’t ruin your diet!

Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

Watch me make some delicious vegan peanut butter cream cheese icing in this video and don’t forget to comment, like and SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!


Clean up your diet! But before you even begin to do that you should clean up your kitchen!! That’s a real pic of my actual kitchen cabinet before and after I cleaned and organized it. I don’t know if you can tell but in the latter picture, I have my spices and canned goods on the first most accessible shelf, my baking products on the middle shelf (because I use them a great deal) and then my carb stuff all the way at the top so it’s out of my eye line and I’m not constantly looking at it. Cleaning was also a great way for me to go through and ditch things I no longer eat or stuff I know I shouldn’t be eating! A great way to start off a healthy, clean diet is to do a complete overhaul of your kitchen. It sends signals to your brain that a big change is going on and opens it up for a fresh beginning! If you take action, toss those unhealthy leftovers, naughty things lurking in your freezer or fridge and organize your cabinets in a smart creative way, maybe even add some fun motivational quotes in there, you are setting yourself up for success! And now every time you walk into your kitchen you’ll be reminded of it!! Go get cleaning and send me your before and afters! I can’t wait to see!

Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan, vegetarian and low fat recipes and diet advice. Let me know what healthy recipes you want to see on the site and ask any questions your may have. I’m here to help!

Have you been tossing around the idea of going meatless this Monday?! Even if you haven’t till you read this post, I hope now you are. I understand the overwhelmingness of giving up meat for a lifetime or maybe even a couple months but how about for just one day a week? I’ve already written a post about why this is a fabulous idea and all the benefits you’ll reap from just one day off meat, so if you haven’t read that, check it out here.

Alright, so now you know why going meatless one day is a great start (or you skipped the article and are taking my word for it)! The great thing about going vegetarian for one day a week is that it allows you to experiment with all sorts of different food choices you might normally pass over for some chicken or steak! However, I often find my carnivorous friends struggling to eat anything more than carbs when they first try this out and that’s no bueno! So to make your meatless Mondays even easier, every Monday I’ll be posting a meat free meal plan full of easy practical options for you to indulge in and start your week off right! Of course you needn’t follow it exactly if you have some yummy meat free ideas of your own add them in! And please comment below and let me know some great things you’ve been eating!

Meatless Monday Meal Plan #1

Oatmeal with almond milk, fresh berries and sprinkled with chia seeds
Fresh green juice (if your one of hose people who aren’t very hungry in the morning)

A nice big bowl of lentil soup
A make-it-yourself salad (but what about protein?! Lentils, kidney beans, black beans, quinoa, edamame or grilled tofu are all great protein packed salad add ons!)

Feeling decadent? Try my skinny eggplant parmigiana recipe
Quinoa with sautéed spinach, onions, asparagus, zucchini, whatever veggies your heart desires..

Almond butter with sliced apples
Carrots or broccoli with hummus
Kale chips

Yay!! Your going to make it through this meatless Monday and maybe even find you enjoy some of these meat free options more than you’d ever imagine!



Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)


Nestled right across the street from Urban Outfitters on 14th st and 6th ave, Gusto Organics is a great place to stop in and grab a healthy lunch or dinner. What makes Gusto so incredible is that they are not only vegan/ vegetarian friendly but meat eater friendly as well! It’s hard enough finding a good, organic restaurant with vegan and vegetarian food but finding one that can also appease your meat loving friends is an all around win. Everything on the menu is very health conscious and obviously organic, I ordered the lentil, eggplant veggie burger and my girl friend ordered their lentil stew with a side of quinoa. Everything was fabulous. Personally, the veggie burger bun was a little much for me and I could of just eaten the veggie burger topped with guacamole solo but good faux burger nonetheless! I love the lentil eggplant combination, filled with tons of protein. My friends lentil stew also looked amazing, can you tell I’m a lentil lover?! Regardless what your healthy pleasure is, I’m sure you can find something to appease your palette at Gusto Organics. Give it a try and let me know what you get!



Thanks for reading! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)

Watch me make a delicious vegan breakfast parfait in just minutes! A great way to incorporate a little low fat, healthy vegan eating into your day right from the start! Enjoy and share with your friends! 🙂





Thanks for watching! I love that Go Sweet and Skinny is your go-to website for healthy living tips, vegan and vegetarian recipes (from everything from appetizers to cupcakes!) and diet advice. I”m committed to helping you get skinny and live the sweet life! Please follow @gosweetnskinny on twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel ( to keep yourself sweet and skinny 24/7. And as always, feel free to email me at and let me know what low fat, healthy recipes you want to see on the site, what diet books your trying and ask any diet questions your little heart desires! I’m here to help you!:)