Blasts of Light



In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you some real talk about the discernment you need to be practicing right now during the Corona Virus Pandemic. It seems like there are A LOT of opinions spreading around the social media world about what you SHOULD be doing during self-quarantine. Some say you should relax, unwind, others are preaching to step up more than ever. In this episode, we dive into why it’s not a one size fits all solution and how to find YOUR unique guidance on how to utilize this time.






In this video, i share a practice i personally use to combat anxiety and overwhelm called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping to help you significantly reduce the amount of overwhelm and anxiety you feel in minutes. This video is inspired by recent current events like the corona virus and self-quarantine but it can be used for any situation where you feel overwhelm and anxiety.






In this episode of Divine Downloads i give you my intuitive download around the corona virus. we talk about the spiritual significance of the corona virus, the importance of using discernment from a place of love and intuition and how we can boost our immune systems as well as release our fears and anxiety around this pandemic.





In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk about how the number one “life hack” is actually to honor our individual, unique rhythms and work with them instead of trying to fit ourselves into a pre-existing, often patriarchal template. I reference astrology, human design and our biological rhythms in this episode as well as some of the key concepts of A Course in Miracles to truly drive home the importance of allowing your unique template to unfold for ultimate success and fulfillment.






In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk about how we can often be weighed down by our big vision leading to overwhelm and anxiety. I offer a guided meditation to help you let your big vision, goal or dream give you a feeling of expansion, rising and pulling you forward with divine direction.







In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you my intuitive download around this February 9th 2020 Leo Full Moon! The primary theme being a culmination to courage and how we can boldly claim our hearts desire so that we can be truly LIT UP!





In this episode of Divine Downloads, I share about my recent engagement, how I met my partner and all the spiritual lessons I learned right before we met and as we were dating for those of you on your own journey to deep romantic love. I provide some of the tools and tips that were effective for me in rising up to meet the man of my dreams and receiving great love when it came!








In this episode of “Divine Downloads”, I dive into why our thoughts are creating our lives and how we can look to our way of thinking to change our lives both on a mental and a physical level. I discuss how to see what areas of your life need a thought shift so you can see the life upgrade. I give you the top three tools for shifting your thoughts!



Tis the season where everyone starts making resolutions to lose weight! Now you already know my stance on that — NOT HELPFUL! If you’ve been thinking about weight loss as a “goal” for 2020, I’d like to offer you a more loving and helpful option.

How about we make 2020 the year of nourishing your body and eating with intention!

Want to know an easy way to make sure that you actually stick with that? Choose one healthy habit that you are going to incorporate on a regular basis.

Here’s one that’s been a lifesaver for me — my go-to greens! There are a few around and it can be mind boggling picking the right one. You can shop online, in a healthfood store, even grocery stores stock a range! So how do you pick one? Do you buy the most expensive thinking it’s the best? How do I know which ingredients do what on the label on the back? And which do I really need?

Knowing what I know already about nutrition and then doing some more research on top of that I’ve found Teami Blends’ Greens Superfood Powder to have all the nutrients I need without the sugar, stevia or agave some brands add to the mix! The experts at Teami only use the highest quality, non-gmo ingredients, no fillers or additives (that you have to look out for in a lot of other powders on the shelf!) and everything is vegan and cruelty free which is why I feel so confident recommending them to you. This greens powder also contains 16 superfood ingredients like wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorophyll, kelp, broccoli, parsley, dandelion root and matcha — just to name a few of my stand out favorites!

I make sure to incorporate a green smoothie regularly, especially when I’m traveling. It’s when I’m not preparing my own food every day that the veggie count can drop and this blend is going to boost energy and give me my daily veggie count. Having a smoothie each morning with a scoop of teami greens give me peace of mind for the rest of the day knowing that I’ve already given my body a heap of the nutrient dense greens it needs to feel, look and run it’s best!

Me, in my hotel, making a smoothie on my recent Denver trip.

My go to smoothies recipe is:
1 cup non dairy milk (my favorite is coconut)
1 serving scoop of Teami blends greens (linked)
1/2 a banana
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 heaping tbsp of almond butter
A handful of spinach
1 tsp of flax seed meal

You can swap out the blueberries for your favorite frozen fruit of choice and the almond butter for your favorite nut or seed
butter as well.

I have this smoothie over and over again and somehow still love it! It’s easy to make, flexible enough where you can utilize what you have around the house and the Teami blends greens make sure it jam packed with good for you nutrition!

On the go or stranded without some key ingredients?

You can always mix the Teami greens with just ice and non dairy milk to still get in your nutrients!

As you can see in the pictures, I even love traveling with a small portable blender because when I start my day with my go to greens smoothie, I have the energy and vitality for whatever comes my way. Adding just this one habit into my diet has made me feel significantly better not only physically and mentally — but more self-love because it’s a symbol of my priority to take great care of my body.

So this New Year, let’s toss the body judging resolutions and get to the core of things. Real, practical, nourishing rituals are the way to love your body up and help it look and feel it’s best. Click here and use CASSGREENS at checkout for 15% off.

As Ram Dass famously said, “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.” 

Well the holidays are upon on us and that is often the time of the year even the most spiritually disciplined of us struggle keeping our peace and sanity. There’s nothing like traveling, visiting family, present shopping in chaotic stores, a full calendar of cocktail parties and end of year dead lines at work to drive even the most zen of us a little cray-cray.

But, as with everything, this year presents us with an opportunity to do the holidays in a new light. We’ve done a lot of work through out the year and now we are ready to handle whatever the holidays throw at us — we just need a game plan! (And to keep up with our daily rituals and meditation practice!)

If you are worried about navigating the holidays, have no fear, I’ve got you covered. Over on the podcast and on my YouTube channel, I have recorded two special episodes just for you all about handling the stress and the obstacles that come up at this most joyous time of year.

Part One: Navigating Food and Family Stress This Holiday Season

  • This episode is all about how to navigate holiday parties and family gatherings while still honoring your body’s wisdom and staying true to the foods and practices that feel best for you! We also dive into my “sober game plan” so that you go in prepared and some intention setting as well as conversational practices for relatives that just don’t know how to ask appropriate questions!
  • Listen here on the podcast.
  • Watch the YouTube episode below.

Part Two: Navigating Financial Stress this Holiday Season

  • This episode is all about how to navigate all of the money stuff that comes up for us around the holidays! The joy of gift-giving, the worries of our bank account and the guilt or emotional spending of money we may not even have! The holiday season can be riddled with complicated financial feelings, let me help you go in with a game plan so you don’t let it sabotage the money you’ve worked so hard all year to make.
  • Listen here on the podcast.
  • Watch the YouTube episode below.

Hope you enjoy these resources and that they serve you this Holiday Season!

Comment below and let me know what you are putting into action!



That’s right, I decided to try to kick my favorite habit for 15 days straight AND reinforce another, healthier for me, one in it’s place.

Many of you know from following me that my coconut milk latte habit is a delicious part of my morning ritual. I walk to my favorite cafe each day and take some time to journal for ten to fifteen minutes while I sip it and start off the day. However, for the past year or so, when I tune into my body and see what’s working for it and what’s not, I’ve been hearing, “please stop the coffee”. Naturally, I have been struggling to listen to it. In a lot of ways I feel like coffee (or lattes) are one of the few ‘treats’ I truly look forward to.

My body continued to keep communicating though and I soon realized how inflamed and anxious my morning delight made me feel.

I started switching over to Vahdam Teas Organic Green Tea every once in a while to switch up my morning beverage. I loved it so much that I reached out to Vahdam and asked if they wanted to collaborate with me on my project to release coffee and replace it with tea.

They took things even on step further and sent me all of their *caffeine free* tumeric teas based around this powerful superfood. I’ve been a huge fan of tumeric as an anti-inflammatory ingredient since I started going to yoga festivals a few years ago and noticed how much better my body felt when I consumed it. What a perfect way to not only get my body back on track and heal some of the inflammation that I’ve been dealing with but also a delicious substitute to help me shift the habit.

Watch the video below to see my 15-Day Tea Challenge Diary and the insights, challenges and results of me spending over two weeks going over to the tea side.

You can also listen to the Practical Musings Podcast episode of the revelations during this challenge and the importance of your daily rituals I’ll be sharing today!

Want to try it out for yourself or just start incorporating more tea into your regular routine? Click here to grab your own tumeric teas from Vahdam.





It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed when you start living a more conscious, holistic lifestyle — we want to do all the good things — eat all the healthiest, organic food, clear out all of our home products for more natural alternatives and go no-waste or more eco-friendly. I was thrilled when Thrive Market agreed to team up with me to share some of my easy-peasy eco-friendly hacks!

If you haven’t heard of Thrive Market before, they’re an online grocery store that sells all of your favorite non-GMO, organic products at 25-50% off retail price. They sell everything from pantry staples to beauty and supplements, even cleaning or household items. I love how easy and affordable they make healthy living. Read more about Thrive Market (and get a special goodie) by reading until the end.

These five little shifts will be practically effortless to add to your life, be super cost-effective and leave you feeling like you are on your way to living a more green and sustainable life while keeping all your healthy habits in check — double whammy!

1.Grab yourself a re-usable mug and USE IT.I’m obsessed with this “U-Konserve” mug because it feels like my coffee cup, isn’t as bulky as a lot of the to-go coffee containers and to be honest, just feels super chic! It’s important to genuinely like whatever re-usable mug you select because it will help you use it on the regular. Bringing my mug to the local cafe not only saves a paper cup and plastic lid every day but also usually saves me a $1 because I only get charged for a refill. This mug paid for itself in coffee savings in under 2 weeks and it’s a big ole high five to mother earth to not be going through all those coffee containers!

2. In a similar vein, grab yourself a glass bottle for your water and fill it up with your at home filtered water instead of buying plastic bottles. Again, super simple and not only helps the planet but also helps your bank account! I reuse a glass bottle that I got from a local juice shop with a green juice in it originally, VOSS also sells their water in glass bottles so you can grab one for around $3 and reuse it infinitely. Get yourself a nice filtered water pitcher of your preference or get a gallon of water delivered to your home monthly. I subscribe to a monthly gallon of water service and it costs me about $9/month — way cheaper than always buying water out and so much more eco-friendly. Do some googling to find one near you or ask at your local co-op!

3. Bring your own produce bags to the farmers market (or grocery store). Confession, I stopped using the plastic produce bags for my fruit and veggies long before I found these amazing re-usable produce bags but once these came out into the world I was hooked. These little roll-up-able produce bags hide in your purse and help you hold your favorite greens, veggies, and fruit in their own separate bags. They’re adorable and you get to feel good because your seasonal produce addiction no longer needs to create a surplus of plastic waste!

4. Get an amazing on-the-go meal set for you to bring your lunch, snacks or dinner on busy days. This is a win-win for your wallet, your health and the planet. It’s so easy on hectic days to succumb to ordering a sandwich at your local deli or stopping at your local fast casual spot but having a fun meal carrier will inspire you to make your own food to keep in the car or at your office. I have found that this reduces my own food waste by keeping me accountable for using what’s in my fridge and saves me money because I don’t buy excess food when I have a full fridge at home. Not to mention, you will undoubtedly make healthier choices when you pack your own meal instead of waiting till your ravenous to grab something on the go AND you will be reducing waste by not having all the extra plastic that ofter comes in to-go orders. Once again — wins all around!

5. Oh hi, have you met my new friend, the re-usable “ziploc” bag. Okay these aren’t ziplock brand but that’s pretty much what I call these kind of bags and what a great invention for those of us who were raised going through a few thousand plastic sandwich bags growing up. (Hey, our moms didn’t know!) I am all about using glass containers when I can for left-overs or prepped food but somethings are just easier (and lighter if we’re tossing it in our purse) in a bag! These re-usable bags are my favorite for airplane snacks and on the go nibbles, I rotate the several I have, clean them and feel better about not going through box after box of sandwich bags anymore.

Honestly, just writing out these five easy shifts out has me thinking of sooo many more, so if you enjoyed this post and would like more simple ways to be more sustainable while keeping your healthy lifestyle, be sure to let me know in the comments below.

I want to thank Thrive Market for partnering with me to bring you these tips as well as so kindly offering you a special discount so that you can get a FREE 30 day trial as well as 25% off their already low prices by clicking here. Most of the products above I got on Thrive Market super affordably and I even got a few little things for my healthy, eco-friendly pup, Carl, while I was at it! See below for his earth loving leash, collar and bio-bags! 😉



Of course, I couldn’t help myself but grab some goodies for my little fur nugget! Carl made out with a new leash and collar that are eco-friendly and made from soy as well as some bio bags for walks!