Blasts of Light



In this episode of Divine Downloads I guide you through a meditation to connect to your own divine inner guidance system and get clarity on your next aligned action steps. This is a great tool for self-quarantine and truly checking in to your own mind-body-soul to see what is the best way for you to spend this time but can be useful always. Connecting inward for your next steps reclaims your power and keep you on your highest path.






In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you some real talk about the discernment you need to be practicing right now during the Corona Virus Pandemic. It seems like there are A LOT of opinions spreading around the social media world about what you SHOULD be doing during self-quarantine. Some say you should relax, unwind, others are preaching to step up more than ever. In this episode, we dive into why it’s not a one size fits all solution and how to find YOUR unique guidance on how to utilize this time.






In this video, i share a practice i personally use to combat anxiety and overwhelm called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping to help you significantly reduce the amount of overwhelm and anxiety you feel in minutes. This video is inspired by recent current events like the corona virus and self-quarantine but it can be used for any situation where you feel overwhelm and anxiety.






In this episode of Divine Downloads i give you my intuitive download around the corona virus. we talk about the spiritual significance of the corona virus, the importance of using discernment from a place of love and intuition and how we can boost our immune systems as well as release our fears and anxiety around this pandemic.





In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk about how the number one “life hack” is actually to honor our individual, unique rhythms and work with them instead of trying to fit ourselves into a pre-existing, often patriarchal template. I reference astrology, human design and our biological rhythms in this episode as well as some of the key concepts of A Course in Miracles to truly drive home the importance of allowing your unique template to unfold for ultimate success and fulfillment.






In this episode of Divine Downloads, I talk about how we can often be weighed down by our big vision leading to overwhelm and anxiety. I offer a guided meditation to help you let your big vision, goal or dream give you a feeling of expansion, rising and pulling you forward with divine direction.







In this episode of Divine Downloads I give you my intuitive download around this February 9th 2020 Leo Full Moon! The primary theme being a culmination to courage and how we can boldly claim our hearts desire so that we can be truly LIT UP!





In this episode of Divine Downloads, I share about my recent engagement, how I met my partner and all the spiritual lessons I learned right before we met and as we were dating for those of you on your own journey to deep romantic love. I provide some of the tools and tips that were effective for me in rising up to meet the man of my dreams and receiving great love when it came!








In this episode of “Divine Downloads”, I dive into why our thoughts are creating our lives and how we can look to our way of thinking to change our lives both on a mental and a physical level. I discuss how to see what areas of your life need a thought shift so you can see the life upgrade. I give you the top three tools for shifting your thoughts!