Blasts of Light

In this episode of “Eat with Intention TV”, Cassandra Bodzak shares her easy, healthy vegan, gluten free sugar cookies for the perfect holiday treat. This recipe features Bob’s Red Mill gluten free baking flour as well as date sugar to make it gluten free and cut the overly processed sugar with a more nutrient dense date alternative.

**This post has been sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill who I am thrilled to partner with as they are my favorite brand when it comes to healthy, gluten free baking ingredients!**


Healthy Holiday Cookies

3/4 cup of vegan butter (I used soy free Organic Earth Balance)

3/4 cup of sugar (I split it up — 1/2 cup Bob’s Red Mill date sugar + 1/4 cup regular cane sugar – both organic)


1 tbsp of flax meal

3 tbsp of water


2 1/4 cups of Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Flour

1/2 tsp of Baking Powder

2 tsp of Vanilla Extract

1 tsp of Almond Extract

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet pan with parchment paper. Combine your flaxseed meal and water in a small container and set a side to solidify. In a food processor or stand mixer, combine your sugars of choice with your soft vegan butter until both are thoroughly creamed. In a separate bowl, combine your dry ingredients (flour + baking powder) and slowly start adding them to your sugar/butter mixture. Once they are fully added, toss in your flax egg as well as your vanilla and almond extract. When everything is fully combined the dough should be thick but not crumbly, if it’s too dry add a couple tbsp of water till it combines well. Place your dough in the center of your parchment paper and another piece of parchment paper on top of it. Use a rolling pin (or your hands if you don’t have one) to flatten out the dough on your baking sheet (sandwiched between two parchment papers) and stick it in the fridge for 20 minutes to cool.

After 20 minutes, move your parchment papered dough on to the table and put a fresh piece on the baking sheet for your cookie cutter-ified treats. Take your cookie cutter and get to work, putting them into your oven for 5-10 minutes and baking till the edges turn just slight golden. Let cookies cool before decorating.

You can have as much as you’d like with toppings but for the video, I used a simple vegan cream cheese icing with peppermint bark shavings. The vegan icing was simply 1/2 cup of vegan butter, 1/2 cup of vegan cream cheese and 2 cups of powdered sugar (or till prime consistency).


Happy Baking my loves!




Check out my girl Sarah’s Salthouse Mkt Holiday Hosting Guide here:

Check out my “Eat with Intention: Happy Healthy Holiday Survival Kit” at

Please SUBSCRIBE, like and share if you enjoy this video!

Grab the book “Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life that Lights You Up” on amazon here:

Get my Free 7-Day Mind Body Soul Reboot

Work with me one on one to finally get FREE from food + body drama and tap into your body’s deep intuitive wisdom:

Say hi to me on social media:

In this episode of “Eat with Intention TV”, I share my favorite easy, healthy plant-based holiday appetizers. These recipes range from super basic to simple but impressive and they are perfect for hosting a healthy holiday gathering or bringing a dish to your office’s Christmas party. All of the dishes are vegan and absolutely delicious! Let me know which ones you are trying!

Check out my girl Sarah’s Salthouse Mkt Holiday Hosting Guide that I mention in the video here:

Please SUBSCRIBE, like and share if you enjoy this video!

The recipes from today’s episode like the ‘spicy squash soup’ and ‘veggie balls’ are available in my book, “Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life that Lights You Up” grab it on amazon here:

Get my Free 7-Day Mind Body Soul Reboot

Work with me one on one to finally get FREE from food + body drama and tap into your body’s deep intuitive wisdom:

Hello my loves,

Somethings been weighing on me for a bit now, I’ve felt like I wasn’t being totally transparent with you and it wasn’t from a place of consciously lying about anything but I had been dodging and dancing around certain questions since “Eat with Intention” came out last year. Of course, this weekend being not only the full moon in Gemini (pushing all of us to stand in and communicate the truth of who we are) but also the Design Your Life weekend with Laurie Gerber of Handel Group where I’ve been learning a lot of the not so obvious ways we lie to ourselves and others (talk about ah-ha moments), this came so powerfully to the surface to be cleared.

I don’t want any secrets between us. Full transparency equals total freedom for me. It simultaneously allows me to be 100% myself and for you to decided if that’s someone you are aligned with. It’s been scary for me to come straight out with this because, to be totally honest, I hate people not liking me. However, I’m learning more and more how important these difficult conversations are and I’m refusing to let that fear get in between me being fully who I am and being integrity with my personal truth in any moment.

The intention of this video is to clear up any confusion around my eating habits and beliefs in order to create a space of full transparency between me and you. I talk about food, are relationship to it as well as listening to our body’s wisdom and honoring our personal truth  a lot, so it felt needed to put this all out on the table. Our relationship is so sacred to me and I promise to be this upfront continuously going forward and call myself out when I sense I am dodging a particular subject.

I hope you can forgive me.

I hope there is something in this video that resonates with you. Please watch it till the end.

And if not, that’s okay too. I am not open or available for any cruel comments, only love is accepted in the comment box. Unsubscribes or unfollows are a much more graceful way to handle your disagreement. I send you love regardless of your thoughts of me.

As for me, I’m going to keep standing in the truth of where I’m at right now, loving myself with all my imperfections and pushing through any fears that stop me from me doing either of the aforementioned.

All my love,



Finally, the second video in my “Dreaming to Doing It” series and we are tackling the nay-sayers!

I thought this was a super important topic to drop in on because that sad truth is that this is an inevitable reality that every big dreamer faces. You will at some point or another come up against someone (and gasppp –it could be someone that really loves you and that you really love!) who belittles your dream in a direct or indirect dream and if you are not primed for this, you may actually take what they say seriously. Which I would NEVER want you to do. 

What a lot of people don’t talk about is the fact that so much of turning your dreaming into your doing is keeping it sacred in your heart and protecting it from the projections of others. Click the video below to hear some of my real talk on the subject as someone who deals with this on a regular basis..


So what do you think? Are you feeling more prepared to tackle those people who may diss your dream? Let me know in the comments below. I have found that so often with my clients, a lot of the battle is simply KNOWING that it’s just part of the course, it’s not personal and it’s something that everyone that you admire or feel inspired by has tackled at some point in their life and probably still continues to tackle it but is just better at putting the nay-sayers on mute by now!

If you want a deeper dive into turning your dreams in to your doings, visit my mentoring page for more info on booking a one on one intensive with me to give you a jump start.

It seems perfect and hilarious to me that I never ended up completing this post until the Libra New Moon but (now) the timing couldn’t be better for it and a lot of the themes I wanted to discuss with you guys anyway are super prevalent with the current astrological aspects so thank you Universe for the procrastination this week! ha

But now back to the matter at hand, so really, what are you so scared is going to happen if you allow yourself to truly dream BIG, to honor that niggling feeling in the depth of your being and (gasp) speak aloud what you would truly love to do in this one precious life we are living?

If you still are feeling the nerves about the potential to fail then I highly recommend checking out this interview I did for Megan Bruneau’s Failure Factor Podcast where we dive into the ups and downs of failure and why it’s actually super important to ultimate success.

For me, I’ve always been a BIG dreamer, not sure how that happened — you can blame it on the pisces in me, blame it on the crazy in me, blame it on how illogical I am — yet it’s always been an important part of my life. I spent so many years growing up LIVING in my dreams to escape my reality. My big, bold, bright as the sun dreams were my medicine, my saving grace, and in some ways my coping mechanism for whatever life was handing me at the time. So a funny thing happened once my life started feeling more and more like a dream in my mid-twenties, my relationship with my dream changed. I dreamed about living across the country in Santa Monica and so I did it. I dreamed about having a book published and so I did that. And then one fateful day came along and I was in the middle of a group text conversation with a few of my soul sisters and a single, harmless question stopped me in my tracks.

“What would you do if you weren’t so concerned with savings the world?”

Whaaaaaaat?! Wait. Isn’t my only purpose to save the world?! OR at least completely exhaust myself trying?!

No, said the deep voice coming from the peaceful part of my soul — your job is to find what lights you up and do THAT. The whole saving the world, helping people, making an impact, that happens WHEN you are lit up, when you get live your DREAM because that’s how show you people what’s possible for them. “The world needs more people who have come alive.” – famous John Lennon words.

“I would be a cooking show host and write books for the rest of my life.”

There it was. So easy. Like it had been hiding out there all along under blankets of guilt and shame. It had. I was ashamed. I did feel guilty about it. I thought, “I’m a coach, I’m a speaker, I’m a meditation teacher — wanting to host a cooking show is so vain, it’s not as spiritually ‘worthy’.” I was scared to dream. I was scared to even think of my dream to myself no less share it publicly with the world. “What would they think?” “Would people not want to work with me as a coach if they new that as much as I do love that — there was an even bigger dream on the horizon?” “Would I get laughed at or shunned?” Yano, the typical insanity that swirls around our brain right before we are about to own a truth of ours in any really big way.

Yet once it came out of my mouth (or out of my fingers to the text thread), I felt an insane amount of freedom. It was like the clouds parted and the angels started singing because I finally had ALLOWED myself to own my big dream again.

I felt more aligned than ever and I also realized that WHATEVER I did I would be using as a catalyst to spread light so it doesn’t matter if I’m a barista at starbucks, NYT best selling author or a cooking show host. It’s me, I’m light, I’m clear on my message and my mission so I can turn anything into a catalyst for raising consciousness and helping people live their best lives — and guest what? SO CAN YOU.

Which brings me to the first video for you in the “Dreaming to Doing It” series!

I recorded three videos after coming home from the set of Hallmark’s Home and Family TV and having a super fun day at work doing what I love. I just felt super compelled to start talking with you guys about following your dreams AND about how important it is to let those big, juicy dreams of yours see the light of day. This is just the first to get you going, if you want to be the loop for the next two later this week, make sure you are subscribed to my email blast — I’ll be dropping them there!



For me, I am learning that inspiration is an inside job right now.

It feels almost naughty to say that. To admit that I am finding a lot of things “out there” less than inspiring. But in fact, it’s my truth at the moment. I have found over the past couple years that I no longer look to other people for inspiration, instead, it’s in the quiet spaces of my own soul where my ideas blossom, where new projects take root and where I truly get lit up and energized to take action.

I find myself weighed down by so much of the content swimming around on social media and the web these days. It feels overwhelming at best and inauthentic at it’s worst. I am in no way saying that there aren’t still lots of amazing people doing incredible, inspirational work in the world — I KNOW THERE ARE. However, right now, for me, I have found in this season of my life that I am not called to watch others to fan my flames.

I love the book, “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, I recommended it to all my LightMaker Book Club ladies because I think it’s a great companion for the creative process. Steven talks a lot about “showing up” and allowing the muse to find you ready and working. At first, as a crazy romantic creative type, I found this absolutely annoying. I don’t “force” anything, I wait for inspiration. Ah, what a beginner’s notion! If there is anything that having successfully ran a coaching business for five years, written an internationally published book and doing countless videos, events and blogs have taught me is that if you don’t make the time for the muse, she will actually never appear. Inspiration needs space, it needs you sitting at your desk or on the beach with a notebook ready, it needs you to show up and say “please use me as a vessel”.


I believe that it’s our job to create the conditions for inspiration. We can constantly be listening to what our soul’s voice is rumbling about and we need to give ourselves permission to follow it.


So if spending time reading certain blogs you love, flipping through magazines or stalking your favorite inspirational yogis on instagram gets your juices flowing and gets you excited to dive into whatever endeavour you have in front of you, then please by all means schedule that on your calendar. And if what inspires you is nature, hiking, the beach, post-meditation journaling sessions and juicy gaps between social media consumption (like where I’m at right now) that’s okay too.

Either way, inspiration is an inside job.

It’s inside because only YOU can know what’s truly working for you. Only you can honor the season you are in right now. I have found a lot of time that inspiration comes from me flexing my creative muscles in a totally different area: if I’m struggling to create new recipes than maybe I give myself a day away and go to a pottery painting workshop or walk through the farmers market and allow myself to only buy weird, beautiful looking vegetables that I haven’t tried before. If I’m deciding on creating a new offering, I sit with it, I beach walk with it, I throw myself into something else like laundry or cleaning and allow it to creep back in if it’s truly ripe for the making.

Creating the environment for inspiration is not about forcing, it’s actually about creating the space for allowing. And yes, sometimes that looks like staring at your computer screen and writing jibber jabber for a few mornings before your book starts coming out and other times it’s allowing yourself to admit that something is NOT inspiring you.

I have found this the hardest. The letting go of what’s no longer inspiring me. I have now realized that when it’s aligned, it does feel inspiring, sometimes it can require a lot of work, getting outside my comfort zone or an extra notch of discipline but if it’s truly aligned, it also feels inspired.  And that means when it doesn’t, I can release it.


Where are you with your creative process? What do you find helps you get those sparks flying and your energy a-buzz?

I would love to hear from you below in the comments!




** Even though it’s too late to join the LightMaker Book Club, if you’d like help creating the space and birthing your creative project or book into the world, feel free to reach out for a one on one breakthrough session. I’d love to midwife your dream.**

Recently, as I was walking down the beach and playing in the ocean, I couldn’t stop hearing the message that it was time to really buckle down to write my second book. “Eat with Intention” launched last November and it’s birthing process was long, arduous and at times isolating, I had needed a few months of rejuvenation before I dove straight in to the next one but walking in the ocean that night, I got a rather unexpected idea or assignment you might say. It became so clear that because of my journey these past two years I could tremendously help first time authors write their first book baby with more grace, ease, community and support than I had and really hold the space for their book babies while writing my second. So I ran home and journaled about all of the things that would have made writing my first book SO MUCH EASIER, things that would have made me feel more confident, supported and joyful every step of the way. This is how my LightMaker Book Birthing Club was born.


Are you feeling called to write a book? Do you really want to crystallize your message and your teachings in a really tangible way that people all over the world can get their hands on for a super affordable and accessible price?! Is just reading this activating a tingling in your heart?


I can SO relate. I bet you also have a lot of fears coming up too! Like how about, “but I don’t have a million followers – what’s the point?” or “I have so many ideas, I wouldn’t even know where to start when writing a book?” or maybe even the infamous, “who am I to write a book?”


Well to that last one, who are you NOT to!? You have been given this beautiful life and unique journey to learn your lessons and master your field in such a unique way so that you can help others who relate to your specific flavor of healing. You have a book that’s ready to be born!


For the first two questions, I recorded to YouTube videos to give you my straight shooting answer about my honest opinion before you move any further, if your already thinking “I’m SO ready to do this!!”, scroll down past the videos to find ALL the juicy details about how you can write your book with me in the next 6 months!

SO you’re thinking, “what if this isn’t the right time for me to write my book?” watch below.

“How do I know what book idea to go with first? OR get clarity around what my book should be on?”


The LightMaker Book Birthing Club

It’s perfect for you, if:
you are ready to finally write that book baby you’ve been dreaming of in the next six months
you are serious about buckling down, getting it done and getting the support, accountability and encouragement you need to finish it
you want feel the guidance and support of someone’s who has been there, written the proposal, gotten a publishing deal and launched a book to help you make it happen
there’s a calling in your heart to get this message of yours out of your body and into the world and you would love assistance on all the technical “earth based” steps to make it happen
you resonate with my ‘practical magic’ approach to business and love the idea of both creating an amazing marketing plan, incredible proposal and stellar book as well as the importance of creating sacred space and times to write in as well as connecting to your higher self (the universe/your guides) for support every step of the way to help you knock it out of the park

If you are saying YES YES YES right now then here’s what you can expect from myself & the LightMaker Book Birthing Club:

a mentor and guide that will be your champion every step of the way (me!)
a group of specially curated running buddies to have alongside of you during this six month journey
actionable tips, tools and practices to help you write your book AND get it out in the world
accountability every week, every step, helping you stick to your goals and stay on track
having the book process broken down in to digestible steps so you can stop stalling and start writing
a place for questions and sharing as you move through your book journey


Here’s what that will look like:
A private LightMaker Book Birthing Club only facebook group where you can share your ideas, struggles and journey as well as connect with other incredible budding authors while you write, making friends and getting feedback as you go!
BI-WEEKLY Facebook LIVE ‘clarity sessions’ with moi (will be saved in our group to watch at leisure if you miss) where we hit on topics like:
– What makes a good book proposal?
– Breaking down the different elements of a proposal and giving you guys a sample structure
– What makes a book proposal attractive to an agent or publisher?
–  How to AMP up your marketing plan and build your platform while writing / Tips for creative ways of making it super juicy even if you don’t have a massive following or email list
– How to create a sacred space + schedule for your book writing
– How to handle creative blocks and invite your higher self/God/the universe etc in as a co creator to your book
– Should you self-publish or go with a publisher? Real talk pros/cons of both
– Next steps — finding a publisher or self-publisher depending on what you’ve decided
– How to lovingly ask people for quotes, a foreword, or support on your book so they WANT to say yes to you
– Post its, index cards, you name it — how to get going on the FULL book once the proposal is done and you are off running
– What makes a great title and subtitle? Brainstorm options with the group
– Action steps for book promotion once your first draft is submitted
– And much more based on the feedback I get from the group once we get going and everyone privately tells me a little more about themselves, their book and their goals/roadblocks
WEEKLY accountability check in conference calls where we all check in and share 1) what we committed to accomplishing that week, 2) what we actually did and 3) our next goal for the upcoming week to keep each other honest and moving along!
REAL SUPPORT / the relationships you make in this group will have you with a whole army of supporters who will love sharing about your book when it comes out, i’m sure a lot of you will make great friends and of course, you will have my support when it comes time to share the good word about your book coming out as well as an opportunity should you want me to write something as a supportive quote (which you will find out why getting a bunch of support quotes from people who are respected in your industry or as writers is SO important as we go through! 😉 )
MY EYES + EDITS! As a special bonus, I will be offering 2 edits to everyone who joins, you can use them any step of the way, once you finish your proposal, on your marketing plan or on one of the chapters of your book at any time during the six months and I will read it over and send you a thorough list of notes and edits back!

Your energetic commitment: $197/ month (or pay in full for all six months at once $1,000)

If you’d like to also go even deeper, you can add an hour-long intensive one on one session with me every month to discuss your book as well as anything else that comes up for you in your business/life.

LightMaker Book Birthing Club + Monthly Hour Session with Me: $297/month (this is a crazy deal if you’ve ever worked with me one on one) 

*no refunds once we begin because spots are limited.*

We start right after labor day weekend, week of 9/5 (our first group LIVE facebook with be on Sunday 9/10) and in the meantime we will get everyone enrolled and introducing themselves to the group!

I can only accept 15-20 people at MAX to keep it intimate and effective and allow me to make sure everyone receives the support they need. So if you are a “HEAVENS YES” answer these four simple questions below to tell me a little bit about your book and why you’re ready to be in the group and if accepted I will email you back within 24 hours with payment details to secure your spot!


1) Tell me about your book in a few sentences! Most importantly, what’s the topic and where are you at in the process right now?
2) Are you REALLY READY to commit and get this book proposal created/finish this book in the next 6 months?
3) What are you looking forward to the most about the LBBC and guidance from me?
4) What are the best days + times for you for our LIVE accountability calls each week and bi-weekly facebook lives?
5) If accepted, would you want just the group support or an additional one on one with me each month as well?

It’s important to me that 1) I’m aligned and excited about your book so I can be the cheerleader/supporter that I intend to be for every single one of you in the group and 2) that your committed to doing the work and getting this book baby done so at the end of 6 months we’ve all made really tangible progress and ideally fully completed our books together!

In the first episode back after our hiatus, our host, Cassandra Bodzak, interviews Phoebe Lapine, a food and health writer, gluten-free chef, wellness personality, culinary instructor, and speaker, born and raised in New York City, where she continues to live and eat. On her award-winning blog, Feed Me Phoebe, she shares recipes for healthy comfort food and insights about balanced lifestyle choices beyond what’s on your plate. Her debut memoir, The Wellness Project, chronicles her journey with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and how she finally found the middle ground between health and hedonism by making one lifestyle change, one month at a time.

Grab Phoebe’s book The Wellness Project at or Cassandra’s book “Eat with Intention” at

You can find Phoebe on her website:
or follow her on social media at the links below

Get the book we talk about on the show about the Fertility Awareness Method here:

**Please leave your thoughts, love and suggestions in the comments on iTunes – we LOVE hearing from you and appreciate all of your beautiful words and ideas!**

Thanks for listening to the LIGHTMAKER podcast, a carefully curated collection of interviews with spiritual entrepreneurs and heart centered change makers designed to ignite your inner light and guide you in creating your most expansive life with your host, Cassandra Bodzak, holistic lifestyle expert, author, speaker, mentor and host of Eat with Intention TV.


In this video I dive into one of the questions I get asked all the time around my book, “Eat with Intention” — How to start
listening to your body and begin communicating with it. Here, I break it down into basics, explain how to reconnect with your body and then get into a daily practice of asking it questions. I am so excited for you guys to take on these tools and challenge yourself to tune into your body and it’s intuition on a regular basis. Let me know below if you have any questions, are going to step up and take my two week challenge as well as any other helpful tips you’d love to share about talking to your body!

If you enjoyed this video, please share it with a friend that you could benefit from it, SHARE it on your social media and SUBSCRIBE so that you never miss a video from me!

The NYC Body Wisdom Event I talk about, you can RSVP here:

You can also order a signed copy at the link above or a regular copy on amazon here:

Want to dive DEEP and make peace with your plate and your body once and for all — book a one on one session and I’ll walk you step by step through reconnecting with your body’s wisdom. Details here:

In this episode of “Eat with Intention TV”, I share my easy, healthy flight snacks for staying sane and satiated while traveling! These grab and go snacks are perfect for tossing into your carry on and will be miracle workers when mid-flight cravings kick up and you have a nourishing alternative at arm’s length. Let me know what YOUR favorite flight go to’s are and maybe you will see them in an upcoming travel healthy video!

You can shop the products I talk about in this video below:

Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea /
Yogi Kava Tea for Stress Relief /
Pukka Relax Tea /

KIND all fruit bars /
Philosophie Coconut Butter /
Qia GF Oatmeal /
Super Elixir /
Figgy Pops Snack /
Healthy Warrior Chia Seed Bar /

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, like and share if you enjoy this video!

Grab the book “Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life that Lights You Up” on amazon here:

Get my Free 7-Day Mind Body Soul Reboot

Work with me one on one to finally get FREE from food + body drama and tap into your body’s deep intuitive wisdom:

Say hi to me on social media:

Hello my loves,

This is one of those posts, I almost hate that I have to write but I could not resist. As many of you know, I got my start coaching pretty organically after running a successful blog, putting my life on the interwebs and having people genuinely wanting to work with me to help them. It was never some sort of business scheme to make a lot of money, it was quite honestly, a total surprise to me that I so effortlessly stepped into the role and truly loved what I was able to contribute to these ladies’ growth. In the past year or so, I stepped away from working one on one with people in as great of a capacity because of some strong negative feelings surrounding the coaching industry.

I would get sick to my stomach watching these coaches promise things they couldn’t even deliver for themselves and charging out-of-this-world prices for it. EVEN WORSE, bullying you if you didn’t find it reasonable to dive in for 10k or 20k a month!

I became so disgusted by some of my so-called colleagues that I had to go do some deep re-evaluation of if I even wanted to have any part in the industry. 

Once I put the question on the table and opened myself up to seeing it in more depth, it was heart wrenching the stories that serendipitously ended up in front of my face. Stories of coaches who used intro calls to find someone’s tender spots and then pressed on them when it came time for payment, leaving these ladies feeling like if they didn’t cough up thousands of dollars they were “succumbing to the fears that were holding them back”. Gross. Gross. Gross.

I met a woman who “found” her coach because she kept on reaching out to her on facebook insisting on a free call and then once she took her up on it made her feel like she had to give her credit card before they got off the phone or she would lose the “special rate”. She told me that she told her coach in the first couple sessions that she would never want to get clients the way her coach got her because ‘it didn’t feel good”.

I had to break the bad news to her, if her coach knew ANY other way to naturally attract clients she wouldn’t have used those methods. She can’t teach what she doesn’t know.

Even writing about those few examples has my heart pumping and my eyes tearing. I want to take so many of these women in my arms and say, “It’s okay — you were hoodwinked. You were vulnerable and someone took advantage of you. It is NOT your fault that you fell for their low vibrational ways. Hold yourself through it and stand on the knowledge you NOW have about what you want and what you don’t.”

Here’s a vlog I made on the subject about how you can tell if a coach is right for you and some red alerts to look out for when it comes to those to avoid:

So now you know how to have your full wits about you while deciding who you want to work with as a coach. But is hiring a coach even the right move for you? Here’s another vlog I made on this topic, if you are not 100% sure you are ready to be working with someone or if you are having second thoughts.

So how did it end for me? What conclusion did I come to after almost a year of reflection and inner work around this topic as well as some VERY HEALING purging exercises of the anger I have towards some of the people who I see out there doing this?

I realized that I needed to be the presence of the alternative. The answer to the presence of the negative is not to hide, run away or disassociate, although I have compassion for myself for needing to go through that journey to be able to come back in full integrity and feel aligned again, THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS TO BE THE PRESENCE OF THE POSITIVE. TO BRING THE LIGHT TO THE DARKNESS INSTEAD OF RUNNING AWAY FROM WHAT’S TURNED DARK.

So for the first time, in quite a bit for me I am full force back and opening my doors to new coaching clients for both one on one sessions and my six-month Practical Magic Mentorship. AND I’m going to keep doing it my way, by putting out good content, by sharing my life and who I am authentically and allowing the people I can truly serve to come to me. I am going to be teach my soul-centered business clients and practical magic mentees the same thing, that they can have a THRIVING, ABUNDANT business without doing something that feels gross, without compromising their integrity. I’m going to shine even brighter because we have a lot of darkness to dissipate in this industry and I won’t let it push me out. I’m excited to build a little “army” of soul-centered lady bosses who are showing the presence of the positive, leading from the feminine, from their heart and creating flourishing business regardless of what industry they are in but especially if they are coaches, teachers, leaders, and aren’t we all always all of that at the end of the day?

Thank you for letting me share this with you. It was heavy on my heart and it means the world to me that I have a safe place with you beautiful beings to share my truth. Please comment below or in the youtube videos and let me know your thoughts and feelings on all of this and of course, if you’d like to join my tribe in being the presence of the alternative, you can check out my mentorship options here, I can’t wait to work with some of you on a much deeper level.

All of my love,


Thanks for joining me this AM on KTLA, I hope you enjoyed hearing about these fresh, healthy takes on classic BBQ dishes and are inspired to get into the kitchen. Enjoy the recipes below and don’t forget to check out my book “Eat with Intention” for all these recipes and more, including tips on loving and communicating with your body and more delicious recipes paired with mindful tips and meditations.


Watermelon Gazpacho

Yield: 4 servings
2 cups chopped watermelon
2 red bell peppers, seeded and roughly chopped
1 green apple, peeled and roughly chopped, divided
1 cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped, divided
½ white onion, diced
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint, divided
1.In a blender or food processor, combine the watermelon, bell peppers, half the apple, half the cucumber, and onion. Add the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and 1 tablespoon chopped mint and purée until thick and smooth.
2. Pour the gazpacho into serving bowls and stir in the remaining apple and cucumber. Sprinkle over the remaining 1 tablespoon mint. Chill before serving!
Dairy-free Caesar Salad
Yield: 2 servings
½ cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
¼ cup sliced or whole almonds
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 head romaine lettuce, leaves separated and coarsely chopped
1 avocado, halved, pitted, and sliced
1 tablespoon garlic hummus
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic, crushed
Juice of ½ lemon
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C, or gas mark 7). Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the chickpeas, olive oil, curry powder, coriander, turmeric, garlic powder, salt, and pepper and toss until the chickpeas are thoroughly coated. Transfer the mixture to one of the prepared baking sheets and roast for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they start to brown.
3. Meanwhile, combine the almonds and nutritional yeast in a small bowl and toss until the almonds are thoroughly coated. (Add a teensy bit of olive oil to help it stick, if necessary.) Spread on the second prepared baking sheet. Roast in the oven for 7 to 9 minutes, or until lightly browned.
4. To make the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk until creamy. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Put the chopped lettuce in a salad bowl, add the dressing, and toss lightly. Top with the roasted almonds and chickpeas and sliced avocado. Serve.

BBQ Tempeh Tacos

Yield: 4 tacos

½ cup chopped Brussels sprouts
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard or horseradish
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Coconut oil cooking spray, for greasing
4 to 6 slices (¼ inch, or 6 mm, thick) tempeh or extra-firm tofu, cut into bite-sized pieces (you can substitute with black beans)
3 tablespoons organic barbecue sauce or garlic teriyaki sauce
4 flour tortillas (or corn for gluten-free)
2 romaine lettuce leaves, shredded
1 medium carrot, shredded
1 avocado, halved, pitted, and sliced
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1. In a medium bowl, combine the Brussels sprouts, Dijon or horseradish, garlic powder, onion powder, and a little salt and pepper and mix well until the Brussels sprouts are thoroughly coated.
2. Spray a little cooking spray on a medium frying pan and gently sauté the Brussels sprouts for 5 to 7 minutes, or until lightly browned. Set aside.
3. Heat the tempeh or tofu in a nonstick frying pan over medium heat and add the barbecue or garlic teriyaki sauce. Stir for 5 minutes, or until heated through and slightly crisp.
4. Place a tortilla in a dry frying pan over medium heat and cook for about 45 seconds on each side, until warm and lightly brown. Repeat with the remaining tortillas.
5. Place the lettuce in the center of a tortilla, and then add the carrots, Brussels sprouts, and tempeh or tofu. Top with slices of avocado and shallots, and then wrap closed.
The Ultimate Veggie Burger + Avocado Fries
Yield: 12 burgers
1 tablespoon (9 g) flaxseed meal
3 tablespoons (45 ml) water
Olive oil cooking spray, for greasing
1 bulb garlic, cloves separated and peeled
1 cup (164 g) cooked chickpeas
½ cup (35 g) cremini mushrooms
1⁄3 cup (80 g) Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon (15 ml) extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 cup (200 g) cooked green lentils
1 cup (186 g) cooked quinoa (or “super grain”
blend of quinoa, millet, and buckwheat)
½ cup (56 g) quinoa flour
12 gluten-free rolls, to serve
Baby kale, to serve
Sliced red onions, to serve
3 tablespoons (45 g) eggless mayonnaise
1 tablespoon (16 g) tomato paste
1 teaspoon grated fresh horseradish
Coconut oil, for greasing
2 tablespoons (30 ml) extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons (18 g) flaxseed meal
6 tablespoons (90 ml) water
1 cup (60 g) panko bread crumbs
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon salt, plus extra to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 near-ripe avocados, halved and pitted
1.To make the flax “egg,” mix together the flaxseed and water in a small bowl and set aside for 5 minutes, until thickened. Set aside.
2. To make the burgers, preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5). Lightly greasea baking sheet with the cooking spray. Set aside.
3. Wrap the peeled garlic cloves in a small piece of foil, and place them in the oven for 20 minutes to roast.
4. In a food processor, combine the flax “egg,” chickpeas, mushrooms, mustard, olive oil, spices, and roasted garlic, and pulse together until thoroughly combined. Transfer the mixture to a medium mixing bowl and add the lentils and quinoa. Using a spoon or your hands, thoroughly combine the mixture and gradually add the quinoa flour, a little at a time, until the mixture is thickened, but still moist.
5. Shape a heaping spoonful of the mixture into a ball, just slightly bigger than a golf ball. Place it onto the prepared baking sheet and flatten it out into a patty. Repeat with the remaining mixture (you should have about a dozen burgers—I always freeze at least half and keep some in the fridge for later in the week). Bake for 20 minutes, or until the outer edges lose their moisture and appear on the drier side.
6. To make the sauce, combine all the ingredients together and mix well.
7. Separate a gluten-free bun and place on a plate. Put a patty on one side, top with a generous slathering of sauce, baby kale, and red onion slices.
8. To make the fries, preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C, or gas mark 7). Lightly grease a baking sheet with coconut oil. In one bowl, whisk together the flaxseed meal and water. In another bowl mix your panko and seasonings. Slice the avocados lengthwise, dip in the flaxseed mixture, and then into the panko mixture.
9. Place on the prepared baking sheet and adjust the seasoning to taste. I like to add a couple more shakes of garlic and onion powder and a little more salt before they go in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the panko starts to brown. Any extra sauce can be used for dipping!
Double Chocolate Cupcakes
Yield: 12 cupcakes
2 cups (480 ml) unsweetened chocolate
almond milk
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
2 cups (224 g) quinoa flour
¾ cup (65 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup (77 g) date sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
½ cup (100 g) melted raw extra-virgin coconut oil
½ cup (120 ml) maple syrup
½ cup (122 g) unsweetened applesauce
1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
½ cup (128 g) sweet potato purée
¼ cup (64 g) cashew butter
¼ cup (30 g) carob powder
3 tablespoons (29 g) date sugar
4 ounces (113 g) vegan sugar-free chocolate chips
2 tablespoons (28 g) raw extra-virgin coconut oil
10 to 15 drops vanilla stevia
Pinch of salt
1.Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5) and line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper baking cups.
2. To make the cupcakes, combine the chocolate almond milk and apple cider vinegar in a large measuring cup, stir, and set aside to curdle.
3. Meanwhile, combine all the dry ingredients together in a stand mixer or medium mixing bowl and mix well until the mixture is clump-free.
4. Pour in the coconut oil, maple syrup, applesauce, and extracts. Add the curdled chocolate almond milk and mix at medium- low speed (or with your hand) until the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Using an ice-cream scooper or tablespoon, fill each cup three-quarters of the way with batter. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
5. To make the icing, combine the sweet potato purée, cashew butter, carob powder, and date sugar in a stand mixer, blender, or food processor and mix. Set aside.
6. Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water and bring to a boil. Place the chocolate chips and coconut oil in a separate smaller saucepan, place pan in the hot water, and heat, stirring continuously for 3 to 5 minutes, or until most of the chocolate has melted. Pour the chocolate into a mixing bowl with the mixture from step 5, add the vanilla stevia and salt, and mix thoroughly. Put the bowl in the refrigerator and chill for 30 to 60 minutes.
7. Mix the icing on high speed for a few minutes until thick and creamy. Ice the cupcakes immediately and serve!