Blasts of Light

On the eve of my thirtieth time around the sun, I spent just a small chunk of my red eye coming up with these 30 things I learned before reaching 30. Truth be told, it’s a bit of a tradition for me to do this exercise each year on my birthday because I love rereading the stream of consciousness list of items I come up with and having a moment of gratitude for really being another year wiser, not just older. However, this year, since I’m entering a new decade and feeling wiser than ever, haha, I thought I would share it with you all! Keep in mind, I could do an individual mini novella on all of these lessons but for the sake of this post I kept everything relatively short and sweet. Feel free to comment below or on social media about the items that really hit home for you and of course, any questions or thoughts.

So here it goes, 30 things I learned before 30:

  1. Sometimes the best decisions are the toughest ones to make. I’d say for most of my best choices in this past decade, those closest to me second guessed or straight up tried to talk me out of the most epic calls I’ve made. Luckily, I learned the importance of trusting YOUR gut above anyone else’s even earlier on in life.
  2. When in doubt, go for the option that would make a better chapter in your memoir. This has been a hilarious but great barometer for the “should I just hop on that plane?” moments of life and I’ve yet to regret going for the more adventurous choice.
  3. You are not your elevator speech, you are not your job — you are just gloriously you and that in itself is enough without any of the glitter and gold. You will survive past any title that anyone wants to give or take away from you and to the people who truly matter, it’s all just sprinkles on the top of the already amazing cupcake that is you.
  4. You have to know deep inside your being that you are incredibly lovable because no man (woman/lover/etc) will ever be to make you feel that way if you don’t already know it yourself. Enough said, non-negotiable.
  5. Be kind to everyone. See people. Smile at people. You never know how much someone might need that sunshine in the middle of a gloomy day. When in the depths of dealing with my brother’s illness, I’d have a guy hold the door for me at the supermarket because I had two bags in my arms and his kindness would make me tear up in gratitude. The little stuff matters. We all need those micro doses of human love and kindness.
  6. Hearing your own intuitive guidance is 10% of the battle, the other 90% requires you actually trusting yourself enough to listen and having the courage to take some action.
  7. The people who disappoint you need your love and forgiveness the most. This was a tough one for me but I truly have realized that people hurt themselves the same way they will hurt you. We are all our own worst critics and oftentimes our own worse crucifier so you can put down the sword and just send them love.
  8. Pain is part of life but suffering is a choice you make. Sounds a little crazy, right? It’s a game changing decision to decide not to tolerate suffering. It’s amazing how much more effective you can be in handling any situation when you isolate the suffering from the actual pain. I’ve also gotten a lot of time back in my day from releasing it as soon as I see myself going down to suffer town. (P.S. “Stress” is suffering — we’ve just been tricked into thinking it’s normal and necessary. It’s a choice.) 
  9. The answer is always inside. To any and all questions — yes even ones involving big financial decisions– especially those! Trust your inner expert.
  10. The most confident men(or women) will still need your love and compliments to feel their best. Don’t hold back your praise just because they are receiving compliments from everyone else. There is so much magic in the woman he loves (or man she loves) reflecting back to him how wonderful he is. Be a cheerleader.
  11. Don’t be so hard on yourself. No one is perfect. No one is happy all the time. And anyone pretending to be either isn’t real or honest. It’s okay to experience the whole messy human spectrum — it can even be fun if you don’t take it too seriously.
  12. Stop hiding how weird you are because there are so many people waiting to love and connect with your quirky side. You can’t find your tribe if you don’t take off that mask your wearing.
  13. Don’t pay attention to what anyone else is doing, how old they are, how many followers they have or how picture perfect their life looks on social media. Keep your eyes on the road in front of you, listen to your own gps system and you will get exactly where you are meant to go so much faster.
  14. Keep the impossible on the to do list. For some of the greatest things I’ve done, everyone in my life thought I was ‘delusional’ or ‘naive’ when I first put them on my agenda. That lyric, “if you can dream it, you can do it” is actually truer than you may think. (That song also always make my heart explode and tears roll down my cheeks — “I believe I can fly” by R. Kelly… before he got trapped in a closet.)
  15. Release what you thought it was supposed to look like. Focus on how it would FEEL and allow that to be your compass.
  16. “The best thing to hold on to in life is each other” – Audrey Hepburn, call your grandma, tell your parents how much you freaking love them and drive the six hours to hang out with your brother. You will never regret the time you spent with family. They are your greatest treasure (even when they drive you crazy).
  17. Pets are angels sent here to show us unconditional love. Don’t be ashamed that you talk to your dog, cat or fish — I’m pretty sure that you’d be weirder if you didn’t. It’s okay to love them to pieces and it’s also okay to be a hot mess when they pass. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
  18. Best friends are just as precious as family. Being across the country hasn’t made a stitch of a difference in my relationships with my nearest and dearest. Although I miss hanging out in the flesh often, I’m so grateful for regular cross country calls and text threads. They make my life so much sweeter.
  19. Writing a book is more intense than anyone tells you it’s going to be but more rewarding than you could have imagined. Holding this thing you created in your hands or watching someone you’ve never met buy it barnes and noble and email you about how it’s changing their life is never not a surreal moment. One of the coolest yet hardest things I’ve done to date for sure. 
  20. Sleep is a magical cure all. Getting proper sleep will make you a whole new human. 8 hours of solid sleep will allow your body to do what it does best and self regulate and heal. Listen when it wants more, it has work to do.
  21. Honor the seasons of your life, they all have their benefits. Winters and falls in your career or love life allow you to release what doesn’t work, rest up, take care of yourself and get yourself in fighting shape for spring and summer when you’ll be grateful you had that time to rest and reflect before life got so busy and blooming again.
  22. Music is great medicine for the soul. Choose what you ingest wisely but use it liberally in your day. I don’t know what I would do with out it. I have a playlist for almost everything.
  23. No one actually knows what they are doing. There are only varying degrees of pretending like you maaybbbee might. We are all just winging it…(cause that’s what angels do, haha.)
  24. With all decisions, pretend life is a video game and two options drop down from a menu– do X or do Y. The option you’d choose in the video game tends to be what you truly want and the option you lean towards in life will usually be what will ruffle the least feathers or cause less friction. Do your video game choice.
  25. Being sensitive is a super power. My body is so sensitive and often people feel like they should feel bad for me because of it. I actually see it as more of a secret weapon that it’s actually able to communicate to me so clearly what food and products are hurting it or toxic. Even my feelings, which can be intense,  show me the soul aligned answers to most decisions before my mind can even get to it’s rational and logical conclusion.
  26. Always bring your own food for flying. (C’mon – – had to sneak one health one in there..)  Chia seed pudding with fruit and granola (for morning flights) and guacamole or a salad for later flights will always make you want to give yourself a pat on the back a few hours into the your journey. Snacking on my gluten free pretzels and guacamole that I brought from home as I write this on my flight tonight and I’m happy as a clam!
  27. When someone wants to be in your life, they’ll make it happen. Life is too short to chase people who don’t want to make time to see you. Whether it’s a guy who’s not asking you out or a girlfriend who constantly flakes on plans and is hard to reach — let go of the people who don’t care if you are in their life and get to loving on all the fabulous people who do!
  28. Just ask! You never know the answer unless you put yourself out there and ask the question. At the end of the day, regardless of position or power we are all just people. Be kind, courteous but certainly throw your hat into the ring. The Wayne Gretzky quote, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” is a mantra that plays frequently in my head when it comes to making a courageous ask for something I truly want.
  29. It’s a beautiful thing to enjoy your own company. And it’s perfectly acceptable to schedule time with yourself on your calendar, in fact, I highly recommend it. If someone can’t respect that you would rather show up for your pre-planned me time date than go to some last minute party, that’s their problem.
  30. Life is a big amusement park. We are all just riding our own rollercoasters. Sometimes your going to be on the way up and sometimes you’ll be on the way down. Neither is permanent and as long as you realize your on a ride, you can enjoy the whole journey.


PS. In true birthday spirit, I also got really clear about where I want to go this next year and what adjustments need to be made. Cliff notes version: Aprecity is shifting to include a facebook group where we can take our community building and support to the next level (keeping it open to the public for the first 30 days so join here if you are curious!), the majority of my focus is going on Eat with Intention! I’m excited to be traveling for more book signings and speaking engagements as well as churning out new episodes of Eat with Intention TV and aligning with a network to help grow the show even further, to make room for this I will only be taking on 4 full time ‘practical magic’ mentorship clients at a time and a la carte sessions when possible based on my schedule. If you are interested in either, visit my coaching page to book a session or get on the waitlist once it fills.

I’ve been trying to decide how to tell you, when to let it out and how to make it useful. I’ve made small attempts and hinted at it in my workshops and posts, it’s going to be real, raw and out there in my next book (already in the works and more along the memoir lines) but today I saw a Danielle LaPorte quote that made my whole soul breathe a sigh of relief and something inside me felt pulled towards writing this post.

“Getting off track is essential to our growth.”

– Danielle LaPorte

Last year, I fell off track, I got lost, confused and felt depleted in so many ways. It felt like I was drowning, I couldn’t keep up with emails, handle the tech hiccups on my newly launched love-child Aprecity and make sure everything was perfect for the pub date of “Eat with Intention” with out constantly feeling scattered and like I was letting someone somewhere down. To be brutally honest, I felt like I was just not enough for more of the day than not. Of course, there were brief intermissions when I was teaching, coaching or meditating by the water where I would connect to my higher self and rise above my human ‘situation’ (and boy did I look forward to them) but on the whole — it was a rough one.

I had teachers, mentors, people I looked up to, that fell rapidly from grace in my eyes. I saw things in them I couldn’t unsee, things I couldn’t align myself with, disappointment overwhelmed me as these former idols tumbled to the ground. Who can I trust? Who feels real? Who feels good hearted, well intentioned? What was I doing because of their guidance and what was I doing because it actually felt good to me?

I started challenging concepts and “spiritual truths” that had been drilled into my head. I questioned everything. I needed to recalibrate, to find once again what felt like the truth to me. To release what anyone had I told me and remember what the truth felt like in my body. To release somethings for good and to reclaim the things that really felt expansion for myself, uninfluenced.

I experimented with different tools. I stepped away from a rigorous kundalini sadhana temporarily and spent mornings with the ocean, listening to my breath, I tried vedic meditation on for size and reclaimed my spiritual practice as my own. I leaned into a breathwork practice that awakens my body’s energetic wisdom and connects me to an all sensory oneness. I release the rules and followed what felt good, juicy and restorative.

I cried. I journaled. I talked to girlfriends. I talked to trees. I talked to God, my guides, and even my deceased goldfish, Terminator. It all helped. And I didn’t judge myself for it.

Ah, the beauty in the breakdown.

The chilling breeze at sunset before the rays of light return in the morning.

I crumbled. Again, on my knees, like almost five years ago during the first ‘dark night of the soul’. Except I knew what was happening this time. I knew what to do. I had to surrender.

My only option was to give it all up, to turn it all over and welcome in everything that was flowing my way. To trust that amidst this pain was a divine lesson. In fact, the most beautiful lesson, the lesson we are constantly relearning time again.


The remembering who you truly were before everyone told you what you should be. The returning of your trust to YOUR divine guidance system. The loving of all people but not taking anyone’s truth as your own.


Ah, the glorious taking back of your own power — isn’t that what everything always boils down to?

The story didn’t end there, in fact, it’s got a lot of twists and turns (potentially an entire book’s worth, if you know what I’m saying..) but like all great adventures, it never truly ends and often when we think we’ve made it through the worst, we still have that one final dragon to slay.

My dragon came from one final blow to the heart, someone who had been there for me every step of the crazy rollercoaster this year, who celebrated the highs and held me through the lows — just when I thought the coast was clear, when my magic was coming back at full force, when my smile returned to it’s normally steady state on my face and the twinkle was glistening back in my eyes — they took their mask off. They showed their true colors and like a flash of lightning, they were out of my life faster than I could process what happened and left me only with the shock pulsating through out my body. Whaaaaaattt?! You’re kidding me?? 

Ah, the greatest challenge yet! Would I let this painful knife in my back cause me to turn my back on my own intuition? Would I dismiss my own internal guidance system because I had given this person so much trust, so much love, because I was so off base in seeing them for who they truly were? Absolutely not. Hell no. I had come way to far. I had too much momentum. I was hurt, I was injured, but I had much larger sword in my pocket and enough life-force to keep going despite the blood loss. I had faith in myself and in my own healing capacity. It was there now, holding me up as parts of me felt very fragile again.

There was no wailing.

No,”why Universe, why?”

I finally saw it for what it was.

A friendly, removing of energy in my life that wasn’t aligned with my best interest. Of energy that didn’t truly or honestly care for or cherish my presence. A removal of a poison that had seeped into my blood stream like sweet, sweet, sugar and was never truly good for me at all. Or perhaps, was simply no longer good for me. A lie that I held so close and so dear to my heart that I had never truly seen it before.

Days later, I was back at the beach talking it over with Mama Ocean and feeling so peaceful. It was the most intensely gorgeous feeling. An integration of something I had said countless times in my teachings finally in every particle of my being. I truly knew that everything was happening for the best and that the present moment was exactly where I needed to be. And I didn’t just know that intellectually or because I read it in some spiritual self-help book. I knew it in my body, it swirled around in my breath, this knowing rested gently around my heart like a warm blanket.

I’m not saying it didn’t hurt, I’m not saying I didn’t cry or there weren’t moments of total rage at the absurdity I felt towards the whole situation, but beneath it all, on my level of truth, this knowing, this trusting held me on steady on ground. I felt peace at a level deeper than I had ever imagined.

Logistically, emerging from this cocoon of self-discovery wasn’t an overnight thing. It’s a work in progress. It’s still going on. During this whole process, I made some big decisions, I said yes to things that my whole body screamed, “NOOO!!!” to, I fell behind with things that mattered dearly to me, I still have a lot of repairing and restructuring to do but I’m bursting with excitement at this hearty undertaking. I’m ready, I’m willing and I’ve found my flow again.

I’m rebuilding my ‘house’, I’m throwing out furniture that I never liked to begin with, I’m hanging new pictures on the wall, I’m releasing and renewing at a pace that feeeeeeels good to me. I’m feeling my own light expanding by the day and I’m willing to do what it takes. I’m grateful for the past several months, I’m grateful for the peeling back of layers, the removal of the veil and the reclaiming of my life. I am so freaking grateful for this juicy life. It’s time to wake up, it’s time to rise and I couldn’t think of a better time to be standing here, eyes wide open seeing more clearly than ever, my heart as my compass and a fire inside of me that’s ready to rise, that ready to light the way and bring an unstoppable warmth to this crazy world. Who’s with me?

“why decide to rise?

Not for the reasons you might think.

In fact, these are the reasons that will make you sick and tired:

Do not rise out of obligation.

Do not rise because of feared consequences.

Do not rise because you think being tough

makes you smarter (it doesn’t).

Decide to rise because you want to expand — your being, your life,

your possibilities. Decide to rise because superpowers are meant 

to be activated and applied in everyday life.

Decided to rise to explore your place in the universe.

– Danielle LaPorte

And so rise I will, trusting in my own divine wings and compass more than ever before.



In beautiful synchronicity, a few of my Aprecity members had emailed in this past month requesting a workshop on getting back on track, finding their flow again and coming back after feeling derailed. So naturally, I knew I was being nudged to come forward, to bare myself before you and to teach what I have so deeply recently learned. This upcoming Aprecity workshop on February 12th will be a deep dive into find your flow again, getting your groove back and finding the divine gifts that come from falling off track. If this is something that resonates with you, join us by signing up here for the 7 day free trial. I’m beyond excited to share more with you.

I am beyond excited to share this blog post and interview with you guys. You already know that I don’t believe anything is an accident, so trust me when I say this brilliant man was introduced to me and it was no less than divine interference. Johann Helf of Lotus Blooming Herbs, is a Ayurvedic Practitioner and the man responsible for bringing the most authentic shilajit to the US and he is an incredible wealth of knowledge when it comes to restoring us to our natural vitality. Check out our fun interview on Eat with Intention LIVE on facebook below and dive deeper with our more in depth interview below as well as the recipes for our ‘miracle elixirs’ on todays show!


Have you always been involved in Ayurveda? How did your relationship and knowledge develop and what sparked your deep interest?


I came to Ayurveda through other healing modalities. In the mid 90’s I became very interested in Tibetan medicine. I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Yeshe Dhonden (former personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama) when he was touring the United States. I later lived in Dharamsala in the foothills of the Himalayas and spent some time volunteering and studying with Dr. Dhonden and several other masters. It was at this time that I was first introduced to shilajit through a Yogi who was staying in this area. In 2003 I studied a family system of Chinese medicine with Paul Pitchford, author of Healing With Whole Foods. One day in class he mentioned shilajit but he believed it to be a mystical and legendary substance that probably didn’t exist. I told Paul that I had had the real thing and he was certain I had tried one of the imitations. This also fueled my desire to find genuine shilajit and prove to Paul that it was indeed a real substance. Paul now uses my shilajit with a great many of his clients!


When I went back to India for meditation practice and to search for shilajit, I started meeting with and learning from different Ayurvedic Doctors. I fell in love with Ayurveda and was able to see how both the Tibetan and Chinese systems of medicine had evolved out of Ayurveda. I now assist and learn from a brilliant Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Jayant Lokhande, and take blessings and instruction from our master in India Dr. Ganesh Shinde. I have also studied with and received my Ayurvedic Practitioner designation under Dr. Paul Dugliss, who is a wonderful and insightful teacher here in the USA at New World Ayurveda. Dr. Dugliss was able to really explain the consciousness model of Ayurveda in a way my western mind could make sense of.


Your company, Lotus Blooming Herbs focuses on a particular branch of Ayurveda called Rasayana, what makes this branch particularly dear to you? Can you tell readers who have never heard of it a little bit more about it?


Rasayana therapy is an Ayurvedic system of rejuvenation. Its purpose is systemic revitalization of body and mind. It is especially suited to the present era as we are so depleted due to toxins, stress, greed, anger and materialism. It should be emphasized that true rasayana therapy must have an authentic form of meditation at its center. Meditation is the ultimate medicine! The two products we provide at Lotus Blooming Herbs support rejuvenation and are both very important rasayanas in Ayurveda. They are very powerful yet safe to take on a daily basis to supplement the diet and promote wellness of body and mind. Many Ayurvedic medicines are today sold as dietary supplements but really ought to be administered by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Not everyone should take these medicines and they can have detrimental effects if not used correctly and in proper combinations with other herbs. Conversely there are very few people today who would not benefit from the deep rejuvenation of rasayanas. Both chyawanprash and shilajit are safe and helpful for people who are experiencing stress and fatigue or need to build stamina and strength. One of the names for shilajit is “The Destroyer of Weakness”!


I love, love, love the fact that you learned about shilajit from a yogi on a mountain in India! Please tell us more about that magical encounter and it’s effects on propelling you towards what you offer today.


Well! It’s a long story. The short version is that I was living in the foothills outside of Dharamsala and there was a yogi in the area who had recently finished a very long cave retreat. These types of masters are rare and I really wanted to meet him. I bought him a chai one day and we became friends. We would meet and talk and drink chai and one day he pulled out one of those plastic film containers with this black gooey tar inside and put some in my tea. I tasted it and was immediately obsessed. I felt connected with this substance. I experienced a calm clear energy vibrating in my skin. The yogi taught me about shilajit from a more spiritual and esoteric perspective. Many yogis carry shilajit as part of their kit for long meditation retreats. For them it is a divine substance and not merely for nutrition and physical health. In mystic teachings shilajit is connected with Lord Shiva and the creation of the universe. There is so much more to this story but probably better suited to our Facebook live conversation!


One of my favorite things about both the shilajit and chyawanprash is that I feel like both become really beautiful daily rituals for your health and vitality. What’s your personal morning routine and how do they both weave in to it?


These days I am most concerned with my spiritual fitness rather than my physical health but I do have Chyawanprash every morning and shilajit 2 or 3 times a week. Other than that I don’t take any supplements unless I am dealing with a specific imbalance. A wise man once told me, “Mind matters most!” so I try to practice Vipassana meditation  every morning and I pray that all beings be happy, peaceful and free. So my morning ritual is mainly focused on my mind and reminding myself what is important in this short life. I try to promote an “attitude of gratitude” and this sets up my day for less negativity and more happiness.


I practice Iyengar Yoga about 5 mornings a week before eating any food. After yoga I often eat at the Krishna Temple in Culver City because the food there is non violent and made with love by the monks who chant devotional prayers while they prepare it.


I eat a variety of food, shop at the farmers market, and try to stay within Ayurvedic principles but I make a point of not taking my diet too seriously. In the past I have been overly obsessed with diet to the point of it becoming another form of stress in my life. Mental stress of any kind is, in my opinion, far more detrimental to ones health than even sugar and fast food. Today I honestly believe the most important vitamin is Vitamin H and H stands for happiness! So I look for opportunities to laugh and smile and be happy as much as possible.


Both are recommended to be taken with tea or hot milk, I love having them with a nice chai roobios tea (from yogi tea) in the morning with some coconut milk. Do you have any delicious tea or elixir recipes you like to pair them with?


I recently quit caffeine so I’m hooked on this Dandy Blend coffee substitute that’s made from dandelion, barley and chicory. Here’s a recipe for a Shilajit Latte using Dandy Blend.



Shilajit Latte



2 tsp Dandy Blend

3/4 cup hot water

¼ cup unsweetened almond, coconut or goat’s milk

Rice grain size of Authentic Shilajit™ 

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 1/2 tsp coconut oil

Sweetener of choice (I prefer jaggery, but can also use raw honey or liquid stevia)



  1. Combine all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend on high for until smooth and frothy. Enjoy! Tip: I like to heat up the milk first before blending.


I usually take my Chyawanprash by the spoonful as I’m running out the door to get to yoga class! If you’re in the mood for something a little different, try out this chyawanprash chai recipe.



Chyawanprash Chai



1 teaspoon Authentic Chyawanprash™ 

½ cup hot water

½ cup warm goat’s milk or dairy free milk



Simply stir, or blend for frothiness, Authentic Chyawanprash™ into a cup of warm milk, relax and enjoy! Super easy but chyawanprash has so many ingredients there is no need to add anything else!


For someone who is reading this post and knows very little about ayurveda, I really believe that these two items can be a wonderful “gateway drug” of sorts because they are beneficial to everyone and can give a lovely boost of clarity, energy and vitality. Would you tell readers who are new to ayurveda a little bit more about the ingredients in each and why they can truly complement anyones wellness practice?


Shilajit is a very unique substance within Ayurveda as it is considered to have the capacity to bring the essence of any dhatu (tissue system). This means that it adapts to you. If you are doing high intensity exercise it will bring shape and faster recovery to your muscle system (mamsa dhatu). If you are weak and fatigued it will bring life to your blood (rakta dhatu). If you are under a lot of metal stress it will bring clarity and knowledge to your nervous system (maja dhatu). From a western perspective shilajit contains a very wide spectrum of minerals and trace elements that are involved in every single chemical reaction of the body. As our farms soils have become depleted of mineral content so have our bodies and shilajit is a natural way to restore balance through re-mineralization.


Chyawanprash was formulated 5000 years ago by one of the Rishi’s (Vedic masters) who’s name was Chyawan. It was cognized by him to be the perfect functional food for all of humankind. If someone is interested in Ayurveda they can just research the ingredients in Chyawanprash. It contains a total of 35 ingredients including many of the most utilized herbs in Ayurveda, aromatic spices and linoleic rich fats, which combine to create a Super Supplement for longevity, wellness and rejuvenation. The base is Amla fruit (, sometimes called Dhatri in Sanskrit which means “The Nurse”. It is the ancient herbal equivalent of a daily multi-vitamin. I believe it is the greatest example of Hippocrates’ maxim “Food as medicine and medicine as food”. The way we make it is according to detailed directions laid out by the Rishi Chyawan. It takes 21 days to produce in conjunction with the moon cycles and each ingredient is added at a very specific time.

** During our live interview on facebook, Johann also recommended the book “The Ageless Woman” for diving deeper if this conversation excites you. Link to buy it on amazon here.

In this interview, I talk sugar with Elisa Haggarty, functional nutritionist and founder of Culinary Farmacy. Both of us share their experience “quitting sugar” and the different questions and struggles that pop up along the way. If you have been feeling like quitting sugar might be beneficial for your health (or your sanity) you definitely want to give this watch.

If you are curious about the Sugar Cleanse mentioned in the video, please see the information below:

On September 1st the 22 Day Sugar Cleanse begins! Join this dynamic community and never diet again! You will learn how to “upgrade” your favorite meals, form new habits and learn how to be in dialogue with your body. Get expert guidance by Functional Nutritionist & Lifestyle Expert, Elisa Haggarty and learn how to create your new normal around food today!

Don’t forget to mention that you heard about it from this interview. 🙂

I’m super excited to share this high-vibe interview with you guys! Michelle Goldblum and Ali Leipzig, the founders of Soul Camp, are two women who instantly come to my mind when I think about entrepreneurs creating from a place of LOVE, so it was totally serendipitous that our interview ended up on the New Moon in Leo which kicked off a power surge for us all of heart-centered creation energy.

Watch the interview and hear their answers to how they turned a brilliant idea to a thriving business, the daily rituals that keep them in a state of JOY and how they tackle the ups and downs that inevitably come from running your own business. We also gush about Soul Camp, an adult sleep away camp where you go to relax, reboot, reconnect and to find your soul friends. I had the most marvelous and transformative experience last year as an instructor and can’t wait to go back again this year and lead more workshops at Soul Camp West.

If you want to find out more about Soul Camp, you can visit the website here or feel free to leave comments on YouTube under the video and we will answer any of your questions.

PPS. If you watched this video and you are feeling amped to take your soul centered business to the next level, check out my LIGHT-filled business course right here and email me at and mention the soul camp interview for an exclusive offer!

This Tuesday, August 2nd is a very powerful New Moon in Leo that is sure to be a breath of fresh air from the recent rather “gloomy” energetic conditions we have all been muddling our way through. This New Moon brings a wave of love, courage, and wisdom.

The New Moon in Leo is going to give us a boost of energy to create some AMAZING things in our life from a place of love.

I hope you will join us for the special meditations I have curated for it as well as visioning exercises, intention setting and the magic that comes from joining collectively on energetically potent dates.

TO RSVP to come in person or join us LIVE online or via the recording this Monday for my NEW MOON IN LEO Meditation Workshop called, “Creating from a Place of LOVE” Click the link below:

beautiful words by @iamhertribe

Two weekends ago I had the divine blessing of having one of my oldest friends come to visit me for a long weekend. I’ve known Blair for what feels like eons, or maybe just since Algebra class freshman year of high school, it’s hard to remember. Blair and I have always been a bit of an odd couple, she’s super smart, very practical, logical, was always a great voice of reason during my early dating years when being irrational was pretty much the only station on my radio. Blair is one of those friends I could always trust for the straight answer, even when it might sting, and that is something I tremendously respect.

I’ve always been just a little more “out-there” and wild. Yet, we have always got along fabulously because above all else, we are just really big fans of each other. We entertain each others’ pleasures with an open mind and a lot of love and respect for one another. Needless to say, I was beyond thrilled for her to come see my new home and to hang out.


We talked a lot while she was in town, we also had a lot of fun hiking, spa-daying, eating at all my favorite places and even dancing at a dive bar in Venice. And then on her last day, she did something that was a total game changer for my life.


She showed me how to properly utilize my to do list and calendar.


Talk about the ying to my yang — organization and systems are often a foreign language to me. You are talking to a girl who has a million mini to do lists that she writes in various colors of magic marker because they look “more fun” that way, haha. Yet, as I opened up to Blair about what was going on in my business and heard her more corporate, effective, logical ways of executing — I knew it was THE MOST TREMENDOUS BLESSING!

She literally sat with me and helped me organize my calendar and showed me her methods for assigning and completing tasks. She even helped me with certain ways to properly and effectively delegate certain tasks. It was exactly what the doctor ordered and I could not have been more jazzed or grateful about my incredibly expansive feeling new system for getting things done.


A pic from Blair's epic wedding a few years ago
A pic from Blair’s epic wedding a few years ago


However, the even bigger breakthrough came a few days after Blair left when there I was sitting at my dining room table, staring at my jam packed google calendar and realizing that I had forgotten to schedule something MAJOR.


There was no time allotted for my JOY! 


I do this exercise, it’s almost like a goal setting exercise but with the kind of person you want to be and so I write out all the roles I’m really passionate about playing in my life. Everything from sister, daughter, girlfriend to health cooking show host, author, mentor, etc. As I was looking through my days, I barely saw some of these important parts of mine on the calendar. It’s no wonder I had been feeling exhausted and depleted the past few months — I wasn’t scheduling in all the things that truly LIGHT me up.


Seeing it all there in front of me, allowed me to go in and allocate daily blocks where I do things that JUICE me up, things like mini-workout breaks in the afternoon, writing time in the evenings and even an hour a day where I do outreach on passion projects of mine. Just putting it in my calendar felt like a breath of fresh air.  It also really got me thinking about how I can infuse MORE joy into the tasks that were feeling a little stale, like email, I now play my favorite Spotify station while checking email or just have my assistant go through them while I’m working so it doesn’t feel so daunting for me with the constant inflow. I schedule recipe testing in the middle of computer tasks to get me up and in my element mid-day and I even got a major hit to revise my mentoring program while on this alignment through joy train!






That’s right.


Being in the flow of   J  O  Y  even more than usual opened me up to the courage to truly come out of the closet about what I’m really here to do when it comes to mentoring women one on one. And that is nothing short of magical. 

See, joy/happiness/bliss/flow — they are all different words for the same thing, being in the truth of who we really are. When you are laughing, smiling and enjoying yourself you are connected and plugged in to the real you and that is where the magic happens.


For me, this gave me just the push I needed to totally revamp my coaching offerings after taking a few months off from new coaching clients and really dig deep into what I genuinely felt called to share. You can watch the video and read all about that here but in short it made me come out about not only the level of depth I LOVE going to with my mentorship clients (connecting to past lives, ascended masters, angels and ‘peeling the layers off the onion’ to get down to the nitty gritty of who they really are and what they are meant to do in this world as well as gracefully navigating life lessons and creating a life they love) but it also pushed me to introduce a model that you hardly ever see with coaches/mentors because so many people are stuck in “program mode”. For me, my most transformational clients are on-going clients, three month programs are great but they leave us just comfortable enough to wade into the deep end without having fully dived to the depths. So I’m doing something a little crazy, a tiny bit scary but epicly exciting and incredibly joyful — I’m taking on TEN new lightmaker clients for my on-going mentorship program. My rates are more affordable than ever and you can cancel at any time, obviously.


I can’t wait to meet these new ladies and hold the light for them as we navigate this path together.



In summary, schedule in your joy to your calendar because you won’t believe the magic, revelations and ah ha’s that unfold when you spend more of the day in your true self!

And if you think one of those ten spots has your name on it, schedule your introductory call over here because I’m sure these spots wont last long.

I wanted to open up about a business practice that is at the very core of everything I do that some of you may not have been familiar with and the recent breakthrough it catalyzed for me in stepping out more in sharing all the many facets of me.

It’s called “Letter to a LightMaker in training” and it’s the compass for everything I do in my business.

I wrote this letter for the first time a few years ago when I was in the early stages of coaching and really wanting to connect with who I was here to serve. Now, about every six months, I sit down, light some candles, drink some tea, and allow words to flow openly from my heart center on to the page about the woman I am here to serve.

I read this letter regularly and multiple times a day when making a decision to pursue a certain project or not with my work. It has served as my guiding light and I think it’s a powerful practice for any of you who are looking to start your own business or start working with clients from a heart-centered place.

In the video above, I read you my letter aloud and dive into some eye openers that have come up as a result of it. I hope you will take a minute to watch and comment below if it resonates with you.

I also want to remind you that this week kicks off my first ever — LIGHT-filled business online program and I invite you to check it out and join me on this wonderful hear centered journey to creating a business that LIGHTS you up.



Something funny happened about a year and a half ago, I was working regularly with clients and taking new consultations as they rolled in when I noticed a trend…


Women were coming to me because they were ready to start their own heart-centered business and they loved the energy behind mine. They wanted me to guide them along creating a coaching practice or inspiring blog from that same soul guidance that started mine.


Well, I had never thought of myself as a business coach, in fact, I’m kind of the anti-business coach. I created my entire business from following my inner guidance, checking in with myself in meditations, connecting with my guardian angels and guides when I needed inspiration or advice and for the most part, just plain old following what FEELS GOOD.


Being the “too honest for my own good” person I am, I blurted this out in total honesty not really knowing if I would be the business coach they were hoping for and wanting to just lay it all out on the table before embarking on anything. Much to my delight, woman after woman, sighed with relief and said, “ahhh yes — that’s why I wanted to work with YOU. I knew there had to be a better way. I just knew there had to be something out there that I resonated with, that FELT GOOD, I just don’t feel right about some of the online business and marketing advice out there and I wasn’t sure if that meant I wasn’t cut out for starting my own business.”

I had felt the exact same way when I first started out. Online marketing left a queasy feeling in my stomach (still does) and pushed me away from really going for it till I discovered that I was NOT made for some plug and play formula — in fact, I don’t think ANY of us are.

And just like that was the birth of my some-what under the radar ‘spiritual business mentorship’ practice. 

In the months to follow, I guided them in getting in touch with what they were really feeling called to create, the life they truly felt called to live and how to build a foundation that would support them (and their clients) as their life and business expanded. Stories from the early days of my business often came up on calls, as well as practical advice on getting started with social media, websites and pricing logistics but everything was rooted in what their own intuition was guiding them towards.

I realized that these tools needed to be shared, more people were out there and felt the call to do what truly LIGHTS them up for work — they needed guidance, the tools to find their own unique treasure map and I only had so many hours in the day to work with clients one on one. I got the final nudge from the universe when Gabby Bernstein gave me a call to partner up for her Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital and offer a bonus curriculum to go along with her training last year.

A few months later, neck deep into working with the incredible ladies in my LightMaker Business Group — I knew I had to REALLY do this. Offer an extensive heart-centered business training AND make it affordable to anyone who was really serious about shining their light and design a life and business from their soul…

It is with tremendous excitement, joy and love that I share this intensive online training with you. It is my intention that it holds you, guides you, and gives you the tools to step into the power of what you are here to share, who you are here to be and a business that LIGHTS you up.

I would love to have you join me on the first LIGHT-filled business intensive journey! 

Here are all the details, start times + pricing below to help you decide if it’s right for you.


My LIGHT-filled Business Intensive Online Training:

I have been sitting on this for a while now, waiting for the perfect time to share my most powerful practices for creating, running and I am BEYOND thrilled to share these in depth insights that were only once available through working with me one on one in my private coaching program. 

7 powerful videos to guide in tackling the biggest boulders in growing a successful business  + a BONUS video on the Abundance Blueprint + 2 LIVE Q&A calls with me + access to our LIGHT-filled business facebook group!

1. Getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on what your here to share + who you are here to serve.

I will be sharing some of my client’s favorite practices that I’ve walked them through for gaining clarity around what their mission is, how they feel called to share it and getting specific on the people they can help the most with their work.

2.  LOGISTICS – how do I get going? am I doing enough?

So you have the idea, now you have gotten the clarity but where do you begin logistically. If you already have some things up and running — are you optimizing it? In this video we tackle, websites, mailing lists, social media and how to choose where to focus your energy for maximum impact.

3. Getting OVER yourself and getting the CONFIDENCE to share your work.

One of the biggest blocks I have seen with all the incredible women I work with is their level of confidence and comfortability with sharing their message and the amazing work they feel called to do. In this video, I will give you practical tools and concepts to shift your perspective around being loud and proud with your beautiful work.

4. Productivity, FOCUS and making the magic happen.

The thing about spiritual entrepreneurs, and I speak for myself with this one, is that we are so creative, we have great ideas and dreams but it can be hard for us to settle down and put the pedal to the metal on our laptop and actually EXECUTE! I want to share with you my personal tips and tricks for focus and productivity so that you not only move the ball along for your business but also gain the peace of mind that comes from getting more done in less time.

5. Creating a FOUNDATION for your most EXPANSIVE life.

Work-life balance is a real thing. Yeah, it’s great to have a successful business but it won’t sustain if you are not taking care of your home life and replenishing your cup. I share my formula for creating a solid foundation so that you can build your ‘skyscrape’ life and business on it in a way that withholds whatever life throws out you.

6. How to use your INTUITION as a GPS for your business.

People always ask me who my business advisor is, and I laugh, call it God, the Universe, Angels, Spirit, Love, Internal Guidance System, whatever you would like but I take the advice the comes from within whenever it comes to making my biggest business moves. I’m a MAJOR advocate for give YOU these tools so that you can steer your ship successfully long after our work together is done.

7.  Handling the UPS and DOWNS of being your own boss. (and life in general..)

Everyone loves glorifying the entrepreneur life, and I will say, it’s pretty damn wonderful at times but the truth of the matter of it is that it is very much a winding road full of highs and lows. In this video, I give you a raw look at some of my ups and downs and my best tools for navigating them with optimal growth and grace.

BONUS VIDEO: #8: The ABUNDANCE Blueprint: let’s talk money and magic.

You deserve to be compensated for your heart centered work! Repeat that over and over. So often I see beautiful lightmakers doing great work and not making the money they need to support their most abundant lives – I’ve been there! In this video I share with you my 7 steps to shifting your energy around money and becoming a magnet for prosperity.



Join me and fellow lightmakers for 2 LIVE Q+A calls with me in August to answer any questions that are popping up to me personally AND discuss where you are at with building your business as well as connect with other incredible people on the same path! 

Be a part of our LIGHT-filled business facebook community to connect with others embarking on the journey, ask questions and share about your Ah-Has and breakthroughs in a safe, supportive place!





So what’s it going to cost you?

A lot less than you probably expect. I remember what it was like to start my own business, money was tight and every penny REALLY mattered. Investing in my business FELT GOOD — it was like I was saying a BIG YES to being a lightworker, to creating something I loved and telling the universe “I’m ready! Let’s do this!” — so when I was meditating on what to charge, I asked myself, what feels affordable enough to make happen if I had really wanted it back in those days but enough of an investment that it would really hold me accountable in doing the work, watching the videos and participating in the Q&A calls?

$444 — it was a natural oh yes. Could be paid in two payments of $222 and a tremendous value for the amount of content and support. That felt GOOD.

8 total videos – over 7 hours of footage, musings, tips, tools and guidance that would cost over $1500 in one on one sessions.

2 hour long Q+A calls where you can bring any of your questions as you move through the videos and hear what’s coming up for others would normally run you $500.

Access to the facebook group to connect with others along the journey, share ah-has and support each other — well that’s priceless and certainly needed as a solo-entrepreneur.

All for only $444 or 2 payments of $222.

Are you a HELL YEAH? Is your body all warm and tingly? Your mouth plastered in a smile ready to say a big ooohhh yesssss to embarking on this heart expanding business creation journey!?

Complete payment below and you will receive your welcome email with in 24 hours.

VIDEOS start dropping into your inbox one at a time beginning MONDAY 7/11 + LIVE Q +A calls begin in August. It’s highly recommended that you sign up prior to 7/11 to join the us as we go through the videos, but if you are reading this a little after 7/11, you can enter late and catch up on videos before the LIVE call portion.

Can’t wait to share this journey with you!



LIGHT-filled business program
Amount at checkout $444.00 USD


LIGHT-filled business program
Number of payments 2
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $222.00 USD
Every 1 month (x 1) $222.00 USD
Total $444.00 USD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

Hi there,

Wow, it feels like it’s been an incredibly long time since I sat down and wrote a journal-style blog post to you all and that’s partly what I’m here to talk about. I’ve been feeling all out of sorts lately, confused, disconnected and not myself, I’m sure some of you can relate with the current astrological conditions a lot of us (I’ve seen it in clients and friends) are going through a period of really pulling back the veils and uncovering our truth under the piles of illusions we have co-created with the world and our environment around us. The past couple months have been bumpy, emotional and cloudy at their worst and full of revelations and self-discovery at their best.

For me, a lot of it started while finishing up the first draft of my book. I had decided to focus more on creating YouTube content while writing the book, testing recipes and transcribing meditations so that I wasn’t too overwhelmed with the amount of writing. Sounded like a good idea, right?

Well I do think at the time it was but what happened post-book writing was that I fell into a place of not feeling like I could replenish my cup. If I was an orange, it felt as if the book had squeezed every last drop of juice out of me. I just wanted to sleep for DAYS upon DAYS. I needed a green juice IV and a tropical vacation.


Needless to say, I let myself sleep in a few days and drank enough juice to also be cleansing while consuming whole foods and I only half got the pep back in my step. Before I could think about it I was off traveling — which I absolutely adore but also takes it’s toll on me.

I was in New York to lead a meditation at a wellness event, back to L.A. for a couple days to pack and do laundry, off to Miami to see a boy who ended up promptly stomping on my heart right before Valentine’s Day and then back to L.A. for less than 24 hours to process my emotions before hoping on a plane to Barcelona to give a talk at a conference. I snapped on my game face for Barcelona and my birthday while I was there and then promptly collapsed into my bed in tears once my feet were back on California ground. Finished the remaining parts of the book, spent my time healing my heart and accepting the beautiful lessons I had learned in my brief love affair and then headed back to my second home, L.A.X., this time for another work trip to Shanghai. After a week in Shanghai, I flew back to L.A. for a brief 48 hours before grabbing my bags yet again and heading to Palm Beach, FL for the Garden of Life blogger retreat for a few days before flying straight to NYC from there to shoot photos for my book.


ARE YOU EXHAUSTED READING THAT? Because I’m pretty sure living it nearly killed me.


I remember being in Palm Beach and laying in my big, fluffy hotel room bed, playing some mantras in the background and just feeling S.P.E.N.T. — literally like each of my individual cells were exhausted. By this point, I began to imagine that if life was like a video game where you walked around with a green “battery” above your head to signify your life force, that mine was in the red danger zone. I desperately needed a recharge. I yearned to just go home and lay on my bed, walk to my beach and reset with the ocean.

Naturally, I called my mom.

Leave it to mom, after hearing me plead my situation, to give me a major dose of my own medicine. “You know, I watch all your videos and read the things you post. I feel like you would tell you to listen to your body and honor what you need to take care of yourself. Might want to do that. I know you don’t want to cancel on people in NYC but just come, do your shoot, change your flight and get back home as soon as possible so you can just rest.” 

She was right. I needed to honor the advice I would give to other people. Listen to your body, take care of yourself, fill up your cup so that it can once again overflow for others.


So I got myself back to Santa Monica and realized that a few more things wanted to fall apart before the universe was going to let me start picking up the pieces, haha. I was in quite the emotional funk. I was moody, sad, and feeling a bit lost at sea. I turned to the tools that work best for me, I meditated more, found new meditations and mantras that particularly warmed my soul, took bike rides along the beach, sat by the ocean for sunrise and sunset, went to every restorative yoga class offered at a nearby studio and allowed myself to slow down.

Those tools didn’t necessarily change my emotional “weather” but they helped me sustain during it. Imagine a chilling cold front (my exhaustion and sadness) and those tools become the warm blanket, the fire and a piping hot cup of tea. They allowed me traverse the terrain while making it more bearable without numbing myself out from what I had to experience to grow. 

SO where do the revelations come in?


Alright, alright, before this little novella turns into a full blown memoir, I’ll skip to the juicy part! But before we get there let me just say that I did attempt to get back to business as usual relatively quickly and was confronted with an intolerable amount of distraction. It was kind of like back in High School when you had a crush on a cute boy who you thought might like you so you spent every class doodling on your notebooks his initials and daydreaming about what your kids might look like — c’mon we all did it. Except my deep distractor wasn’t a man (a thank god for that haha), it was THE OCEAN.

It was as if I was YEARNING for the ocean from the moment I woke up.

I couldn’t get a lick done with out feeling the call to go to the beach yanking at my ankles. Of course, after a few days, I finally got the memo and just freaking went down to the ocean. I mean sometimes our distractions are actually trying to communicate with us, that tugging at our core, it’s trying to show us what to do even if we are stubbornly trying to push past it, it will persist until we finally head the call.

There I am, knee deep in the waves, salt water splashing all over my face and chest when it hits me like a ton of bricks. “Stop trying to wear a shoe that doesn’t FIT you.” or rather “Stop living your life (and business) the way everyone says you SHOULD do it, and go back to your original game plan. Go back to what FEELS good.”



That ocean wisdom was right.

But how could I have let myself drift off course like this?

It didn’t matter. I needed to forgive myself and reroute. Ask myself what I truly wanted to do, how I truly wanted to run my business, create content and be of service to the world. And so I did. I got re-acquainted with my soul desires and released any judgement around them. It didn’t matter what anyone else in the wellness, spiritual, whatever you want to call it, space was doing. They were them and I was me. I’ve always been a little off-beat, kind of quirky, totally magical and the sort of lady who was dancing to music that most of the other people in the room couldn’t hear. I am just me, honestly and imperfectly, I couldn’t be fit into some cookie cutter model for doing things. I had tossed all of my natural, creative ways of operating because I had thought that other people knew better than me. I had forgotten to run certain opinions through my own guidance system and instead felt like just because certain people were older or appeared ‘more advanced’ that I should play by their rules. Well when I looked back on the times in my life where I was most in the flow, when things were at peak highs, I was going on my gut. It’s not that I haven’t had (and still have) incredible mentors to bounce things off of but when things are going swimmingly, it’s because I’m the one ultimately steering the car from my intuition.

So I threw it away. Gave all of it to the ocean, my tears, my aches, the exhaustion and I laid totally surrendered on my blanket, sand beneath me, sun above me – both recharging me from the inside out and realigning me with my own inner compass and reminding me of my truth.  



Now you guys know I like to be more of a “shower” rather than a “teller” — so while I’m way more excited to have you guys experience the after effects of these massive shifts through the content I’ll be putting forth onwards, I’ll give you just a little bit of a teaser for the sake of this article.

When asking myself what really makes MY soul sing, how do I really love to serve and share, I unapologetically jotted down a few of these things:

I love connecting with people in person. I want regular moon meditation workshops BOTH live and online. I want to take on more clients again after weaning away the past few months because of traveling. Talking to you guys and guiding you through your own path reminds me why I do all of this in the first place.

– I miss writing these journal style posts to you guys and letting you in on what’s going on in my life. I like that I share beyond my comfort zone, being vulnerable makes me feel alive even when it’s scary. I felt disconnected from all of you while only doing ‘self-help’ style vlogs on youtube.

– I want to share my favorite recipes and meditations. I want to bring back the full “lifestyle-ness” to this whole site and mix up the content more. Share with you travel insights and self-care rituals. Have fun with it, stop worrying about what will be popular or not and just put forth what LIGHTS me up.

– I love being on camera, I feel most LIT up when filming a recipe video or tip segment. I want to attract more of those opportunities beyond my own YouTube channel. And I don’t want to feel guilty for that being my truth.

Overall, I remembered that I wanted to put forth the energy to CREATE what lights me up and not allow myself to feel limited or pushed into what comes across my plate or what other people might assume is “the way to do it”. This isn’t a one size fits all life, there is no ONE general blueprint to follow, there is only the GPS system that was installed in each and every one of us so that we could follow our unique path for our life. I hope this article serves as a reminder to you to ignore all the back seat drivers (and influences) in your life and to stick to the navigation system of your soul. I promise you, there is not a hurricane it can not guide you towards safety in.

Thank you for reading, for supporting and I look forward to embarking on this new chapter with you. Please share this article with anyone in your life that you feel could use it and comment below to let me know your thoughts or questions.

So much love,



P.S. Today is the last day to sign up for SJMC and/or my Light-filled business program, so if you are interested, head over here. It is my pleasure to offer both of these tremendous resources because they both fully support you creating a business from your soul, following your unique roadmap and giving you the confidence and the tools to share your authentic message with the world. Details here.

Check out my LIGHT-filled Business Offer with Gabby’ Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Master Class Digital here:

One of the most commonly asked questions I get from my business coaching clients is ” how do I get the confidence to share my work with the world?” so I wanted to give you my 3 top tips for getting started and gaining the confidence to be an unapologetic force of light in the world!

Please share this with other closet lightworkers that you know are ready to step out of hiding and shine bright!

Want even more help? Let me help you get started here:

I am beyond thrilled to be partnering up with my soul sister and brilliant biz friend, Gabby Bernstein for her Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital program and adding on to her brilliant, inspirational training with some of my most powerful business practices yet with my LIGHT-filled Business Intensive Online Program. Our combined forces of love based business guidance will give you the confidence, energy and momentum to truly bring that spark in your heart into a fully ignited fire out in the world. If you are READY to share your heart centered work and want some guidance from two ladies who have walked the path and hung on for all the ups and downs of this journey so that we could bring these powerful lessons to you. Read all the details below to see what’s included in BOTH Gabby’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital as well as my MASSIVE LightMaker business bundle and then click the link below to get ALL of it!

**Have more questions after reading all of this? I know, it’s a ton to take in! Feel free to comment below or email me at with your questions and I will do my best to get back to you ASAP**


In the 8-module Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital course, you will:


  • Get step-by-step guidance on how to start or grow your spiritual business, get noticed by the media, and make money doing what you love.
  • Deepen your own spiritual practice.
  • Get inspiration and concrete advice from experts in personal growth and spirituality.
  • Learn how to turn your blog into a business, publish books, lead lectures and create digital courses
  • Forget lifelong bonds with fellow Spirit Junkies on the private Facebook group and the live comment feed in the training community.
  • Start the process of becoming eligible to join Gabby’s referral network. When you receive your Level 1 certification you can attend the Level 2 course, where you can apply to become a Gabrielle Bernstein coach.
  • Join 2 live Q&A calls with Gabby.
  • Have access to an always-fresh, forever relevant program that you can revisit anytime.
  • Experience the energy and enthusiasm from the live training in the comfort of your own home.
  • Have the option to learn via video, audio, or typed transcripts — whichever format fits your learning style best.

Plus, Gabby is offering an extra special bonus when you sign up for the training before June 26, 2016: Her Spirit Junkie Business Basics digital program! AND when your order through my affiliate link you will also get access to my exclusive LightMaker Business Bundle gifts + training!


Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll get from Gabby’s bonuses:

2 live training calls with Gabby: The first will help you clarify your visions and move past your blocks, and in the second she’ll guide you to get into action! These live calls are valued at $500.

The Spirit Junkie Business Basics digital program: Gabby created this program with her team of business pros. It will give you everything you need to set up the back end of your business: contracts, negotiating tools, insurance information and much more. This program has a total value of $3,000.

Get $3500 in bonuses when you sign up before June 26 and midnight ET.


In honor of your commitment to creating a love based business, I’m offering $1995 in bonuses when you sign up for the Masterclass here.


**bonuses will be sent out on 7/15 after the refund period ends for SJMC Digital**


And here’s what you will get from me in your LightMaker business bundle:


My LIGHT-filled Business Intensive Online Training:

I have been sitting on this for a while now, waiting for the perfect time to share my most powerful practices for creating, running and flourishing a love centered business practice and Gabby’s invitation to partner up for SJMC Digital was just the sign I needed to bring it to life. I am BEYOND thrilled to share these in depth insights that were only once available through working with me one on one in my private coaching program. (Over 7 hours of footage at my hourly rate of $250 = a value of $1,750)

7 powerful videos to guide in tackling the biggest boulders in growing a successful business

1. Getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on what your here to share + who you are here to serve.

I will be sharing some of my client’s favorite practices that I’ve walked them through for gaining clarity around what their mission is, how they feel called to share it and getting specific on the people they can help the most with their work.

2.  LOGISTICS – how do I get going? am I doing enough?

So you have the idea, now you have gotten the clarity but where do you begin logistically. If you already have some things up and running — are you optimizing it? In this video we tackle, websites, mailing lists, social media and how to choose where to focus your energy for maximum impact.

3. Getting OVER yourself and getting the CONFIDENCE to share your work.

One of the biggest blocks I have seen with all the incredible women I work with is their level of confidence and comfortability with sharing their message and the amazing work they feel called to do. In this video, I will give you practical tools and concepts to shift your perspective around being loud and proud with your beautiful work.

4. Productivity, FOCUS and making the magic happen.

The thing about spiritual entrepreneurs, and I speak for myself with this one, is that we are so creative, we have great ideas and dreams but it can be hard for us to settle down and put the pedal to the metal on our laptop and actually EXECUTE! I want to share with you my personal tips and tricks for focus and productivity so that you not only move the ball along for your business but also gain the peace of mind that comes from getting more done in less time.

5. Creating a FOUNDATION for your most EXPANSIVE life.

Work-life balance is a real thing. Yeah, it’s great to have a successful business but it won’t sustain if you are not taking care of your home life and replenishing your cup. I share my formula for creating a solid foundation so that you can build your ‘skyscrape’ life and business on it in a way that withholds whatever life throws out you.

6. How to use your INTUITION as a GPS for your business.

People always ask me who my business advisor is, and I laugh, call it God, the Universe, Angels, Spirit, Love, Internal Guidance System, whatever you would like but I take the advice the comes from within whenever it comes to making my biggest business moves. I’m a MAJOR advocate for give YOU these tools so that you can steer your ship successfully long after our work together is done.

7.  Handling the UPS and DOWNS of being your own boss. (and life in general..)

Everyone loves glorifying the entrepreneur life, and I will say, it’s pretty damn wonderful at times but the truth of the matter of it is that it is very much a winding road full of highs and lows. In this video, I give you a raw look at some of my ups and downs and my best tools for navigating them with optimal growth and grace.

BONUS VIDEO: #8: The ABUNDANCE Blueprint: let’s talk money and magic.

You deserve to be compensated for your heart centered work! Repeat that over and over. So often I see beautiful lightmakers doing great work and not making the money they need to support their most abundant lives – I’ve been there! In this video I share with you my 7 steps to shifting your energy around money and becoming a magnet for prosperity.



Join me and fellow spirit junkie/lightmakers for 2 LIVE Q+A calls with me in August to answer any questions that are popping up to me personally AND discuss where you are at with building your business as well as connect with other incredible people on the same path! 

You can get all these bonuses when you sign up here:

**Due to many requests from last year, if you have already taken the SJMC or simply are interested in taking part in the LIGHT-filled Business Intensive Online Training on your own — You can email your requests to for details and pricing.