I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a very special event held by Live in the Grey called “Whiteboards + Wine” featuring special guest Fadia Kader, the fabulous woman behind those little reminders all over the city to “Protect Your Magic”. It was a gathering of all different kinds of magical, motivated minds who love to live in the grey [ Living in the Grey: Loving what you do and living what you love. Blending the professional with the playful. ] to discuss what exactly what our individual magic is and how we protect it.
Upon arriving, I was greeted by my lovely friend and fellow The Taste/team ludo lady, Sarah Ashley, and her magically delicious toasts! Enter gratuitous food porn because.. why not?

Okay enough of the food porn! Back to the MAGIC.
So the whole group of us, lead by Fadia, started discussing our individual magic. I loved hearing about what was going through everyone’s mind. We had different versions of our magic but they all really resonated. One man said his magic was discipline. That really spoke to me. He said that his magic came from his willpower, his ability to work hard every day for what he wanted. I kind of love that. I feel like that IS a lot of it. It’s MAGICAL to be able to get up everyday and hit the ground running, for anyone who’s ever launched a business or started a new diet plan, you can understand that magic. Sometimes our magic is our accountability to ourselves. What do you do when no one is looking? What do you do when no one is going to check up on you?
Another magic buzz word was AUTHENTICITY. Of course, this also sets my heart a flutter. How could you not agree? Your magic is in being that person that only YOU can be. Being your authentic self in every area of your life is magical. Ready to create some magic in your romantic relationships? Try adding a dose of authenticity. Want your business to blow up? Yup, you guessed it, be your authentic self. Trust me, people really dig that shit. It’s a blessing to be so connected to who you are and not let circumstances force you to be a less real version of yourself. Now, that’s some stuff worth protecting right there!
Well now that you have this magic, what do we do to protect it?
Someone offered,”Being selective with who you spend your time with and who you let in your life.”
Ah, yes. That quote about how you become most like the five people you spend the most time with. It’s increasingly hard to be around others who aren’t as tapped into their magic and not forget about your own. I think people forget that this process doesn’t have to judgmental. There are plenty of people I choose not to spend my time with yet don’t think anything negative about them. It’s a matter of making active choices to engage with people who energize you, fuel your fire and make you feel alive. Keep choosing those interactions and those relationships and you will naturally find the others falling to the side. I agree that this can be a tremendous part of protecting your magic. Ask yourself who in your life makes you feel energized, excited and expansive. Spend more time with them. When you find someone bringing you down or into their negativity, it’s okay to be a friend and help them out but be careful about letting it drag you down as well. Relationships with people who are constantly negative or unaligned with our highest good often need to be kept at a distance to protect our magic.
Along with that, respect people for where there at and find their magic, popped up in our discussion. Not everyone may be the glittery, magical being you are, so it’s important to respect them for where they are on their path. I like to call this “looking for the gold” in people. Everyone has their gold or magic at all times, sometimes it’s just a little harder for us to see it because of what they’ve put over it. It’s a truly magical skill to be able to see the magic in someone who might not be able to see it in themselves but we have something to give. Making it your mission to see that nugget of gold in other people can be a really magical mission.
Confidence. Living in the moment. Purpose. Tools. So many beautiful thoughts floating around the room. I couldn’t help but change my mind about my magic. Hearing all these beautiful ideas made me realize that we all have A LOT of magic in us and that “making healthy food delicious”, which is what I initially wrote on the board when I entered, was just the very tip of the iceberg.
It became apparent to me that my magic is my mission. It’s what has me waking up everyday with a big smile on my face. It’s what gives me the energy to write a book, shoot a TV show, post on this blog and see all my clients every week. It fills my days with sunshine and sparkles. When I’m connected to my purpose, everything else can just fall into place. It’s the greatest gift I’ve ever been given. So how do I protect this magic of mine? Well, I mostly protect it in my morning meditation ritual. I use my tools whether it be a kundalini meditation or just sitting and doing a visualization (like this one here for your inner rockstar). For me, it’s non-negotiable. When life hands me lemons, I can easily get thrown off track and lose my magic for a bit if I’m not practicing my protecting. Staying connected to my purpose, waking up everyday and being incredibly present to the work I’m here to do, the message I’m here to spread about health and happiness and all the people who I want to help, inspire and mentor to start living the life of their dreams, that’s my magic. And you best believe I’m going to protect it! 😉
What’s your magic?!
I’d love to hear in the comments below what your magic is and how you go about protecting it!