Blasts of Light

Valentine’s Day is here and you’re single, or you’re not, but either way it’s time to bask in the warmth of the LOVE we have inside of us. Take your self-care to the next level, get in touch with the love that radiates from with in through meditation and maybe even spoil yourself with some raw chocolates! Check out my video on “How to have the BEST Valentine’s Day YET” for my top three tools on making this V-Day the best one ever!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to see my videos each week when you log in to your YouTube home page and share your comments below, I want to hear if these tools helped and how your Valentine’s Day goes!

In this video I’m discussing how to find your unique voice. Often when we are starting out on our path towards a life that lights us up, we can have a real hard time “defining” ourselves or finding our special style that’s unique to us. This comes up a lot with the bloggers, coaches, and teachers that I work with and I wanted to share these 5 tips with you to help you find your unique voice and start flourishing!

If you LIKE this video please click the “thumbs up” and if you want more FREE videos like this one please click SUBSCRIBE so that I’ll pop up whenever you log in to youtube!

You can find out more information about the LIGHTMAKER mastermind sessions I mention here:

New beginning are magical reset buttons that we all have access to! Click to view how I use hitting the reset button on a daily basis as a game changing tool in my life to keep me on track and living a life I love! If you like this video, please give it the thumbs up and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for new videos every wednesday to help you lead a life the LIGHTS you up!

Some great resources for new beginnings include are my video on starting your own meditation practice and my MindBodyGreen article on a beginner’s guide to clean eating. Please comment below and let me know how you’re using new beginnings to make small, positive changes every day!

If you’re ready to hit a BIG reset button and blast off, head on over to my coaching page and see if a one on one session is right for you! I’d love to help your process.

My daily meditation practice is my lifeline. I meditate morning and night and even sometimes in between when I need to. It has helped me gain so much clarity and direction in my life, fueled me from my inner energy source and reduced my stress and anxiety tremendously. The Cassandra pre-meditation and the Cassandra post- having meditation in my life are two different people, that’s how much this work has changed me. I literally can’t speak highly enough about how it has transformed my life.
When I’m working with my clients it’s one of the first things we tackle because it creates such a solid, positive foundation for your entire life. Often, as with any good habit, it can be a little intimidating just getting started at first but once you jump that hurdle and start doing it, you’ll naturally be drawn to keep it up. The benefits will keep you coming back for more.
One of the most common questions I get is “how do I start meditating?” or “I want to meditate but I just don’t know where to start.” If this sounds like you, this video is for you! I’ll let you in on my top tips for taking the leap and show you how to start a meditation practice that sticks. I’ll ease you into it and you’ll be left wondering why you waited so long or ever questioned it! Take a few minutes for yourself, give yourself the tools that you deserve to live a life you’re obsessed with. Start meditating today.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more FREE guided meditations and healthy recipes to keep you living your happiest life.

You can also purchase my full 60 minute meditation 101 intensive course at if you want to dive even deeper and be further supported to begin your meditation journey!

Dear Go Sweet and Skinny,

Thank you for all that you have been to me. You started out as an outlet for my passion for vegan baking in college, you grew when I moved into NYC and needed something to raise my spirits while working 5 jobs and barely paying rent. Baking, being in the kitchen, writing, they were my meditations, my spiritual practice before I even awoke to my spiritual life. You have been a friend that I could share my deepest revelations with as well as my favorite red velvet cupcake recipes. You will always hold a special place in my heart, I’ll never forget you, you’ll always be a very warm, loving piece of me. You brought so much joy into my life. You brought Anthony Bourdain and ABC into my life, you were there when I won a book deal with Hayhouse, when I got my heart broken and when I fell to my knees in the shower after receiving some life changing news, you’ve been a very dear friend through a lot of life with me.

I know that this is not an end, more of a new beginning. Switching to Cassandra Bodzak isn’t about putting you down. It wasn’t about all the mean comments or emails I received from people who found skinny offensive, I always knew that my heart was in the right place when I thought you up. Skinny was my twenty year old way of describing food that would fuel a healthy body, a cuter alternative in my head at the time to describe a recipe that was good for you and delicious. Nope, I never let that stuff really bother me. This transition is simply about being me more ME and coming into my own as a twenty-seven year old woman who is so much more than a blog now. It’s about standing in my power and baring it all. Showing all of me, all the gorgeously messy little bits and being authentic beyond what I have been comfortable with before. I’m ready to embrace this next chapter of my life as an author, a spiritual wellness mentor, a meditation leader and inspirational TV personality. This “blog” or website is about me being of service in the world, it always has been at it’s heart, regardless of what I may or may not call it. And right now, I know deep in my heart that I can be of my highest service by being myself, no bells and whistles, no cutesy names, just pure, raw, loving, light-making me.

I am eternally grateful for our time together Go Sweet and Skinny and beyond excited for what lies ahead with Cassandra Bodzak.

Sending you off with bright, loving light,


For me, 2015 started off with a bang, as many of you have read about from my previous newsletter and through my instagram posts. One of the biggest lessons for me lately has been all about LETTING GO and letting life flow. Letting go in many different aspects of my life.

First, my new year’s eve bus adventure (that you guys heard all about in my email two weeks ago) had to let go and surrender to embracing the moment exactly where I was. Next, these past weeks I’ve been in Vegas at CES chatting about using wearable technology to SIMPLIFY your life so that you can actually be more present to those around you and the moment in front of you. An exciting topic for me and something you will definitely hear a little more about. However while in the middle of my travels, giving presentations and trying to facilitate the new website relaunch, I lost my voice, started feeling under the weather and hit a brick wall with my website! Technical issues prevented me from using and also having forward there in the transition. In the middle of all of this, my iPhone just decided to stop working and insurance refused to deliver a new one to my hotel. All first world problems, I know, but still they brought me to my knees and reminded me that all I could do was LET GO.

So that’s exactly what I did. Instead of pushing against the current, I went with the flow and surrendered. I accepted that the website wasn’t going to get done right now, I’d be phone-less for a few days and the most important thing I could do was rest, take care of myself and be exactly where I was. I was still able to see all my clients when I needed to and let all the important people in my life know what was up. I simply CHOSE AGAIN, I chose not to stress, not to push and not to go down into the rabbit hole of fear because “things weren’t going my way”. I upped my meditation practice to thirty minutes each morning and night, journaled and centered back into myself. Got myself into the first yoga class I could in San Fran and kept surrendering and staying present.

A big theme this week with my clients was also CHOOSING AGAIN, which also relates to letting go and allowing life to flow. When we see ourselves in a place of resistance, pushing uphill and heading into the fear zone, we ALWAYS have the power to choose again. Each moment is a beautiful new opportunity to let go, choose again and allow life to flow. So no matter, where you are, what circumstances have your head in a swirl, take a minute, take a deep breath and decide to choose again. Surrender, let go and follow what FEELS good, expansive and flowing. You can’t go wrong. For those of you who want to take your “letting go” to the next level beyond consistent surrendering and following the flow in each moment (which is a BIG part of the work), I also have this guided meditation using the mantra LET – GO to help you surrender deeper on an unconscious level. It’s a great addition to your evening practice and has helped a lot of my clients release anything they may be holding on to or resisting right before they fall asleep. Get it here.

It was late, I’m not wearing any make up but I had just had a major revelation for 2014 and I new I had to share it with you. All year I  have been getting little signs about “flow”. It started with quotes on instagram, then in a trip to the ocean, soon I received a beautiful mala from TinyDevotions in my signature turquoise color, I even picked out a card from a big deck at my branding specialists office that spoke about flowing and releasing expectations but it wasn’t till tonight after forgetting all that and allowing myself to be in the hurt box after an unsatisfactory situation that it really clicked. It’s all about allowing love, light, abundance to FLOW. Check out the video to hear about my revelation and how to let your life flow so that you can create the best year ever in 2015.

Love my vlogs? Subscribe here to see them whenever you log in to YouTube. I post new videos every Wednesday and on times like today when the spirit moves me and I can’t help but share! 😉

It’s been a while since I’ve been SO obsessed with a specific session I was offering but New Years, new beginning and intention setting are my favorite of things! I love the power and renewal in redirecting your course, taking action and getting clear about what you want your life to look like. There’s a great quote in Alice in Wonderland where the Alice asks the Mad Hatter “Which way should  I go?” and he replies,” Well where would you like to end up?” and she doesn’t know. So he tell her that it doesn’t matter how she gets there! How many of us walk around our lives like that? We know we want SOMETHING, more money, more love, a nicer apartment, a trip to france, to lose five pounds, etc but we never take the time to really sit down and see what it looks like. We are so wrapped up in functioning we forget that we are born to FLY! This year, let’s start spreading your wings. Let’s set clear, focused, intentions from your heart. Feel how 2015 is going to feel for you, soak up all the joy, the energy, the excitement and then hold space for that every single day. Sound like a plan? Well check out my New Year Launch session details and let’s schedule a time to blast you off ASAP. XO, C



(one hour via Skype or on the phone)
What we’ll do:
  • I’ll help you release anything that’s not serving you currently with a special guided meditation that will clear your mind and help you finally let go of those habits, If there’s anything that you feel might still be lurking we can also discuss tools to further help you release.
  • I’ll clear your mind, center you in your heart and guide you through a visualization customized to your goals and situation.
  • We’ll discuss the actionable steps and how you can start working on them in way that increases effectiveness and excitement and eliminates overwhelm.
What you’ll leave with:
  • You’ll leave feeling excited to rocket launch into an amazing 2015, feeling clear, centered and more energized than ever to begin the year ahead and start having a life that lights you up
  • You’ll get a personalized recording of your visualization for your own personal use so that you can stay on track and use it to bring you back home and get you back on the path whenever you need it.
  • A summary of what we discussed, specifically: your 2015 vision highlights, the actionable steps we discussed you taking, and your heart centered goals for the year ahead.
All of this for only $144 because I absolutely LOVE setting intentions and can’t wait to help you set yourself up for the most luminous year yet! I have seen the incredible power of setting intentions for a clear, heart centered place where you can really feel tuned in to your deepest desires work wonders in my personal life. My book deal, cooking on ABC primetime and the blog that launched it all, all of it started as intentions I set and visions I held for my life. You can absolutely have the life you want and I would love to be a catalyst for you rising to that next level!

* You will be contacted with in 24 hours of payment to set up your appointment! 🙂

I’m the queen of making a fool out of myself, so when Lucy Activewear asked me to be in this #childspose video, I was more than game to get a little dirty for the sake of a laugh. #Childspose is there for us in yoga when we need to relax and regroup, aren’t there SO many times in your life where you wish you could just sink down into childs pose and recuperate on the spot!? I know it certainly happens to me, so it was a blast getting to record this video about it! Enjoy! Comment below and tell me your favorite moments that you wish you could of childsposed your way out of! 🙂

Thanks for checking out my three tools to beat holiday stress, in this video I’m going to show how I transform my stress and flip my intentions around the Holiday season to have the most blissed out experience possible with my friends and family. If you’re someone who let’s the holidays turn you into a stress ball, you may also want to check out my hour long Holiday Zen Intensive workshop – you can order it online at for only $12.95 and I promise it’s a game changer this holiday season.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more FREE meditations, tools and tips to create a life that LIGHTS you up from the inside out.

Hey guys! This holiday season my gift to you is my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Bliss 45min audio with my top 10 tools to creating a blissed out life! Over the years on my journey, one thing that I’ve found to be of the most use to me was the incredible, inspiring audio lectures from my favorite mentors. I still delight in playing them over and over again as I clean the house, do the dishes, bake cookies, sit on the subway, you name it! They are perfect when I need a quick fix and mind re-alignment so I’ve been marinating for a while now on creating something special for all of you. I wanted you to have access to some powerful coaching and tips at your fingertips, so that you can keep yourself on your path and launch into a 2015 that’s going to blow your own damn mind! Click here to receive your Beginner’s Guide to Bliss audio and enjoy my 10 tools for creating a life that LIGHTS you up from the inside out right now! Why just function when you can fly? Give it a listen and get started today!

When Mind Body Green asks you to jot down what you eat in a typical day for a food diary post — well you don’t say no! It’s a question I get asked often because of course, you want to know what you wellness + meditation guide is chowing down on to keep herself so blissed out these days! I don’t blame you one bit. So I gave up all the goods, the good, the bad and the overly healthy to my lovely friends at Mind Body Green to put it out there for the world. Give it a glance, there’s lots of delicious food porn to feast your eyes upon and maybe you’ll be inspired to try eating like me for a week! Could be a deliciously, healthy, happy adventure! Click here or on the picture below to view the whole article.
