Blasts of Light

In this video I talk about the importance of taking care of your self. When we put our self care first we allow the universe to take care of us. As entrepreneurs, mothers, and generally “busy” people, often self care falls to waste side and “life” takes over, we so easily forget one of the most important tools to helping ourself become the eye of the storm and maintain our calm within the surroudning chaos life throws out at us. It’s my hope that this video inspires you to up self care on your priority life and realize that when you take care of you, everything else gets taken care of!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video for my LightMAYker series I share with you my New Moon Ritual. Today ( 5/18) the new moon arrived in Taurus at 12:14am and we have a special window right now to powerfully plant intentions that we wish to manifest in the upcoming months. In this video, I explain a little bit about how I got into the moon cycles and how I use them to create new beginnings and set my intentions into motion!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video I talk about how to fully show up for your life through realizing that all areas are connected. Separation is an illusion so how you act in one area of your life is how you are showing up in all areas of your life! Check out this video to learn more and comment below to let me know what areas of your life you are committed to showing up in from this point further that you may have been neglecting!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video I talk about how important cleaning our space can be. The clutter around our house energetically drains us and cleaning allows us to both literally and mentally create space for new, more expansive things to flow in. Click the video to learn more.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

This video is all about standing in your power when it comes to your time. Our time is energy and when we leak it carelessly, we end up with a whole lot less of it to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. I work with a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs who struggle with taking a stand for the value of their time, this topic is close to my heart because it was not one that came easily to me. I’m excited to share this with you and empower you to value your time so that the universe can bring you those who value it as well!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video, I interview Michelle Gordon, aka. “Miss. Motivational” about her three top tips for how to get motivated when your in a funk! I think you’ll love her answers as much as I did. You can check out Michelle channel at .

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video I answer the question “what is kundalini yoga?” in both the dictionary terms and my own personal experience. I got a few different email requests for this video to help explain kundalini yoga, I know a lot of you can be a little intimidated or confused about it so I hope me breaking it down helps encourage you to give it a whirl and try a class!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

This video is all about how to begin your ACIM journey. A Course in Miracles is a metaphysical text that I am both a student and teacher of. I found it during an important part of my spiritual journey and it’s wisdom is infused in all my teachings and coaching. I realized recently that a lot of people were unsure of how to get started with A Course in Miracles so I wanted to break it down for you and tell you how to begin your journey as well as I began mine! Hope this is helpful for you guys, feel free to comment below if you have any questions!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video, I talk about learning to say NO. It’s an important part of creating a life that LIGHTS you up to learn to say no to the things that don’t. I talk about my journey with standing in my power and saying NO to things that leak my energy as well as how it’s a constant practice.

The FREE Q+A link I mention in the video is:

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video, I discuss how progress is not always pretty. So many times when we look at others on their “spiritual path” or “self love journey” we can easily think “oh, why is it all butterflies and roses for her when I’m going through a total funk right now?”and the truth is that progress isn’t always pretty, it’s not always sunshine and roses and the deep work often requires us to get a little messy when we’re healing our fears. Click the video to learn more!

The link to the FREE Q+A I mention is :

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

In this video I discuss the concept from A Course in Miracles of learning through pain vs. learning through pleasure. I talk about learning through pain myself and give insight on how we can learn more through pleasure by listening to our inner guidance and ultimate truth.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

Cooking (and baking) was my meditation long before I ever sat cross legged on a cushion, discovered yoga or new what a “mantra” was. Being in the kitchen has always been a very sacred activity for me, it relieved my stress, brought me back to the present moment and really let my creative juices flow. However, I hear constantly from my friends and clients that this is not the case for everyone. So in an effort in letting you in to something very dear to me in hopes that you too can experience what it feels like to make cooking a meditation I’ve brainstormed some simple tips to get you going! You’re going to love making your kitchen sacred.

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!