Blasts of Light

In this video, I discuss the difference between having the call to RISE and step up to a new level of responsibility and expansiveness in your life and knowing when you need to take some things off your plate. I also re-cap the wonderful well + food fest event I did in NYC with chef Daphne Cheng and the importance of melding the wellness and foodie worlds.

Below are some glimpses of the amazing night that I’m so happy I said “yes!” to. Daphne Cheng and I collaborated on a fun, haute, plant-based menu and the event marked the grand opening of her gorgeous new event space in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Exhibit C. Our intention was to create an evening that celebrated good food, incredible people and the merger of both the fun and the functional side of taking care of yourself and what you put into your body.



I began the evening with a short talk about how it came about and then guided guests in a meditation to get that back in touch with their bodies, releasing any stress or tension they may have been carrying from the week before and centering them in the present and their intention for the food they were about to eat and their whole experience of the evening.


The menu went over very well, but my far away favorite was this truffled cauliflower soup with roasted apples, fresh herbs and wild mushrooms. The entire menu was seasonal and based on Daphne’s farmer market finds as well as both of our personal tastes of the fall.



This was the first event that I both cooked for, hosted and spoke at! My heart was pumping like mad all night but I couldn’t have felt more aligned, full of joy and immensely grateful to be able to share so much of myself and my gifts with everyone who attended. I really sat in this beautiful space of grace while watching the night unfold exactly as it needed to – hiccups and all!



Daphne is the only person I’ve ever collaborated with on this level of menu creation, food prep and event execution and it was such a beautiful melding of both of our passions. I could not have imagined a more cohesive or loving partnership. I feel beyond blessed to have had our paths cross and I’m so excited for what the future will bring for the both of us and more events like this!


Of course, how I could I forget the incredible goodie bags and supportive sponsors we had for the night! All the guests received this wonderful LOVE totes (that are now my go-to farmer’s market bag, BTW) from LeSportsac, cardamon (our spice of the night for dessert) from Frontier Coop, gift cards from RESERVE for dinner, a free week of smoothie delivery from Green Blender and of course my favorite — chakra essential oil roll ons from Aura Cacia!




I’m so grateful to everyone who helped make this event happen. everyone who attended and of course myself for making the choice to rise to this very important occasion. I hope the guidance in the video resonates with you and helps you navigate the opportunities in your life with more ease and grace. Please comment below and let me know what comes up for you!

Welcome to Eat with Intention TV, a show dedicated to teaching you how to fuel your your body and nourish your soul through food, meditation and self care so that you have the energy and the tools to create a life that lights you up! In this first episode, we dive right in to my five steps to begin to start eating with intention so you can become more mindful about your eating today!

I am beyond excited to share this new project with you, it has been a labor of love every inch of the way. Ever since The Taste, I have thought about having a cooking show, however, the kind of cooking show I was determined to have wasn’t something that many producers were willing to put on air. For me, the food conversation goes way beyond me showing you how to make a quick, delicious recipe on camera, it’s about your relationship with food and your body, it’s a conversation of self-love. With “Eat with Intention TV” we strive to ignite a conversation around food and offer an inspiring dialogue for you to begin a journey towards a more holistic way of living. Some episodes will have full blown recipes, others with be demystifying certain ingredients and they’ll be a few like this first one where just zero in on an important topic in the transformation around how you relate to food. I hope you’ll join us each Wednesday and let’s go on this journey together!

Feel free to visit our website at to sign up for our email updates so you don’t miss an episode and say hi over on instagram at

Life truly begins when we start listening to that divine whisper in our soul. The call, straight from our heart, to do that thing we were put on this planet to do.

For me, it took having my little brother getting diagnosed with a serious illness and ending a three year relationship with a man I thought I’d be with forever to finally wake up and start listening.

It wasn’t that I was totally ignoring what was in my heart before, I had been fiercely drawn to acting and dance from my childhood and had ventured the path less traveled passionately. There was no denying that I was fueled from something within and it allowed me pick a career that had no guarantees and pursue it fearlessly. However, I had come toward the end of the road with acting, it was like a romantic relationship that was no longer serving you and it felt so strange to even think about leaving because you spent so much time loving that person so much.


I don’t look back at all those years spent acting as a mistake, in fact, I’m so grateful for them because they taught me such valuable lessons that I utilize today, they made up the fiber of who I am. It wasn’t until the sadness I faced in my own life propelled me toward a state of being where I NEEDED to follow my joy to move forward that I grew out of it. My little “love project”, a healthy living blog, became the focus of my days. Meditating, taking care of myself and sharing what I was doing with others was all I wanted to do. It brought such happiness – I didn’t even THINK about making any sort of a business out of it till I started getting emails from people wanting to coach with me.

How could I not help them? But who was I to do this work?

I knew I needed to help these women through the struggles I had been able to navigate in my life but I was seriously questioning my ability to make an impact.

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” – A Course in Miracles

Once I said a big hearty “YES!” to my calling, I quickly added, “but I need you to show me how!”.

And just like that the teachers appeared, the youtube videos I needed to watch popped up on my feed, the book I needed to read fell of the shelfs and the programs I needed to embark on showed up.

Gabby Bernstein was already a light on my spiritual path and a tremendous force of inspiration in my life so when I heard she had an audio course called, “God is my Publicist” I knew this was my kind of business talk. I devoured it over the course of a few days, wrote out every exercise, soaked up each visualization and sat in the various meditations to get clear about what I was here to say and who I was here to serve. Words can’t do justice to the power that one course had in helping me create the thriving soul centered business I have today, the tools I learned from Gabby are ones that I will still regularly touch back on whenever I need to recenter.

Now, I have the great privilege of having coaching clients who come to me for spiritual business guidance, my online “love-based business workshop” was a hit and I had been really feeling the call to share more of my light-based business practices with you. So when Gabby gave me a call to see if I wanted to partner up for the launch of her amazing Spirit Junkie Master Class Digital, I knew it was a sign to make it happen!


Not only am I ecstatic to share with you Gabby’s powerful spiritual leadership training, SJMC Digital but I am over the moon to introduce you to my *brand new* LightMaker Business Bundle which will be yours exclusively when you sign up for class through my affiliate link.


So what’s SJMC all about?


Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital is a transformational deep-dive into what it means (and takes) to be a spiritual leader. It equips you with the tools, knowledge and network you need to catalyze real, sustainable growth as a spiritual leader. The 8-module course is made up of video recordings, audio recordings and typed transcriptions from her live training events. What’s so awesome about the digital training is that you will be catapulted right into the auditorium with her. You will feel the energy of the group and get the best expression of Gabby as a teacher.


In the 8-module Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital course, you will:

    • Get step-by-step guidance on how to establish and grow your spiritual business, manifest media for your message and make money online doing what you love.

    • Deepen your own spiritual practice.

    • Get advice and wisdom from leading experts in personal growth and spirituality.

    • Learn how to turn your blog into a business, publish a life-changing book, lead a transformational talk and create digital courses so that you can create passive revenue for your great work.

    • Establish key connections – professional relationships and personal friendships alike – with fellow Spirit Junkie leaders on the private Facebook group and the live comment feed in the training community.

    • Become eligible to join Gabby’s referral network. By participating in the Spirit Junkie Masterclass you have the opportunity to apply to become part of her elite international coaching referral network. (When you receive your Level 1 certification you become eligible to attend the Level 2 course, where you can apply to become a Gabrielle Bernstein coach.)

    • Join 2 live Q&A calls with Gabby.

    • Have access to an always-fresh, forever relevant program that you can take at your own pace and revisit for a lifetime.

    • Experience the energy and enthusiasm from the live training in the comfort of your own home.

    • Have the option to learn via video, audio, or typed transcripts – whichever format fits your learning style best.

Plus Gabby is offering an extra special bonus when you sign up for the training before 10/9/15. The extra special bonus is Gabby’s brand new Spirit Junkie Business Basics digital program! She created and designed this 3-module digital program with her team of business professionals, including lawyers, bookkeepers, CPA’s and insurance brokers. It will give you everything you need to set up the back end of your business: contracts, negotiating tools, insurance information and much more. This special bonus is valued at $397, but it’s free when you sign up for SJM Digital before 10/9/15.



The LightMaker Business Bundle is designed to help you create and support your most expansive life. I’ll give you the tools that I’ve found most powerful in growing my audience, working with clients, supporting my success and busting through my money blocks.

What you’ll get:

–  The Client Course: In this video I will teach you how to get clear on your core clients, why it’s more effective to be specific about who your here to serve and how to let people know that your open for business. I’ll also go through what a coaching session might look like, how to put together your coaching packages and of course, how to decide what to charge.

– Soul-centered Social Media:  In this video I will share with you the catalyst for my own social media growth, how to decide what platforms to be active on and how frequently you should be posting. I’ll also talk about effective ways of sharing your message on social media, how to curate your feed and why some posts get more traction than others based on my personal experience.

– Supporting Your Success: In this video, I take you through the lifestyle changes needed to hold a bigger space in the world and serve at a higher level. When we fill ourselves up first, everything flows and we have so much energy for our work and those around us. I’ll share with  you my personal practices, guide you finding your own and provide you with some tips to get started today.

– Busting Through Money Blocks: In this video we tackle the ever-so touchy subject of money. Could your lack based beliefs or financial fears be sabotaging the growth of your business? You bet. I did a lot of work around my finances to erase belief systems that weren’t serving me and sit in a place of abundance and flow and now I want to share it with you.

– You’ll also get 4 LIVE Q+A calls with me, one on each video topic the week after it has been released.

The total value of this bundle is way over $700 and it’s not currently available separately so be sure to take advantage of this special offer while it’s here!

Sign up for the Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital here and get my LightMaker business bundle to help further support your growing business. Can’t wait to guide you along this exciting journey!


** LightMaker Business Bundle will be sent out on 10/20 once all sales are final.**

This past weekend I had a tremendous wake up call and a sharp return to FUN (aka LOVE). I was hanging out with my girlfriend who had just gotten back from a beautiful trip to Morocco and chatting away about all the things I had to get done before my move this coming Monday when she totally called me out on the drained look that took over my face as I listed off the tremendous amount of tasks on my place.

She was right. I was letting myself be weighed down by the sheer amount of items and had forgotten all about the FUN that got me to want to do all these things to begin with.

After a little back and forth it was clear to see that I had been taking life far too seriously. I managed to suck all the fun out of the amazing things I was deep down excited to be able to create because of the weight in which I was holding them.

I realized that I’ve gotten to where I am today because I’ve LEAD WITH WHAT LIGHTS ME UP and it’s important to not lose sight of that.

This is all about the journey not the destination. There is no destination, spoiler alert, we are constantly sailing new shores and arriving a new ports only to stock up some goods and move on to the next adventure. So it’s crucial that we start loving the journey, cherishing the day to day and really following our fun in each moment.

This snapped me back to my truth, I realized that I needed to bring back the fun and hold everything a little more lightly. I rescheduled or canceled things on the agenda that didn’t feel fun and tackled my soul centered project with an attitude of JOY not obligation. The result? Things got done faster and with more ease. 

A lot of people ask me who my publicist is and I love to get a good laugh about it.

“The Universe?”

That’s the truth. It’s through following my fun, leading with what lights me up and just pursuing what brought me joy that I’ve not only found my tribe but attracted amazing opportunities to share my message. So whatever stage your at, whether your trying to meet like-minded friends or you want to sit next to Oprah on Super Soul Sunday, or both, cause why not?! The secret sauce is in the DOING, it’s in the JOY, when you do something that makes you come alive, you awaken that in all those around you and that’s how you naturally start a movement of love.

Want even more tips on growing your tribe and attracting media for your heart-centered message? My lady, Gabby Bernstein, has a free training video out right now that dives into how she manifested media for her message and ended up on Dr.Oz, Oprah, The New York Times Sunday Style section and more. Check it out here.

If this is stirring something in your soul, be sure to hop on my mailing list by entering your email below so you don’t miss a really exciting invitation next week!

Today’s post is very close to my heart because it’s so wild looking back and seeing the steps that got me to be the woman I am today. I talk to many of my business coaching clients about cultivating that deep knowing within that helps them step up and into their purpose because it’s essiential to getting anything done in this world! So without further ado, the 3 ways I stepped up as a lead and changed my life..


I was at the lowest of lows – literally what I lovingly look back on as my “eat, pray, love bathroom floor moment” for you Elizabeth Gilbert fans. I had spent all night crying in the corner of my living room and then in the shower and somehow finally made it back to my bed. My long term relationship was over, I had done it, he wasn’t ready to go the distance and we weren’t happy. What I didn’t know is that I’d be getting a phone call a few days later from mom letting me know that my 23 year old brother had a terminal illness, an aggressive auto immune disease that had already taken his entire large intestine and was primed to move on to his liver next. I had never been so upset in my whole life. How could this happen to him? Why not me? He’s got so much life ahead of him, such a sweet kid, how am I suppose to live with this? Needless to say, it rocked me to my core.

It also made me realize how precious each day is. We don’t know if we have next year, next month or next week, so I decided to stop WAITING to live. I dove into a heavy meditation practice to keep my head in gear and process all the emotions and I started following my joy. I was now palpably aware that all I had was the now – so why not send that email? I naturally became more ballsy. I still wasn’t sure at the time what I wanted to do, I was on the line between actress and at home baker. I looked forward to spending time in my kitchen, I made pretty low quality youtube videos of me cooking just because it made me happy. I stopped caring what it looked like and started following what felt good and my life expanded. 

It was from pouring my heart into what I loved, not caring it paid me but just wanting to bring more joy into my life that landed me on a cooking show on National TV. It lead me to my two book deals in the work, clients who emailed me before I even knew what coaching was and ultimately designing the life I love. Your life will expand in proportion to your courage – what are you waiting for?


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When people first started emailing me after reading my blog about health coaching, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought, ” who am I to be coaching people?” because I didn’t have a nutrition degree. It was actually a lecture I had listened to from Gabby Bernstein that shifted my perspective on the matter. Gabby talked about how it was our story that heals, how the biggest gift we can give to another person is our own experience. I realized that what I had was more precious than any certification or degree because I could help women who had gone through what I was going through. I had reclaimed a healthy body image, learned what food worked best for my body and developed a deeply loving and caring relationship for myself and I could guide others in doing the same. Now, I’ve got even more that I can share and help guide people with because I’ve lived way beyond that but at the time, just knowing that my story was enough gave me the confidence to go out and serve.  

I don’t believe our stories are an accident. I think they are divinely orchestrated so that we have an arsenal of real-life tools to help be of service to others. What’s your story? Chances are it’s a big clue as to who you are hear to serve in this lifetime. Gabby has an amazing video about her 3 essentials to step up and be a leader that I highly recommend you check out if you haven’t already because I know it will launch you into even further action! Watch that video here.

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What in the world does that mean?! Well it’s simple, I focused on living in such a way that if someone was recording my life for a reality TV show – it would be inspiring and people would be inspired by how I went about my day. I practiced radical integrity from everything from my self-care practice, what I ate, how long I meditated, the way I went about my business, you name it. Here’s where the magic really started happening. When you start doing the work on YOU, you begin to fill up your inner well and when you are all filled up, it will naturally overflow on to the rest of the world. When you are completely living your message, content is at your finger tips, you are your own advertising and you don’t need to sell anyone on anything. 

I also believe taking care of the practices that support you allow you to be a bigger container for the abundance the universe can throw your way. Your responsibility, discipline and dedication naturally attract the type of opportunities for you to really step up and be a leader. This is a large part of why I created the LightMaker lifestyle mentorship, it’s not just about taking care of yourself, fueling yourself on the highest vibe food and creating time to connect with your inner truth, it’s about creating such a solid foundation that you can go out and design your most expansive life. It begins with YOU, once you are a living example of what you are here to do, once you are filling yourself up so high that it overflows into everything you do, you will naturally float into the highest vision of your life.

(For those of you contemplating the LightMaker Lifestyle Mentorship – we are at capacity but I have decided to let two more people in since we have split it into two different segments, regular + lite, and since I don’t believe I’ll ever be offering this transformational program again. Email me ASAP if this calls you!)

Last night we had a very powerful energetic evening – it was a new moon in Virgo as well as a partial eclipse and I had the pleasure of serendipitously hosting a meditation workshop at the same time. For those of you who signed up on the email list to get the recording of the workshop, I’ve been having a very “new moon/eclipse” day today trying to get it to upload to youtube! Stay tuned for that – it’s still processing so I sent out the link but hopefully the video appears!

This is just the sort of energy a lot of us may be experiencing during this new moon and partial eclipse,( and you feel it three days before and after – so we have a few days left!) where you feel particularly challenged or block in area, perhaps you feel overwhelmed and your to-do list seems daunting or maybe your just energetically drained. Whatever’s going on for you right now is perfect because it is trying to tell you something!

What’s it trying to say?

Well first off, get organized. I’m having a really rough go at it these past few days because any part of my life that hasn’t been scheduled or organized is blowing up in my face. I’ve felt such a potent energy around the necessity of organization and planning in order to expand our ability for what we’re able to take on in this lifetime. So if you want to GO BIG – you better go inside and see where you can plan better, allocate time better and clear the space for you to accomplish more with ease, flow and grace.

For instance, a few days ago, I started more specifically scheduling my daily tasks into my calendar. So instead of just knowing “I need to write X article today”, I have put in a time slot on my google calendar, estimated about an hour for writing that hour and I have an appointment to do it with myself at the allocated time I’ve set. I also took an inventory of all the projects I have in the works right now, wrote it out on good old fashioned paper and then created task lists for them all and SCHEDULED that! Now, maybe you’re reading this and you are thinking “Duh! That’s so obvious!” and bless you if you are but for me this was a part of me that I was neglecting. I wasn’t showing up for it because it doesn’t come naturally to me.

What areas or things in your life are you NOT showing up for because they may not come so organically?

The eclipse energy is going to dredge it up and if you don’t start giving it some loving attention, it’s going to trip you up and block you from going as big as you want to in your life.



COMMITMENT is another big theme that I’ve been getting right now. The energy of commitment is REALLY POWERFUL it’s like cutting through all fog with a bright laser or shooting a single direct arrow instead of throwing spaghetti. When we commit to something we direct our energy towards something productive and it actually energizes us rather than drains. It’s the things that we let float around as maybes that weigh us down. Whether it’s about eating better, working out, a work project, relationship or breaking a pattern or habit that’s no longer serving you, use this potent energy the next few days to fiercely commit to it. My personal favorite practice for this is writing a contract with myself and keeping it in a place where I see it daily. Let me know what you end up doing and feel free to use the comments below to shout out your commitments and allow me to hold the space for your transformation around them!

Other tips for utilizing this energy + processing it efficiently: drink lots of water to help your body integrate the energies and try to spend some time near water if possible whether it’s a lake, beach or bathtub – all will feel immensely therapeutic right now! As always, listen to your body, you may feel the need for more rest than usual, not want to be in loud or crowded places or feel the need to place your feet on the earth. Do what it wants and you will move through this powerful time with grace.

My favorite reads about the new moon eclipse are these two below. Give them a peruse, let me know what you think  and what your feeling right now in the comments below – I love hearing from you and connecting! Also, if you’re really craving transformation and ready to commit to going bigger, shining brighter and supporting yourself more than ever, check out my LightMaker Lifestyle Mentorship – I’m only taking a few people on for this intensive transformational journey so if you are called apply today!

A few days ago when I was writing my last post about the KIND event that I lead a meditation at, I started getting a little emotional, that good kind of emotional where you start doing something that you didn’t even realize you missed so much. That something was blogging, just straight up telling you guys about what was going on in my life, the highs and lows, exciting events and soul stirring revelations. I missed it!! Sure I share a ton of my life with you through instagram, periscope and youtube but it’s not the same as the journal like quality of blogging. I can’t explain it but sitting here just typing away at whatever comes to mind feels so good, so therapeutic and so intimate.

Well then why I did I stop?

That’s a valid question and yes, it was intentional. I have been working on my memoir for two years now and it has been a painstaking labor of love. I had made the decision to do more videos and other content during the process so that my writing endeavors could be focused on the massive project that lay in front of me. Made sense. However, what I discovered this past weekend was that blogging was the whole reason I have everything I have now! This LightMaker house was built on my own crazy concoctions in the kitchen, my honest accounts of my struggles and my journey to living in the light. It’s why people started paying attention to me to begin with. Now, I’m not going to stop periscoping, youtubing or instagramming because I whole heartedly love that as well but I am COMMITTED now to writing to you guys once a week and letting you know what’s going on in my world. And if you enjoy these blogs I hope you use the comments below to start a dialogue, ask me questions, show me some love or just say hi!

true story 90% of my biggest revelations come when I’m taking a bubble bath

This weeks other major “Ah HA” moments..

Your triggers are the universes loving way of showing you the areas of your life you still need to work on.

Ouch. This one can always suck majorly. Someone upsets you, a situation frustrates you like no other or a person’s behavior drives you mad – – it’s never about them. It’s always about you! Once you fully integrate this it’s an absolute self-development gold mine whenever you choose to utilize it. So I’ve known this, of course, but I was feeling particularly triggered the past couple weeks with all sorts of various situations that were going down.  I also had my period so hellloooo sensitivity! However, instead of going into the grievances, I started taking notes! I literally wrote down whenever something would pop up that would irritate or upset me and then immediately counter-write what it was in me that I was unhealed about. For example, someone your eagerly anticipating an email from doesn’t respond for a week, but instantly you (or I) realize that it’s bothering you mostly because you are not as on top of answering emails as you would like to be. I’m super guilty of that but once I looked at it I was able to leap into action on going through my inbox! On another note, maybe your girlfriend gets upset about the silliest things and you  love her to death but sometimes you have to restrain yourself from huffing a bit and rolling your eyes. Well, hello beautiful, are there situations in your life where you make a mountain out of a molehill?! Never, I’m sure. Haha. This approach to dealing with things that get under your skin was a massive game changer in my life and I hope you steal it from me and use it in yours!


Remember why you started. Rekindle the joy!

This one was about the blog but can be applied to anything in your life. I know for myself sometimes I get overwhelmed with massive projects on my plate and the most important thing when that happens is to bring back the JOY. There was so much joy in writing this post, it felt so good and it makes me excited for upcoming adventures I’ll be able to share with you. This can also be powerful in relationships, after time we can start losing that joy we first had when we met someone, whether it is a friend or lover, there is always that spark when you meet someone who’s going to take on a bigger part in your life, who makes you laugh and lights you. Remember why you started and tap into the immense power of the golden nugget of love in your soul for whatever the endeavor may be!

the gorgeous boston harbor during a boat ride this weekend

The trick to doing it all is scheduling it all.

I admit,  I needed some help with this one. My friend Nitika Chopra is one of the most organized women I know when it comes to her work so I asked her for some tips on tackling on the amazing but hefty projects on my plate right now because I know I can handle it all, I just needed some tools! First thing she said was SCHEDULE it! Sounds simple but I wasn’t doing it. I wasn’t putting my projects in my google calendar and therefore meetings and interviews were clogging up the time that I really needed to be working. Not scheduling also left me feeling unfocused, which is a super easy trap to fall into when you work from home – – speaking of — she also said to put away the phone during my scheduled blocks so that I make the most of my allotted time. Well let me tell you that today is day one of this and I’m already almost half way through my to-do list for the day and feeling SO ready to take on all the abundance flowing my way!


And as if that all wasn’t getting me pumped enough, today’s A Course in Miracles lesson ( for those of you who don’t know, I do a ACIM lesson each morning on Periscope called “miracle mornings” and we chat about the lesson as well as get pumped up and inspired for our day together) was, “there is nothing my holiness cannot do.” If that’s not a big punch of love and light, well then I don’t know what is! It really got me thinking how all of these little ah – ha ‘s tie together and how when we center in on our true source, whether you call that love, light, the universe, God or what not, when we hone in on the amazingness that we are made of we realize that there is nothing we cannot do. We are unstoppable!

I hope you’ll join me in throwing that LOVE bomb of unlimitedness all over today, tomorrow and onwards and watch your life expand as you do!


A little business before we go, I have two exciting announcements today!

1. If you’re a NYC lightmaker, I hope you will join me at PureHouse in Williamsburg, BK for one of my final meditation workshops before I leave for Cali! It’s on Wednesday 9/16 at 7:30pm and you can reserve your spot here

2. I’m launching a very intense, very special 3 month program and I’m limiting enrollment to 6 wonderful ladies — 10 at the VERY max if I feel super aligned with a few other souls. It will be 3 months of work around building a powerful well of light utilizing food, meditation and self care to transform your clarity and connection to your inner guide, elevate your vibration and fill your well up so high that you will be an unstoppable force of light + love in the world. If you think this is something your ready to take on, email me now at I will be doing a soft launch of this program to interested inquires before I announce it in it’s entirety to my list and open it up for sign ups.

I had the immense pleasure last week of guiding a meditation workshop for a beautiful group of NYC editors in a breathtaking loft on the west side highway in honor of the unveiling of KIND snack’s latest baby, KIND breakfast bars! When my friends at KIND reached out to me about creating a “KIND way to start the day”, we were immediately on the same page about how important the first few hours of your day are for setting the tone of how everything else flows. They put together a fabulous event that included Tara Milhem from mixing together her favorite smoothie recipes, Lauren Taus taking us through a rise and shine morning yoga flow and myself guiding a few meditations to let go of any stress or anxiety and reconnect to our inner truth. Of course, I didn’t want you to miss out on all the fun, so I’ve included a play by play of my little meditation “buffet” as well as some fun snaps of the event!


Oh and how can I forget about our guest of honor? KIND breakfast bars are available today at Targets all over but you can also purchase them with a special 15% discount at by putting in the code: KINDBREAKFAST. These bars are great to grab on the go with a coconut yogurt or packet of almond butter. The cocoa bar is also a pretty divine dessert-for-breakfast treat with a cup of hot tea!

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My Morning Meditation “Breakfast Buffet” 

We began with the kundalini meditation “ego irradicator” while listening to Florence + The Machine’s “You’ve Got the Love”.
Refresher: Sit cross-legged with your arms up at a 60 degree angle, fingers touching the top pads of your palm and thumbs plugging into the sky. Close your eyes and begin breath of fire, breathing aggressively out the nose like you are blowing a piece of hair off your lips, focusing on the exhale and allowing the inhale to come naturally. When the song ends, allow thumbs to magnetically float together and hold, extending all the fingers as you take a deep breath in and hold it for ten seconds. Release your hands down around your body coming to touch your finger tips to the floor.

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Next, we channel our inner light while listening to India Arie’s “I am Light”.
Refresher: Sit cross legged, palms face up resting on your knees, close your eyes and visualize a glowing ball of light at your hearts center. With each breathe watch and feel this ball of light grow bigger till it’s so big that it’s seeping through every pore of your being and surrounding you in a golden bubble of light. Let the light wash away any stress or strain, negative emotions or beliefs that aren’t serving you. When the song is coming to a close, take a deep breath in and hold it for 10 seconds allow yourself to feel completely surrounded and supported by this light that has emanated from the core of your being. Exhale.

Lauren Taus giving adjustments during her wake up yoga flow

We then moved on to a kundalini meditation for balance and purification while playing Megan Trainor’s “Close Your Eyes”.
Refresher: Sitting on our heels, we folded our arms like “I dream of Genie”, right arm on top of left, fingers touching elbows, at chest height. We close our eyes and allow our breath to support us through the next few minutes apply pressure to the juncture of the hands and elbows which allows us to lengthen our spine and balance our posture. After 3 mins or when the music is coming to a close, take a deep breath in and apply even more pressure to the arms, holding them super tight for ten seconds and then releasing.

Lastly, we closed with the simple mantra “Let Go” on our breathe to help us release any anxiety or frustration around the agenda for the day ahead. Simple closing our eyes and saying silently to ourselves, “LET” on the inhale and “GO” on the exhale. If you’d like to listen to a guided version of this meditation feel free to check out It’s a great place to start your practice with just a few minutes a day!

In this video I take you through my latest obsession – OIL PULLING!! I also share with you my favorite new coconut oil brand, Zuddha Organic! Believe me when I say that I literally felt like I stumbled upon a diamond in the desert when my girl friend introduced me to her friend Tyson Adams, the co-founder of Zuddha and I heard all about their mission and commitment to making the highest quality coconut oil possible. Check out the video and if you’re inspired to, head on over to Zuddha’s indie gogo page and show them some love! I’m so in love with the quality of coconut oil they are putting out and I can not wait for it to be available in my local health food store.

Can you guess how much I backed their campaign for? hint’s an angel number. 😉

This video is for all of you entrepreneurs (and otherwise) who let your emails overwhelm you! I’ve been there, sometimes I come back and visit that place of overwhelm when I sit down to check my emails and my inbox is overflowing and I wanted to share with you my tools for releasing that overwhelm and shifting your perspective on your emails.

For those of you ready to take your business to the next level or get the clarity + confidence you need to start doing what you love, head on over to and RSVP for my online LOVE BASED BUSINESS workshop on August 26th!

Do you want to wake up to MIRACLES every day?!

I know I sure do.

That’s why I’m completely obsessed with our Miracle Morning Periscope gang! Every morning between 8-10am depending on the day, I live stream on Periscope with an A Course in Miracles lesson for the day. We’ve been going through the A Course in Miracles workbook each day in order, however the miracle morning periscopes are a great way to just add a little LIGHT to your morning routine! I’ve recorded the lessons (because they get deleted off of Periscope every 24hrs) over on my YouTube channel so if you are looking to start your journey with A Course in Miracles, check out some of the video lessons below and I hope you join us live tomorrow morning!

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles intro + Lesson 1

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 2

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 3

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 4

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 5

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 6

Miracle Morning: A Course in Miracles Lesson 7

Wishing you LOTS of miracles! 🙂

Being LOVE is not being a pushover.

I repeat, being love is NOT being a pushover.

Today I had to do one of my least favorite things in the world. I had to call someone who owes me money. It wasn’t an individual, it was a big company that I had a contract with. I had fulfilled my end of the agreement on the project and had never received my payment. It was not easy for me, I felt my fear boil up because I didn’t want to “bother” them. I even was apologetic in my first couple of emails to them a month ago. I prayed for guidance and help around it and I got three wonderful angelic messages. The first was while I was out to go grab some green juice this morning and listening to one of my favorite podcast’s She Did It Her Way and the guest of the particular episode was a woman named Ann Ricketts who now teaches presentation courses at silicon valley biggies like facebook and twitter. I was paying for my juice and going on my way when I heard Ann talk about how women over apologize and under qualify what they do. She talked about how we have this habit (that a lot of men don’t) where we will say, “Sorry to bother you” or “I won’t take up too much of your time” instead of just standing in our power and owning it.

Ding Ding Ding.

Own it. I knew I had to send another email and try to get this figured out. The check was 3 months late. Then I got another hit. Call Dad and ask him how he would phrase it. Ah, of course. My dad, my superhero, famous for telling me to,”put my big girl panties on and deal with it” when I need a little loving nudge would be a great person to call for this. I get him on the phone and the first thing he says is, “stop emailing, start calling.” Makes a lot of sense, emails are kind of passive and don’t really convey how serious I am. He also told me that if in a few days they still don’t come up with the check that I might want to take a little visit to their office, show them how serious I am in person. Most importantly he reminded me that I didn’t have to apologize for any of it! That we had a contract, I upheld my end of the bargain, they did NOT uphold theirs and although I could and should handle it professionally in a classy manner that I needed to stand my ground. If I was going to be a pushover, they would be happy to push me over and keep the money.

When we love ourselves and our grounded in who we are and the good work we do in the world, we don’t need to apologize for asking for the money we are owed.

Lastly, before I picked up the phone, I was reminded of a lovely client I had a session with just yesterday who was struggling to stand in her power and say no to things that weren’t expansive for her in her daily life. I realized that the same muscles I was explaining to her to build, I needed to keep working on at a bigger level. We are constantly strengthening our love muscles and what starts out as saying no to events and people who are not in your highest good at that moment evolves to standing in your power and asking for what you are owed unapologetically.

I prayed before I got on that phone. I sent them love and I asked that the situation be resolved in a peaceful, loving manner. I wish I could say that they apologized, wrote me a check and had someone drop it off, that did not happen. The book is not yet closed on the matter and I will continue to stand in my power from a place of love in this situation till it’s resolved but I learned a really important lesson on an even deeper level. Love does not shrink, love does not wimper, love allows us to have a strong foundation in the storm and an immoveable peace in all situations.

I’m a pisces, I’m naturally not someone who likes confrontation. I would love nothing more than for all situations to go smoothly and not have to deal with ruffles. I had been praying about this particular situation for a few weeks now, asking for it to be resolved easily and timely. However, sometimes we don’t know what’s in our best interest and while I would have LOVED for the check to come in the mail when it was supposed to and this situation to have been remedied immediately, perhaps the path of greater growth was in me standing in my power and getting a much needed reminder that:

Being love is NOT being a pushover.

Being love is STRONG.

Being love is FIERCE.

Being love is POWERFUL.

Stand in that power. Stand in a place of love UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

Saying NO to people and events who drain you is self care, it’s loving yourself on a deep level.

Standing up for yourself from a centered place of love is nothing to apologize about.

You are pure LOVE and your are not a pushover.