Something funny happened about a year and a half ago, I was working regularly with clients and taking new consultations as they rolled in when I noticed a trend…
Women were coming to me because they were ready to start their own heart-centered business and they loved the energy behind mine. They wanted me to guide them along creating a coaching practice or inspiring blog from that same soul guidance that started mine.
Well, I had never thought of myself as a business coach, in fact, I’m kind of the anti-business coach. I created my entire business from following my inner guidance, checking in with myself in meditations, connecting with my guardian angels and guides when I needed inspiration or advice and for the most part, just plain old following what FEELS GOOD.
Being the “too honest for my own good” person I am, I blurted this out in total honesty not really knowing if I would be the business coach they were hoping for and wanting to just lay it all out on the table before embarking on anything. Much to my delight, woman after woman, sighed with relief and said, “ahhh yes — that’s why I wanted to work with YOU. I knew there had to be a better way. I just knew there had to be something out there that I resonated with, that FELT GOOD, I just don’t feel right about some of the online business and marketing advice out there and I wasn’t sure if that meant I wasn’t cut out for starting my own business.”
I had felt the exact same way when I first started out. Online marketing left a queasy feeling in my stomach (still does) and pushed me away from really going for it till I discovered that I was NOT made for some plug and play formula — in fact, I don’t think ANY of us are.
And just like that was the birth of my some-what under the radar ‘spiritual business mentorship’ practice.
In the months to follow, I guided them in getting in touch with what they were really feeling called to create, the life they truly felt called to live and how to build a foundation that would support them (and their clients) as their life and business expanded. Stories from the early days of my business often came up on calls, as well as practical advice on getting started with social media, websites and pricing logistics but everything was rooted in what their own intuition was guiding them towards.
I realized that these tools needed to be shared, more people were out there and felt the call to do what truly LIGHTS them up for work — they needed guidance, the tools to find their own unique treasure map and I only had so many hours in the day to work with clients one on one. I got the final nudge from the universe when Gabby Bernstein gave me a call to partner up for her Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital and offer a bonus curriculum to go along with her training last year.
A few months later, neck deep into working with the incredible ladies in my LightMaker Business Group — I knew I had to REALLY do this. Offer an extensive heart-centered business training AND make it affordable to anyone who was really serious about shining their light and design a life and business from their soul…
It is with tremendous excitement, joy and love that I share this intensive online training with you. It is my intention that it holds you, guides you, and gives you the tools to step into the power of what you are here to share, who you are here to be and a business that LIGHTS you up.
I would love to have you join me on the first LIGHT-filled business intensive journey!
Here are all the details, start times + pricing below to help you decide if it’s right for you.
My LIGHT-filled Business Intensive Online Training:
I have been sitting on this for a while now, waiting for the perfect time to share my most powerful practices for creating, running and I am BEYOND thrilled to share these in depth insights that were only once available through working with me one on one in my private coaching program.
7 powerful videos to guide in tackling the biggest boulders in growing a successful business + a BONUS video on the Abundance Blueprint + 2 LIVE Q&A calls with me + access to our LIGHT-filled business facebook group!
1. Getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on what your here to share + who you are here to serve.
I will be sharing some of my client’s favorite practices that I’ve walked them through for gaining clarity around what their mission is, how they feel called to share it and getting specific on the people they can help the most with their work.
2. LOGISTICS – how do I get going? am I doing enough?
So you have the idea, now you have gotten the clarity but where do you begin logistically. If you already have some things up and running — are you optimizing it? In this video we tackle, websites, mailing lists, social media and how to choose where to focus your energy for maximum impact.
3. Getting OVER yourself and getting the CONFIDENCE to share your work.
One of the biggest blocks I have seen with all the incredible women I work with is their level of confidence and comfortability with sharing their message and the amazing work they feel called to do. In this video, I will give you practical tools and concepts to shift your perspective around being loud and proud with your beautiful work.
4. Productivity, FOCUS and making the magic happen.
The thing about spiritual entrepreneurs, and I speak for myself with this one, is that we are so creative, we have great ideas and dreams but it can be hard for us to settle down and put the pedal to the metal on our laptop and actually EXECUTE! I want to share with you my personal tips and tricks for focus and productivity so that you not only move the ball along for your business but also gain the peace of mind that comes from getting more done in less time.
5. Creating a FOUNDATION for your most EXPANSIVE life.
Work-life balance is a real thing. Yeah, it’s great to have a successful business but it won’t sustain if you are not taking care of your home life and replenishing your cup. I share my formula for creating a solid foundation so that you can build your ‘skyscrape’ life and business on it in a way that withholds whatever life throws out you.
6. How to use your INTUITION as a GPS for your business.
People always ask me who my business advisor is, and I laugh, call it God, the Universe, Angels, Spirit, Love, Internal Guidance System, whatever you would like but I take the advice the comes from within whenever it comes to making my biggest business moves. I’m a MAJOR advocate for give YOU these tools so that you can steer your ship successfully long after our work together is done.
7. Handling the UPS and DOWNS of being your own boss. (and life in general..)
Everyone loves glorifying the entrepreneur life, and I will say, it’s pretty damn wonderful at times but the truth of the matter of it is that it is very much a winding road full of highs and lows. In this video, I give you a raw look at some of my ups and downs and my best tools for navigating them with optimal growth and grace.
BONUS VIDEO: #8: The ABUNDANCE Blueprint: let’s talk money and magic.
You deserve to be compensated for your heart centered work! Repeat that over and over. So often I see beautiful lightmakers doing great work and not making the money they need to support their most abundant lives – I’ve been there! In this video I share with you my 7 steps to shifting your energy around money and becoming a magnet for prosperity.
Join me and fellow lightmakers for 2 LIVE Q+A calls with me in August to answer any questions that are popping up to me personally AND discuss where you are at with building your business as well as connect with other incredible people on the same path!
Be a part of our LIGHT-filled business facebook community to connect with others embarking on the journey, ask questions and share about your Ah-Has and breakthroughs in a safe, supportive place!
So what’s it going to cost you?
A lot less than you probably expect. I remember what it was like to start my own business, money was tight and every penny REALLY mattered. Investing in my business FELT GOOD — it was like I was saying a BIG YES to being a lightworker, to creating something I loved and telling the universe “I’m ready! Let’s do this!” — so when I was meditating on what to charge, I asked myself, what feels affordable enough to make happen if I had really wanted it back in those days but enough of an investment that it would really hold me accountable in doing the work, watching the videos and participating in the Q&A calls?
$444 — it was a natural oh yes. Could be paid in two payments of $222 and a tremendous value for the amount of content and support. That felt GOOD.
8 total videos – over 7 hours of footage, musings, tips, tools and guidance that would cost over $1500 in one on one sessions.
2 hour long Q+A calls where you can bring any of your questions as you move through the videos and hear what’s coming up for others would normally run you $500.
Access to the facebook group to connect with others along the journey, share ah-has and support each other — well that’s priceless and certainly needed as a solo-entrepreneur.
All for only $444 or 2 payments of $222.
Are you a HELL YEAH? Is your body all warm and tingly? Your mouth plastered in a smile ready to say a big ooohhh yesssss to embarking on this heart expanding business creation journey!?
Complete payment below and you will receive your welcome email with in 24 hours.
VIDEOS start dropping into your inbox one at a time beginning MONDAY 7/11 + LIVE Q +A calls begin in August. It’s highly recommended that you sign up prior to 7/11 to join the us as we go through the videos, but if you are reading this a little after 7/11, you can enter late and catch up on videos before the LIVE call portion.
Can’t wait to share this journey with you!