Blasts of Light

It is with immense pleasure and incredible excitement that I share my decision to offer a second round of this incredible mentorship experience. After spending the past three months with an incredible group of women and watching them grow, blossom and surprise themselves with what they were capable of, I just knew I had to do it again! I’ve taken all that I’ve learned from this past program and added even more value and education for this next group of mentees. Below I’ll outline the foundation of the program and then keep reading to see the special bonuses I’ve added as well as some words from the women who just completed the mentorship!

The LIGHTMAKER lifestyle program is my three prong approach to filling up your cup so high that it overflows for the rest of the world. Lucille Ball said, “you really have to love yourself if you want to get anything done in this world.” and she couldn’t have hit the nail more clearly on the head. We need to put on our own oxygen mask before we can help everyone else on the plane. This world needs our light and the way we can serve at our highest capacity and shine our brightest is by crystalizing our own well being and radiance through our mind, body and soul. The way I look at food, meditation and self-care is that they are all technologies we’ve been given in order to be the fullest expression of ourselves. When we utilize these powerful tools we become focused, clear, radiant and powerful. We can design the lifestyle our soul yearns for, we can answer that calling with great enthusiasm and we show up for those around us with more love than ever before. When we truly harness the power of this trifecta, we can become an unstoppable force of light.

This program is the most intensive, deep diving mentoring package I have ever offered. I have spent the past few years crystalizing all my lessons and tools in each area so that I would be able to show up for others and I’ve coaching hundreds of women in the past few years to shine their brightest. The one thing I see over and over again is amazing women who are doing such beautiful things in the world and for their families but don’t invest or take the time to show up for themselves. This program will teach you how to fill yourself up, shine so brightly from the inside out that your mere presence can impact those around you. It will help you foster a deeper, more loving and caring relationship with yourself. Wen you’ve created a strong foundation for yourself, you expand what you are able to hold for your life and create the space for truly outstanding relationships and successful career endeavors. You will leave with tools, rituals and practices that will fuel you for a lifetime. I’ve also added a special BUSINESS bonus because I tend to attract a lot of budding heart-centered entrepreneurs. This special bonus will dive into your ideal clients, setting up your products or services, attracting financial abundance and how to energetically support a successful business!

The three pillars:


FOOD: Fuel your body, nourish your soul, clear your mind so that you glow from the inside out and have a deeper connection to your intuition. Develop a deep loving and appreciative relationship with your physical body.


MEDITATION: To allow you to connect to the truth of who you really are, find your deep source of inner power and self love and carve the path for more flow and abundance in your life. Take back the immense power of your mind so you can manifest your highest good.


SELF CARE:  Develop habits to nourish your soul, access your divine feminine and find the healing power of taking care of yourself in these crazy times.


  • weekly calls or skype calls (total of 12 – 60 minute coaching sessions)
  • fun homework assignments for soul growth + integration
  • guidance and support to create the lifestyle that lights you up
  • *BONUS* LightMaker Business Bundle with four in depth videos
  • email access during the course of the program for ongoing support



$1,000/month for 3 months or $2700 paid in full for all 3 months.

Enrollment is limited and selective. Please email CBODZAK@GMAIL.COM to apply with a short paragraph about why you feel this program would be perfect for you.

MENTORSHIP BEGINS IN DECEMBER but spots will fill up fast so reserve your spot now.

**** For those of you with financial constraints there is a “LightMaker Lifestyle Program LITE” version available with only two calls a month. This is for a select few who are really invested in this experience but willing to do more work independently between session because you need something that works with your budget. You will get the same tools, just less one on one time with Cassandra. It will require extra commitment and dedication to make it happen on the weeks when you don’t have a live session but is still a really great opportunity for massive transformation!*****

LITE program: $500/month for two sessions or $1300 paid in full for all three months.

Email with your request to join as well as why you would like to do the LITE program and why you are invested in taking this journey together.

*Feel free to reach out if you’d like to talk to one of the ladies who graduated from the program about their experience or read some testimonials (which were amazing but far too long to put on this post!).

And a special bonus for this LightMaker Lifestyle Mentorship, I’ll be throwing in my LightMaker Business Bundle (a $444 value) for FREE!

This means we’ll be able to dive even deeper during our sessions when it comes to money, building a business and supporting your success. You’ll have lifetime access to all the videos as well as my ear during our sessions for any questions that may come up around the material!

The LightMaker Business Bundle is designed to help you create and support your most expansive life. I’ll give you the tools that I’ve found most powerful in growing my audience, working with clients, supporting my success and busting through my money blocks.

What you’ll get:

–  The Client Course: In this video I will teach you how to get clear on your core clients, why it’s more effective to be specific about who your here to serve and how to let people know that your open for business. I’ll also go through what a coaching session might look like, how to put together your coaching packages and of course, how to decide what to charge.

– Soul-centered Social Media:  In this video I will share with you the catalyst for my own social media growth, how to decide what platforms to be active on and how frequently you should be posting. I’ll also talk about effective ways of sharing your message on social media, how to curate your feed and why some posts get more traction than others based on my personal experience.

– Supporting Your Success: In this video, I take you through the lifestyle changes needed to hold a bigger space in the world and serve at a higher level. When we fill ourselves up first, everything flows and we have so much energy for our work and those around us. I’ll share with  you my personal practices, guide you finding your own and provide you with some tips to get started today.

– Busting Through Money Blocks: In this video we tackle the ever-so touchy subject of money. Could your lack based beliefs or financial fears be sabotaging the growth of your business? You bet. I did a lot of work around my finances to erase belief systems that weren’t serving me and sit in a place of abundance and flow and now I want to share it with you.


Spots for DECEMBER are limited so please email today to reserve your spot and let us know why you think you’re a great fit for this program!

Still got questions or want to learn more?

Check out this video!

This past weekend I had the incredible pleasure of heading out to the desert with an incredible group of women for a kundalini yoga retreat with my teacher, Guru Jagat. The weekend was titled, “Immense Grace Vision Quest: Desert Activation” and not only did we do tons of yoga, meditation and ceremonies but we also embarked on a mini ayurvedic cleanse and learned about cooking for different doshas. The women that came together were everywhere from famous recording artists to functional medicine doctors, to householders and mothers, hair stylists, actresses, you name it. We all joined together for strength, clarity and grace. We were all ready for a next level of being and I think we all went home with more than we bargained for.


Many things came up for me over the weekend but the few that I want to highlight for you are the big take-aways that me and the incredible woman who embarked on the retreat with me really grounded ourselves in after the four days.


First, have more fun! Joy raises our vibration, it connects us with our higher self and is the super highway to true realization. On the ride up, five of us were crammed into a car for hours sitting in traffic and having the best time singing everything from the Beatles to Biggie. At one moment, I literally caught myself buzzing out of such pure joyfulness. No agenda, just pure silliness, complete release. These little treasure chests of joy and bliss are all over our lives and we simply have to be more conscious of opening up the chest and allowing ourself to receive the gold inside. I knew the lesson in that moment was to conscious incorporate more moments of fun in my life, to seek out those treasure chests of bliss on a daily basis.


Later on in the weekend the entire group of us women sat in a circle and shared what we were working on in our life right now or how we had first come to kundalini yoga and it was one of the most divine experiences. We each saw every other woman in a very different, vulnerable light. Collectively we realized that we were all there for the same thing – to love ourselves and accept ourself deeper. Some of us were millionaires and others living with their parents trying to get back on their feet, some were married with babies, other’s single, young, old, but we all came for the same medicine. Anything that we could have thought we wanted was reflected to us by another woman in the circle, she had the baby or the career or the husband, but it still wasn’t enough, it would never be enough until we all had a deeper experience of the truth of who we really are.


The words that repeatedly came to me through the weekend were: discipline, devotion, conviction, and grace.

DISCIPLINE: relying on our strong daily practice and alkalizing foods to set the foundation for us to have the highest experience of ourselves every day.

DEVOTION: the deep rooted self-love that fuels your disciplined rituals.

CONVICTION: the clarity of mind and intention around what we are here to do and who we truly are. Standing in our truth unapologetically and not letting any outside circumstances dim or light or push us into playing small.

GRACE: simple elegance in the way we navigate our lives.

jt5As part of all these beautiful discoveries and remembrances, I heard loud and clear that it was time to unleash another round of the LightMaker Lifestyle Mentorship. It was through the deep devotion and clarity I have around what I’m here to teach and who I’m here to guide that I realized it was not yet time to close shop on this intimate one on one intensive experience. I have known for a while but it became even more crystal clear this past weekend, I’m meant to teach woman how to create a strong foundation using the technologies of food, meditation and self-care to live out their biggest, most fulfilling lives. This mentorship is not just about being your coach for a few months, it’s about elevating your level of being so that you are an untethered force of light in the world and can go brightly shine on your own community. Another massive and aligned project came to the surface for greater clarity as well but you will have to wait a couple months for me to unveil that.

In summary, you don’t have to go on an amazing desert retreat to receive any of these insights but you DO have to allocate some time for yourself away from your computer, your phone and any other regular distractions so you can become still, quiet and go deep within to hear what your soul is trying to tell you.

For those of you curious about the LightMaker Lifestyle Mentorship program, you can read all about it here. Be sure to let me know immediately if you’re interested. I max out at 10 mentees and slots are on a first come (and a good fit for the work!), first served basis. Looking forward to these next chapter in 2016 and everything that lies ahead!

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today We chat about the practice of active surrender where you release what you think is the best outcome to a higher power yet still take aligned action towards what you desire.

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today we chat about how to feel more connected to spirit, the divine, God, the universe, etc. We all have a deep desire for that soul connection to something beyond this world.

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today we talk about treating your body like the exquisite vehicle it is taking us through this life.

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today we talk about how when you show up for your life, your life starts showing up for you and the magic of living life at a 10!

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today we chat about the power of releasing the opinions of others so that we can truly tune into our inner guidance system and make the best decisions for us.

So excited to kick off this new series of videos called #dailylight where every day I give you guys a little blast of light every day to help flip your light switch on and help you connect to your truth! Today We chat about the power of committing to kindness to ourselves, others and the planet for 2016.

In this video I talk about the energy surrounding us going into the new year and how you can tap into it to start creating your most expansive 2016 right now!

If you love this video and want to dive even deeper, I’m holding a two hour online intensive this Wednesday on “Magnetizing Abundance” to rocket launch you into the New Year! You can join us live via Google Hangout or just watch the recording at your leisure. We are going to bust through whatever has been blocking you from being a magnet for the life you desire and tap into the stream of abundance for 2016. Head on over here to read all the details and check out my facebook or instagram for a special discount code. 😉

It’s the most magical time of the year! As most of you know, I LOVE tapping into the energy of auspicious dates whether it’s a new moon or 11/11, certain times are just natural energetic portals for us to reach new levels of clarity, joy and abundance and we are rapidly approaching perhaps the most widely recognized all over the world, incredibly transformative, energetic time of the year — THE NEW YEAR! Even before I started setting bi-monthly intentions with the moon cycles, followed angel numbers and astrology, I was always sooo obsessed with the new year. The idea of having a fresh start, a clean slate and a chance to really take an inventory of what I was ready to create for 365 blank days just waiting to be painted upon still brings my whole body to a buzz. So last year I started doing special New Year sessions and they were such a joy – mapping out the year ahead based on each woman’s soul desires and guiding them to get clear on what they are really ready to step into was electric. I knew that I had to offer it again.

In fact, this year, these sessions are even more special — not only am I in an even higher place energetically from all the amazing lessons and experiences of 2015 but I have decided that moving forward into 2016 I will no longer be taking one on one clients for the time being. I’m creating some wonderful resources for you, so there will be no lack of content or guidance from me but with my upcoming schedule seeing clients regularly has to be on hold for the time being. So this is a great opportunity to have some one on one time with me if you’ve been contemplating it – take advantage of this experience to pick my brain, allow me to hold space for you and to co-create a life that truly lights you up with me.

I’m not about this “New Year, New You” stuff — the you right now is perfect. Together we are just going to take you to the NEXT LEVEL of your being for 2016. Think of it as a system upgrade. We are going to install new technology to support you for functioning at this higher level of your life – a level that’s filled with more grace, ease, flow and abundance than ever below. A level of living that has your heart smiling and your mind at ease, are you ready?


New Year, Next Level Session

A 90 min intuitive intensive via skype/phone (possibly in person avail in NYC or LA) where we dive deep into creating a framework for your highest manifestation of 2016. We will begin with a short meditation honoring all the abundance, joy and struggles from 2015 and then enter a guided visualization for what we are ready to create and step into for 2016. We will discuss what came up for you, what foundation you can lay down to support that next level of operating for the new year and release any blocks that might be preventing you from stepping into that reality. You will leave feeling clear, energized and excited about the immense possibilities for 2016 with actionable tools to help your create the life you desire as well as the confidence and personal power to magnetize it towards you.  $333


Spaces are limited – because I will no longer be doing one on ones, I have opened it up to 10 spaces, both the end up this month and in the first couple weeks of January to accommodate. Please email ASAP to schedule your session before spots fill up.


In this video, I discuss the difference between having the call to RISE and step up to a new level of responsibility and expansiveness in your life and knowing when you need to take some things off your plate. I also re-cap the wonderful well + food fest event I did in NYC with chef Daphne Cheng and the importance of melding the wellness and foodie worlds.

Below are some glimpses of the amazing night that I’m so happy I said “yes!” to. Daphne Cheng and I collaborated on a fun, haute, plant-based menu and the event marked the grand opening of her gorgeous new event space in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Exhibit C. Our intention was to create an evening that celebrated good food, incredible people and the merger of both the fun and the functional side of taking care of yourself and what you put into your body.



I began the evening with a short talk about how it came about and then guided guests in a meditation to get that back in touch with their bodies, releasing any stress or tension they may have been carrying from the week before and centering them in the present and their intention for the food they were about to eat and their whole experience of the evening.


The menu went over very well, but my far away favorite was this truffled cauliflower soup with roasted apples, fresh herbs and wild mushrooms. The entire menu was seasonal and based on Daphne’s farmer market finds as well as both of our personal tastes of the fall.



This was the first event that I both cooked for, hosted and spoke at! My heart was pumping like mad all night but I couldn’t have felt more aligned, full of joy and immensely grateful to be able to share so much of myself and my gifts with everyone who attended. I really sat in this beautiful space of grace while watching the night unfold exactly as it needed to – hiccups and all!



Daphne is the only person I’ve ever collaborated with on this level of menu creation, food prep and event execution and it was such a beautiful melding of both of our passions. I could not have imagined a more cohesive or loving partnership. I feel beyond blessed to have had our paths cross and I’m so excited for what the future will bring for the both of us and more events like this!


Of course, how I could I forget the incredible goodie bags and supportive sponsors we had for the night! All the guests received this wonderful LOVE totes (that are now my go-to farmer’s market bag, BTW) from LeSportsac, cardamon (our spice of the night for dessert) from Frontier Coop, gift cards from RESERVE for dinner, a free week of smoothie delivery from Green Blender and of course my favorite — chakra essential oil roll ons from Aura Cacia!




I’m so grateful to everyone who helped make this event happen. everyone who attended and of course myself for making the choice to rise to this very important occasion. I hope the guidance in the video resonates with you and helps you navigate the opportunities in your life with more ease and grace. Please comment below and let me know what comes up for you!

Welcome to Eat with Intention TV, a show dedicated to teaching you how to fuel your your body and nourish your soul through food, meditation and self care so that you have the energy and the tools to create a life that lights you up! In this first episode, we dive right in to my five steps to begin to start eating with intention so you can become more mindful about your eating today!

I am beyond excited to share this new project with you, it has been a labor of love every inch of the way. Ever since The Taste, I have thought about having a cooking show, however, the kind of cooking show I was determined to have wasn’t something that many producers were willing to put on air. For me, the food conversation goes way beyond me showing you how to make a quick, delicious recipe on camera, it’s about your relationship with food and your body, it’s a conversation of self-love. With “Eat with Intention TV” we strive to ignite a conversation around food and offer an inspiring dialogue for you to begin a journey towards a more holistic way of living. Some episodes will have full blown recipes, others with be demystifying certain ingredients and they’ll be a few like this first one where just zero in on an important topic in the transformation around how you relate to food. I hope you’ll join us each Wednesday and let’s go on this journey together!

Feel free to visit our website at to sign up for our email updates so you don’t miss an episode and say hi over on instagram at