Blasts of Light

This video is all about how to deal with disappointment, it can be used whether your need help healing after a break up or bouncing back after missing out on a major career move. Let’s get real, sometimes things don’t go our way and we feel crappy about it, we get sad. It’s okay. We are human and it’s okay to be upset over a disappointing situation. In this video I share with you the perspective switch that allows me to feel my feelings and move onwards!

In today’s video I am talking about getting outside your comfort zone so that you can live your most expansive life. I open up about what currently is making me feel vulnerable and why I”m pushing through it to get to other side!

You can RSVP for in person or a recording of the upcoming workshop I mention at

The donation page for my Nicaragua…

Thank you for your support and love! I look forward to reading your areas of vulnerability and hearing how you are stepping outside of your comfort zone!

In this video I discuss something that has been a BIG assignment for me the past couple years — taking the power back in my schedule. If you have ever felt overwhelmed by your inbox, distracted by your text messages and just felt at the mercy of an overpacked schedule, this one’s for YOU! I work with a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs and once their business is up and kicking, it becomes so easy to fall into the trap of being overly busy with other people’s agenda. Here’s how I reclaim the power around both my inbox and my schedule so I can get the things that matter to me done and run my day.

Do you find yourself getting energetically drained by the drama in your life? Feel like your always torn or in the middle of some sort dramatic situation? Well in today’s LightMAYker video, I’m going to share with you my secret for deleting the drama so that you can regain your energy and power in that area of your life!

Do you find yourself asking all your friends for advice? Do you want to have a stronger sense of intuition but can’t seem to clearly hear your internal GPS system? In this video on how to strengthen your intuition I take you through the exercise of going on an advice cleanse and how it’s a great practice to start listening to your inner wisdom!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

Don’t you hate it when you are neck deep in a project that you had desired with your whole heart, that was birthed out of love BUT you find yourself stressed, anxious and overwhelmed with the work on your plate? I know this feeling all too well and wanted to share with you my tips for finding the joy in the doing!

Are you showing up for what you know to be true? When we talk about doing your best where you are at and then doing better when you know better we hit this integrity check point on the head. What areas of your life do you know better but haven’t adjusted your actions to reflect it? Leave your comments below and let me know what this integrity check point brought up for you!

The LightMAYker Series is a video every day for the month of May where I’ll be letting you have a more intimate, raw look at my day to day from everything to thoughts or ideas that I’m working through personally or with my clients, my daily rituals as well as answering any questions or sharing based on requests from YOU! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in future videos!

Am I in the right place? Am I doing what I should be doing? Some of the most commonly asked questions sprout from our fears that we are “doing it wrong” or that we might have fallen off track. In this LightMAYker video, I explain how you know if you are in the right place, right now.

Today’s video is super fun! This past year for New Years, I hung out with a small group of close girlfriends, we had an amazing vegan, gluten free dinner at this wonderful place in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, then went to one of my favorite restaurants for tea and dessert and then finally got cozy in my one friend’s apartment while watching the ball drop, making our own tarot cards and greeting the new year with a powerful meditation. Making these cards was sooo fun that I could not help but share it with you today when I stumbled upon them on my book shelf! Enjoy this fun arts and crafts project!

In today’s LightMAYker vlog, I let you in on my #1 tool for navigating chaotic times! Let’s be honest, life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes we have a difficult situation and in order to navigate it with GRACE and with altitude, I always relay on this one tool.

In today’s LightMAYker video I’m discussing the connection between our health and our happiness. For me, making peace with my body and learning how to nourish and care for it allowed me to naturally reach a new height of energy and happiness, click the video to hear more!

Leave a comment and let me know if this resonates with you and how you have noticed your health correlating with your happiness!