
In honor of my ebook #Juicespiration launching on, I’ve put together a whole series of Juicespiration videos! This first video kicks off with me divulging THREE insider juice cleansing tips! Enjoy!

Feel free to check out my book as well on amazon at

Ever wondered why some people stick to their fitness and diet routines and others flake out? Have you wished at some points that you had your own personal cheerleader and motivational coach? There are many reasons to get a health coach and there are even more questions I get about health coaching! I hope this video will clear some of that up for you so that you can decide once and for all if you need a health coach!

If you decide you do, take the next step and visit my COACHING page or email me directly at for a consultation! Can’t wait to meet you!

I gave up coffee three weeks ago and have gotten A LOT of questions as to why! So in this video I answer your question, “Should I give up coffee?” as well as tell you a little about my personal story and what pushed me to make the leap into coffee-free land! Enjoy!

Have you ever looked at someone with a body you would kill for and let yourself get frustrated and fed up? Hey, it happens! I know what your going through but here’s a better way to look at it that will actually get YOU in better shape! 😉

Watch my recap video for May Cause Miracles week four! This week I dive into loving my body with the lovely spiritual guidance of Miss Gabby Bernstein! Check it out for some body love inspiration!

If you hang around me or my website enough, you’re sure to hear my little mantra “Peace, Love and Cupcakes”. Well I figured why not make a little video explain my motto for being sweet, skinny and serene!

Have you ever been SO FRUSTRATED because you know you really want something and you just can’t commit to doing what it takes to follow through? You are not alone! Check out this video and like, subscribe and comment to let me know just how bad you want it!! 🙂