
I felt the need to write a little about PEACE this week, it’s certainly been an ongoing theme in my life recently and I’m sure it has seeped into quite of few of your lives as well with all that’s been going on in the news. As many of you probably know, on August 8th (Friday), there was a global meditation for peace lead by Deepak Chopra as well as many others around the world. I spent that afternoon, when it was going on, in yoga class doing a meditation for peace. We all envisioned what our version of a peaceful world would be and then planted that seed and sent that love and light out to the world.

My vision of peace was very simple, I saw a street in SoHo (where my yoga studio is in NYC) and just lots of people walking past each other, smiling, saying hi and just showing love and light for one another. For me, peace is really us all being able to see each other as love and realizing that the other people we meet are just reflections of ourselves. We’re all human and we’re all going through this human experience, why not send each other love and light and be pleasant (even friendly!) with one another!?

On Sunday, I got invited to a “Unite for Peace in the Middle East” event with two very special influences in my spiritual life, Marianne Williamson and Jennifer Kass. Both ladies brought up a very important point in their talks, PEACE begins with US. That is, peace needs to start with our personal experience. We need to find peace within us, within our relationships and within our lives. How can we preach about peace in the middle east when we can’t keep peace in our romantic relationships or even sometimes within our own head? Peace starts with you.

Below is a meditation that I love using on the go for those situations in life where I need to remind myself that peace begins with me. I find it very helpful when you’re out there interacting with the world and silly things come up that push you out of your peace. For me, meditation is that tool that helps me come back to my inner peace and therefore helps me spread peace in my daily interactions. Peace (and happiness) is a CHOICE we can make. Sometimes it can certainly be harder to make that choice then others but that is when it is so important to ask for help and guidance. Whether you’re asking for help from the universe or some higher power by simply saying a prayer for guidance ( for example, “please help me see this differently // please help me see this with love // please help me find peace in the situation. ” ) and that’s really as simple as it can be, or reaching out to someone like me, for an emergen-zen session so that you can get the tools to help you get back to that place of peace inside of you. The only requirement is your willingness, when you are ready to find that peace and serenity, you will be guided to it. Sending you guys love and light, I hope you try out this mini-meditation for peace and please let me know how it goes for you. I’ll answer and comments or questions below if you need some more insight or want to share your tips on coming back into your inner peace.

Check out this delicious summer zucchini pasta with vegan pesto that I made for This recipe is perfect for those hot summer nights when you want something light but fulling. Zucchini pasta is a great gluten-free alternative and my vegan pesto will have you wondering why you ever needed parmesan cheese! Splurge and buy that spiralizer or go to your local grocery and pick up a bag of shredded zucchini and fake it. 😉

It was an absolute pleasure to interview Daniel Sullivan from Tumeric ALIVE at Wanderlust Festival in Tahoe,CA. I’m always fascinated by companies creating products with conscious and the people behind them. Find out some incredible information about the balancing properties of tumeric and it’s ancient origination, how to incorporate tumeric into your daily routine and Daniel’s personal morning ritual and breath work that helps him rise to his highest self and step into his power every single day! Lots of incredible information in this interview, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did doing it.

To learn more about Tumeric ALIVE, click here. And, if you’re interested in learning more about ego irradicator or starting a meditation journey, check out my mindful eating and meditation video here, or feel free to email me at and schedule a personalized meditation session.

I had the amazing experience of going to Wanderlust in Squaw Valley (Tahoe, CA) this past weekend and I can’t wait to share with you my favorite classes and my biggest breakthrough in this recap video! Be sure to subscribe to watch all the individual videos of my favorite classes as well as exclusive interviews from the weekend!

I am still so blissed out from all the wonderful yoga classes I was able to take over the weekend, still feeling great and so inspired to up my yoga practice even more. I’m so grateful to Tumeric ALIVE for collaborating with me to go out there and cover some of the fantastic classes they sponsored over the weekend but I do want to let you know that my opinion of their amazing tumeric elixir is truly MY OWN and was not influenced. This video was NOT paid for by Tumeric ALIVE, I’m just genuinely dorking out on how much I love the stuff! 😉

If you’re interested in finding out more about Tumeric, feel free to visit their website here.

This Guided Meditation for Channeling Your Inner Rockstar is all about accessing your BEST self on a daily basis. Join me for a short visualization that I do with all my clients to help them tap in to their ideal body, ideal life and connect with the place in them that knows it is possible. You can re watch this meditation over and over again and use it in your daily practice by forwarding to the 1.30 mark and skipping all my intro chatter. I hope that you use this to help you connect to the you that’s trying to break out and live your best life. Unleash your inner rockstar everyday and get ready for some major changes in your life with this practice alone. By allowing ourselves to visualize our best self in this guided meditation, we are able to get a clear picture of what we want the future to look like and use it to inform our decisions and actions today.

So thrilled to bring you the first video in my new MEDITATION Mondays series. Every monday this summer you can expect another guided meditation from Go Sweet and Skinny TV. I decided to kick it off with a great beginner meditation called “Let-Go” which is simple but powerful for anyone at all stages of their meditation practice to unwind, de-stress, focus and connect back with their best self!

The guided meditation begins at 3.04 for those of you who are repeat customers and want to FFWD to the good stuff! It is my hope that you use this video every day to create a daily meditation practice in your life.

Please LIKE – SHARE- SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy this video and would like to see more like it. Also, feel free to comment, ask questions and share your experiences below.

Isn’t is always those pesky LAST FIVE POUNDS that we’re trying to get rid of!? I work with so many clients to help them make those small healthy  changes to get rid of those last 5lbs for good and with summer just around the corner, I wanted to share my “secret” with you! Watch this video, put this tool into action and you WILL see results! You just have to DO IT.Ready to go deeper and learn even more simple steps to start looking better and feeling great? Check out my Mindful Eating & Meditation video here.

If you enjoyed this video please LIKE , SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to GoSweetandSkinnyTV

Sponsored by my very own juicer, Samson, check out this video where I make my personal go-to green juice recipe!

Feel free to find more information about the Samson Juicer I use in the video here or my book Juicespiration ( all about creating your own juice cleanse) here.

It’s Valentine’s Day and what better day to address the issue of staying skinny (on track with your health and fitness goals) while in love! Dating or being in a relationship can make stay your slimmest pretty tough but with these FOUR tools you should be able to navigate the waters easily! Like, SHARE and please SUBSCRIBE for more recipes, tips and inspiration to live your healthiest, happiest life!

For those of you who watched The Taste last night, my #teamludo not only won the group VEGGIE CHALLENGE, but my girl Louise (aka. Weezy) won 2 gold stars for her veggie dish! Woot! Woot! Combine that with my man Lee saying that his gold star was for me and it’s safe to say I felt very happy with my friends stepping up there game and making some killer vegetarian dishes!
Naturally, I wanted to represent my veggie rockstar team mate Louise and asked her for a yummy recipe to share with you and I think you guys are going to LOVE this one!! Louise was kind enough to share this fabulous video with us of her making her “Green Machine Breakfast Shake” Check it out for a delicious and nutritious  way to get your greens in the AM and start your day off right. For those of you who are vegan watching, Louise does add some greek yogurt for protein, feel free to substitute that with a little more almond milk and scoop of almond butter OR if you like the yogurt-like consistency, they make some delicious almond and coconut ‘yogurts’ out there. Enjoy! Go #teamludo!

With the Super Bowl coming up this weekend, I thought it would be fun to bring in my boyfriend, chef Lee Knoeppel to help me whip up a yummy snack for the game that would be both healthy and ‘man-friendly’. These Zucchini Fries are so addictive you’d never guess they were healthy and his ‘buffalo-ranch’ dressing is going to blow the mind of you ranch dressing fanatics.

Please SUBSCRIBE, like and share if you enjoy!

Hey loves! Sorry about the quality of this video – we are on opposite coasts and had to livestream this interview! Audrey and I shared an amazing and yet challenging experience of being on #TheTaste as healthy cooks. In this video you’ll learn about how Audrey “lost weight by eating” and lots of fun gossip about #TheTaste! A lot of people were very quick to judge Audrey for plugging her blog but I hope you take a minute and meet the real lady because she is a sweetheart with a great attitude. If you give this interview I think you’ll find out some things you didn’t know about her, why she is so passionate about helping people get healthy and how hard it was being on The Taste and out of our element as healthy home cooks!

You can check out her blog at and find her on twitter as @tonetiki! Show her some love – us healthy girls need to support each other!